Danwrote his first poem;
andJenny bought her first bra。
BeforeBlair watched her first Audrey Hepburn movie;
Serenaleft for boarding school;
and beforeNate came between them。 。 。 。
it had to be you
the gossip girl prequel
ing October 2007
ABC Amber LIT Converter v2。02
Disclaimer: All the real names of places; people; and events have been altered or abbreviated to
protect the innocent。 Namely; me。
hey people!
Do you ever feel like the luckiest girl alive? Well; you?re not; because I am。 At this moment; I?m
sunning myself on ?ber…social; totally gorgeous Main Beach in East Hampton; watching the
preppy boys pull off their pastel Lacoste polos and smear Coppertone all over their sun…dappled
shoulders。 See; there?s a reason any New Yorker who doesn?t want to leave the city pletely
summers in the Hamptons; and it?s the same reason people wear Christian Louboutin strappy
sandals or fly first class: the best is just better。
Speaking of the best; nobody does it better than Eres。 I?m a modest girl; but even I think I look
pretty stunning in my mango…colored halter bikini top and matching boy shorts。 Okay; maybe I?m
not that modest; but why should I be? If you were looking this gorgeous lolling about on a white
sand East Hampton beach; you?d be talking about it too。 As I learned in my private; all…girls?
Upper East Side elementary school; it?s not bragging if it?s true。
Thank goodness summer is here; and we?re finally getting down to the hard work of taking it
easy。 After a busy June in the city; July has arrived with a gentle breeze off the Sound and standing
reservations at all of the Hamptons? best restaurants。 Hot and humid Manhattan is close by; but
we?d rather stroll around barefoot in our Eres or Missoni tapestry…print bikinis and Calypso
batiked sarongs; or steer our platinum…colored Mercedes CLK 500 convertibles up and down Main
Street in East Hampton in search of the ever…elusive parking spot and the boys in Billabong board
We?re the boys with sun…kissed hair; driving back from Montauk with our surfboards strapped to
our Cherokees? roof racks。 We?re the girls giggling from our lime and raspberry…colored beach
towels; or partaking in some after…sun pampering at the Aveda Salon in Bridgehampton。 We?re the
princes and princesses of the Upper East Side; and now we rule the beach。 If you?re one of us; aka
the chosen ones; I?ll be seeing you around the Island。 It seems the season is already in full swing;
especially now that some of our favorite faces have decided to grace us with their presences。
Namely 。 。 。
the dynamic duo
Just so you know; I can?t keep up either。 The weather report on these two seems to change daily。
Are they friends? Are they enemies? Frenemies? Lovers? You know who I?m talking about:B
andS and the one thing I know for certain is that they?re now certified; official fashion icons。 Yes;
we?ve known all along; but it seems the fashion…elite are finally catching up。 After meetingB andS
on the film set of Breakfast at Fred?s last month; a certain monogrammed…velvet…slipper…wearing
tastemaker?he of the capped teeth and year…round Palm Beach tan? has decided to keep the two
girls at his Georgica Pond manse for inspiration。 I hope his menagerie (which I hear includes
several lapdogs; a pair of llamas; and two scary…thin saucer…eyed models plucked from Estonian
obscurity to star in his uping ad campaign) doesn?t bee too jealous of the new arrivals。 Oh;
who am I kidding? Those two always manage to make everyone jealous。 After all; they have kind
of a lot to be jealous of。
summertime; and the living ain?t easy
。 。 。 for everyone else。 It seems some girls really do have all the luck; and everybody but us is
plum out of it。 For instance:
PoorN ; working every day on the coach?s split…level house or sulking by his pool in Georgica
Pond all by his lonesome。 What?s he so upset about? The collapse of his romance with that skanky;
gum…snapping townie girl? Believe me; she wouldn?t know an Eres bikini if someone threw it at
her Clairol Nice ?n Easy #102 bottle…blond head。 But hello? I?m available。 。 。 。
PoorV ; trapped in her own circle of hell: living with longtime loveD but not kissing him; and
picking dried booger…globs off her black Carhartt cargos while the hyperactive little boys she?s
babysitting burp the alphabet。
And poorD 。 。 。 Well; maybe he doesn?t deserve too much pity; since he was cheating onV with
that flaky yoga girl; and nowV is stuck inD ?s little sisterJ ?s pale…pink bedroom next door。
Besides; he?s still got his ?work? and a seemingly bottomless canister of Folgers crystals。
Sometimes it seems he likes bad coffee and bad poetry more than he likes girls。 I cannot imagine!
your e…mail
Dear GG;
I don?t know where else to turn; so please help me out。 I tried to put the moves on my gorgeous
upstairs neighbor; but it didn?t work out。 Then I met her incredible roommate; and it totally
worked out 。 。 。 or seemed to。 We had this romantic summer…in…the…city thing happening and she
even said maybe I?d e visit her in the Hamptons。 Then the other morning I knocked on her
door and she was gone。 No furniture; no clothes; no note; no nothing。 What gives? Do I call her; or
is that just too stalkerish?
? Bummed and Brokenhearted
Dear B&B;
The best of us can be hard to keep hold of。 If it?s meant to be; she?ll e back and shower you
with soft petal kisses。 And if not; treasure your memories and chalk it up to the fleeting nature of
summer romances。 BTW; if you?re on the market; maybe I can help heal your broken heart? Send
me your picture!
? GG
Dear GG;
All…time weirdest sighting ever: alien imposter version of a couple of girls I sort of know from the
city; a hot blonde and a skinny brunette; giggling on the beach near the Maidstone Arms together。
They were like Louis Vuitton knockoffs from a street vendor?from far away; they almost seemed
like the real deal; but up close 。 。 。 Well; some things you just can?t fake。 Who the ___ are they?
? Seeing Double (or Quadruple)
Dear SDoQ;
Now that a certain blond and brunette pair have bee muses to a very famous and flamboyant
fashion designer; we?re going to be seeing more and more look…alikes。 It?s going to drive the boys
insane。 The question is; who will snag the real things?
? GG
Bshopping for new luggage?a quest that took her to Barneys; then Tod?s; then Bally。 Doesn?t
that girl ever get tired? Obviously not; and neither does her AmEx Black card; which her mother
just gave back to her followingB ?s 30;000 international shopping spree。 Yikes!S at the
newsstand on the corner of Eighty…fourth and Madison; loading up on every available fashion and
celebrity glossy; surreptitiously scanning the columns for mention of herself。 A girl needs beach
reading。 A dejected…lookingN ; picking up a lukewarm six…pack of Corona at that seedy liquor
store in Hampton Bays。 No word on whether he was stocking up for a r