论文选集可以参考:(1)《中国经济发展史论文选集》上下册,台北:联经(1980,收录中英论文42篇)。(2) Michael Dillon (2008) ed。: Key Papers on Chinese Economic History up to 1949; Kent: Global Oriental (48 texts in 2 volumes)。中英文的经济史专书,很容易在图书馆或网络内搜寻到。
Allen Robert (2009): Agricultural productivity and rural ines in England and the Yangtze Delta; c。 1620 c。 1820; Economic History Review; 62(3):52550。
Aly; Hassan and Richard Grabowski (1988): Technical change; technical efficiency and input usage in Taiwanese agricultural growth; Applied Economics; 20(7):88999。
Anderton; Douglas and Richard Barrett (1990): Demographic seasonality and development: the effect of agricultural colonialism in Taiwan; 19061942; Demography; 27(3):397411。
Arrigo; Linda Gail (1986): Landownership concentration in China: the Buck survey revisited; Modern China; 12(3):259360。
Ashton; Basil; K。 Hill; A。 Piazza and R。 Zeitz (1984): Famine in China; 195861; Population and Development Review; 10(4):61345。
Atwell; William (1977): Notes on silver; foreign trade and the late Ming economy; Ch'ingShih Went'i; 3(8):133。
Atwell; William (1982): International bullion flows and the Chinese economy circa 15301650; Past and Present; 95:6890。
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Atwell; William (2002): Time; money; and the weather: Ming China and the “Great Depression” of the midfifteenth century; Journal of Asian Studies; 61(1):83113。
Balazs; Etienne (1960): The birth of capitalism in China; Journal of Economic and Social History of the Orient; 3:196216。
Barclay; George; Ansley Coale; Michael Stoto and T。 James Trussell (1976): A reassessment of the demography of traditional rural China; Population Index; 42:60635。
Benjamin; Dwayne and Lauren Brandt (1995): Markets; discrimination; and the economic contribution of women in China: historical evidence; Economic Development and Cultural Change; 44(1):63104。
Benjamin; Dwayne and Lauren Brandt (1997): Land; factor markets; and inequality in rural China: historical evidence; Explorations in Economic History; 34:46094。
Bergère; MarieClaire (1984): On the historical origins of Chinese underdevelopment; Theory and Society; 13:32737。
Bernholz; Peter (1997): Paper money inflation; prices; Gresham’s Law and exchange rates in Ming China; Kredit und Kapital; 30(1):3551。
Bessler; David (1990): A note on Chinese rice price; Explorations in Economic History; 27(3):28798。
Blussé; Leonard (1996): No boats to China: the Dutch East India pany and the changing pattern of the China Sea trade; 16351690; Modern Asian Studies; 30(1):5176。
Brandt; Loren (1985): Chinese agricultural and the international economy; 18701930s: a reassessment; Explorations in Economic History; 22(2):16893。
Brandt; Loren (1987): Farm household behavior; factor markets; and the distributive consequences of mercialization in early 20thcentury China; Journal of Economic History; 47(3):71137。
Brandt; Loren and Thomas Sargent (1989): Interpreting new evidence about China and U。S。 silver purchases; Journal of Moary Economics; 23(1):3151。
Brown; S。R。 (1978): The partially opened door: limitations on economic change in China in the 1860s; Modern Asian Studies; 12:17792。
Brown; S。R。 (1979): The transfer of technology to China in the 19th century: the role of direct foreign investment; Journal of Economic History; 39:18197。
Brown; Shannon and Tim Wright (1981): Technology; economics; and politics in the modernization of China's coalmining industry; Explorations in Economic History; 18(1):6083。
Buck; David (1984): Themes in the socioeconomic history of China; 18401949 (a review article); Journal of Asian Studies; 43(3):45973。
Burdekin; Richard and Hsinhui I。H。 Whited (2001): Multiple regime shifts and multiple ends of the Taiwanese hyperinflation; 19451953; Southern Economic Journal; 68(1):7791。
Chan; Anthony (1977): The consortium system in Republican China; 19123; Journal of European Economic History; 6(3):597640。
Chan; Hoklam (1992): The organization and utilization of labor service under the Jurchen Chin dynasty; Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies; 52(2):61364。
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Chang; Juite (1993): Technology transfer in modern China: the case of railway enterprise; 18761937; Modern Asian Studies; 27(2):28196。
Chang; Tech'ang (1972): The economic role of the Imperial household (neiwufu) in the Ch'ing Dynasty; Journal of Asian Studies; 31(2):24373。
Chao; Kang (1981): New data on land ownership patterns in MingCh'ing China (a research note); Journal of Asian Studies; 40(4):71934。
Chao; Kang (1983): Tenure systems in traditional China; Economic Development and Cultural Change; 31(2):295314。
Chen; Chaonan (1975): Flexible bimetallic exchange rates in China; 16501850: a historical example of optimum currency areas; Journal of Money; Credit and Banking; 7(3):35976。
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Ch'en; Jerome (1965): Song bronzes: an economic analysis; Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies; 28:61326。
Chiang; Taochang (1976): The production of salt in China; 16441911; Annals of the Association of American Geographers; 66(4):51630。
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Chu; Cyrus and Ronald Lee (1994): Famine; revolt; and the dynastic cycle population dynamics in historic China; Journal of Population Economics; 7(4):35178。
Cloud; P。 and D。 Galenson (1987): Chinese immigration and contract labor in the late 19th century; Explorations in Economic History; 24(1):2242。 ment by Charles McClain; Jr。 (1990): Chinese immigration; 27:36378; replied by the authors; 28(2):23947。
Coale; Ansley (1984): Fertility in prerevolutionary rural China: in defense of a reassessment; Population and Development Review; 10(3):47180。
Cox; H。 (1997): Learning to do business in China: the evolution of BAT's cigarette distribution work; 190241; Business History; 39(3):3064。
Deng; Kent (2000): A critical survey of recent research in Chinese economic history; Economic History Review; 53(1):128。
Deng; Kent (2003): Development and its deadlock in Imperial China; 221 B。C。 1840 A。D。; Economic Development and Cultural Change; 51(2):479522。
Deng; Kent (2008): Miracle or mirage? Foreign silver; China’s economy and globalization from the sixteenth to the nieenth centuries; Pacific Economic Review; 13(3):32058。
Dittrich; Scott and Ram