《gossip girl 10 英文》



gossip girl 10 英文- 第4部分

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wide…open brilliant green eyes behind the lenses of his chunky glasses。 ?Thank goodness there are 
people like us to keep things like this alive。? 

?You?re right。? Dan nodded solemnly。 

?Dan;? Greg whispered huskily; ?I?m really glad we met。? 

?Me too;? Dan agreed; checking his watch again?he didn?t want to be away from work for too 
long; but before he could even figure out what the numbers on the face of his Casio 
calculator…watch were telling him; he felt Greg?s long arms wrap around him。 

?This is such a good omen for our first meeting tomorrow。? Greg?s hot breath tickled Dan?s neck 
as he hugged him。 ?We?ll have so much to talk about。? 

?Y…y…y…yeah;? Dan stammered。 Wow; Greg was sort of a geek; but he really did genuinely 
appreciate how cool the book was。 ?Here; why don?t you hold on to this for me?? he offered; 
handing Greg the book。 

Greg hugged him again; even harder this time。 ?Wow;? he gasped。 ?I?m overwhelmed。? 

Dan grinned at him and headed upstairs。 Why did he always attract the geeks? 

Um; maybe because he was kind of a geek himself? 

ABC Amber LIT Converter v2。02 

Disclaimer: All the real names of places; people; and events have been altered or abbreviated 

 hey people! 

Just when you thought it couldn?t get any hotter; the thermometer rises another ten degrees。 Or 
maybe that?s just my puter?it?s practically overheating from your steamy e…mails! It seems 
people are responding to the temperature by shedding clothes and getting wet 。 。 。 and giving the 
whole neighborhood a show。 

What in tarnation am I talking about now? Well; we all know that in the Hamptons; you can?t 
throw a stone without hitting someone you know (like it?s any different in Manhattan?!) Here; 
though; we have actual yards and fences。 Crazy concept; huh? Rows upon rows of hedges 
separating the fabulous and beautiful from the fabulous and beautiful。 They say good fences make 
good neigh…bors; so we should all stay strictly within our own property; I suppose。 But what if 
your neighbor is hot and occasionally naked? This is all a hypothetical; of course。 。 。 。 I don?t 
actually know of anyone who skinny…dips in their pool and then invites the neighbors for a visit。 
But I?ve been hearing rumors about and doing just that; and you know those girls are always 

setting trends。 You heard it here first: time for that fence to e down; people。 Screw fences。 
Good neighbors make good fun。 

So hello neighbor boys; e and find me。 I?m lying out by my pool; enjoying my own form of 
A/C: alcohol/college boys。 Yawn。 Just another day at the office。 
Dear GG; 
I know I should be out there at the beach with the rest of civilized society; but I?m unfortunately 
trapped in the city forsummer school。 Who knew they were really so serious aboutthat whole 
attendance policy thing? Anyway; I?m freaking dyingover here; it?s so hot。 Help! 
?Sweltering in the City 
Dear SITC; 
Poor thing。 Sounds like you could use your own doppelganger right now! But if that?s not an 
option; here are some quick fixes to stay cool in the city: 
1) Find your nearest rooftop pool。 If you don?t have a friend withher own (or if she?s out of town 
too); try Soho House or theHotel Gansevoort。 If you?re really desperate; buy yourself a kiddie 
pool; bring it up to your roof; and don?t forget the hundredbottles of Evian。 Now that?s what I call 
a private party。 
2) The A/C at Barneys is to die for。 I suppose it isn?t terriblysunny; but if you?re trying on bikinis; 
it?s almost like being at thebeach。 
3) Three words: Tasti D…Lite。 (Or is that a two…word hyphenate?)Okay; so Tasti D is totally five 
years ago; but you know you wantsomething cool and sweet。 And if you?re really not going 
tomake it to the beach this summer; do me the favor of forgettingabout the calories and slurping up 
some hazelnut gelato fromCones。 Yum。 
4) You did say you were in summer school; right? Um; hello;isn?t it airconditioned? If you don?t 
know the answer; you bettercheck the attendance policy again! 

beach blanket bingo rules and regulations 

For you lucky ones staying cool at the beach; don?t worry; I haven?t for…gotten about you either。 
The most important thing to remember this summer?and this is for your own good; as well as 
everyone else?s? is that when New Yorkers transport their social scene from the chic Manhattan 
bars to the sandy Hamptons beaches; we transport our social rules as well。 After all; we have to 
have some kind of order in place。 So for those not in the know; the unspoken rules of beach 

etiquette that you absolutely must obey are: 

1) Wear big sunglasses if you?re going to stare。 And you know you?re going to。 

2) Leave at least four feet between your towel and that of your neighbor (and that is the bare 
minimum; only in the direst of situations。) If you think being packed like sardines in a hot subway 
car is bad; imagine feeling that way for four hours straight with hardly any clothes on。 Nobody 
needs to be that up close and personal。 

3) I don?t care if you?re Ricky Martin?no Speedos; please! Actually; especially if you?re Ricky 
Martin。 Ick。 

4) Same goes for scary amounts of chest or back hair。 Wax it off; cover it up; or stay at home! 
It?s that simple; gorilla boys。 

5) When rubbing sunblock on a friend or significant other; don?t get too frisky。 We?ve all seen 
ladies do the girl…on…girl thing in bars to get attention; and we?ve all seen couples making out in 
dark corners; and both those acts are even tackier in broad daylight。 Trust me; there are other ways 
to get people to notice you。 I should know。 

some burning questions 

Running the gossip mill isn?t all parties and pi?a coladas; you know? it?s a round…the…clock job。 
Okay; fine; it?s a lot of parties and pi?a coladas。 Maybe I?m not saving lives in the ER; but I?m 
saving your social lives; people; and that?s every bit as important。 For those non…believers; I?ll 
share just a few of the questions that keep me up late into the night (when I don?t have a party; 
that is): 

Could it be true thatN has fallen for an older woman? He was last seen waving goodbye to a 
barely clothed older woman in Hampton Bays。 Interesante。 From what I hear; it wouldn?t be the 
first time。 。 。 。 Is it also possible thatB andS are exploring their sapphic side?again? Apparently 
they?ve taken to nude sunbathing and to sharing a bed。 Maybe they?ve finally made it official!? 
WillV be jealous? I?ve always wondered about her and that well…groomed buzz cut。 Speaking of 
buzzzzzing; little Ms。V was seen taking a late…night swim last night in a less…than…flattering kiddie 
bathing suit。 Keep your eye out for her bumble…bee…on…holiday beach ensemble; ing soon to a 
beach near you。 And then there?sD 。 。 。 。 

I can?t even tell you how many of you have been e…mailing me about tomorrow night?s literary 
salon。 Am I missing out? I thought reading Proust in the dark was for skinny; pale boys with 
coke…bottle glasses; but according to your e…mails; some hottie bookworms are ing out and 

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