Vanessa rolled her eyes and went over to the futon。 ?I think I know what you crave。? She sat
down and took off her shirt; the adrenaline pumping even harder now。 ?Hurry up;? she
ordered。 ?Aaron?s bringing my dinner and then I have studying to do。?
Neighbors in the surrounding apartments adjusted their telescopes。 They?d moved to the area
because the rent was cheap。 Who knew there was also going to be built…in; live entertainment?!
The bossier and pissier Vanessa was; the more hot and bothered Dan grew; and the more he loved
her。 His hands shook and sweat formed on his freshly shaved upper lip。 He was entirely at her
Down on Broadway; Aaron ignored the group of bystanders on the other side of the street; all
staring up at the roof of Vanessa?s building。 He was carrying two orders of hot and spicy pad Thai
in a paper bag under his arm; he had to pee; the freaking L train was insanely crowded; and he was
sweating his ass off。 All he wanted was to get inside and take a nice cool shower。 Preferably with
He found her note and scribbled over it;I?m in the tub。 Then he left the front door standing open
to make it easier for her to bring her basket of clean laundry inside and turned on the stereo;
blasting that Raves song Dan Humphrey had recorded with them?the only one that was any good。
?Crack me like an egg!?Aaron sang along in the shower。
Three floors up; Dan was already ramming his feet back into his socks。 The music was faint but
?Do you think he saw us?? A little thrill ran through Vanessa?s body at the thought。 God; was she
Dan hastily slurped down the last oyster。 ?What do you want me to do?? he asked; sounding just
as excited as she did。See how perfect we are for each other? he thought。 They were both totally
getting off on the fact that Aaron had no clue。 Of course; cheating was bad and wrong; but it was
totally fun when you were pletely; madly in love with the person you were doing it with!
?I?ll go downstairs and distract him;? Vanessa whispered; even though the traffic on the
Williamsburg Bridge was so loud no one could possibly have heard her。 ?While you leave。?
Dan shoved the cork into the half…drunk bottle of Merlot and tried to prop it up inside his black
Manhattan Transfer messenger bag。 ?You want me to leave?? he responded; baffled。 He?d
imagined scaling the outside of the building like Spider…Man with Vanessa clinging to his neck
like Kirsten Dunst。
Like that would ever happen; Mr。 Spaghetti Arms。
?You can leave that here。? Vanessa pointed at the wine。 ?We?ll drink it later。?
Wemeaning she and Dan; or she and Aaron?
?Fine;? Dan replied; catching on to the fact that Vanessa was about to go downstairs and pretend
he?d never even been there。 God; she was smart。 And so tough and cool under pressure。 ?Good
luck studying this weekend。?
Vanessa gave his butt a little slap。 ?I?ll call you;? she promised before hurrying downstairs。 The
door to the apartment was open and Aaron was in the shower。
Vanessa undressed for the second time in fifteen minutes。
?Hi;? she greeted him; yanking back the shower curtain。
?Hey。? Aaron grinned and held out a soap…flecked hand to help her in。
Dan tiptoed slowly downstairs; reading Neruda aloud to himself; his hands sweating as he tried
to figure out if what had just happened was either insanely exciting or insanely insulting。
? In this part of the story I am the one who dies。 ?
The problem with poets like him is they always err on the negative side。
Guess who?s ing to breakfast at fred?s?
Saturday morning; the line of gorgeous girls wound its way out Barneys? front doors; up
Madison to Sixty…first Street; and around the corner to Fifth Avenue。 Most of them were wearing
black sleeveless cocktail dresses; pointy black flats; and black Jackie Onassis?big sunglasses。
Serena was wearing her favorite new pair of True Religion jeans。
Somehow; she?d managed to be one of the first girls in line。 Maybe it was because she and Nate
had never really gone to sleep last night?thanks to the little bottle of pills he kept popping??and
she?d still been awake at fiveA。M 。 She?d just grabbed a double latte at the deli and headed over;
lugging her French textbook with her; as if she?d really get any studying done。
Blairwas first in line。 And; surprise; surprise; shewas Audrey Hepburn。 Same black vintage
Givenchy dress; same pearl choker; same French…twist hairstyle?with the help of a little faux
hair?same oversize Chanel sunglasses; same black elbow…length gloves。 Lord Marcus; being the
sweet and charming hunk that he was; had helped her get dressed and even had e up with the
idea of spending the night in a hired town car; parked right in front of Barneys; so she?d be sure to
be first in line for the open call。 Of course; they hadn?t been able to do much for fear of messing
up her costume; but it was still fun to hold hands in the backseat and talk about the very near
future; when Blair would be a famous Hollywood star。
?I?ll be your pool lad;? Lord Marcus offered in his adorable English accent。 ?I?ll fan you with
palm fronds and pour your cocktails。? Of course he wouldn?t mind giving up his spot in the
graduate business program at the London School of Economics; where he was starting in the fall。
He?d do anything for Blair?anything!
?And I?ll have the best designers making clothes for me in every city in the world;? Blair
fantasized over her stomach?s nervous rumblings。 She wanted this part so badly; she hadn?t eaten
all day; but it was nearly midnight and she was famished。 ?Or maybe I?ll ask Uncle Oscar to make
all my clothes。?
A hot dog vendor was packing up for the night on the corner of Sixty…first and Madison。 Would
Lord Marcus be perfectly horrified if she ate one; standing on the curb in front of Barneys?
It would be no worse than Audrey Hepburn eating a Danish out of a paper bag in front of
?Look; darling; dinner!? Lord Marcus cried; noticing the vendor and literally reading Blair?s
mind。 ?You sit tight and I?ll go fetch us some。?
Darling。 She was his darling; and he fetched things for her!
So they?d eaten Sabrett hot dogs with mustard and relish and sipped A&W root beer; holding
hands and dozing off until Blair?s eyelids had fluttered open to find Serena looming out of the
early morning mist in her perfectly distressed jeans and no makeup。 She?d bolted out of the car
and slapped her black Chanel sunglasses over her eyes。 No way was that blond bitch going to steal
her part in this show。
Never mind the other hundreds of actress…wannabes who were beginning to turn up for the
Now it was nearly eight o?clock and the audition was about to begin。 It was an unusually hot and
humid May morning and the two girls stood front…to…back at the head of the line; fanning
themselves with the page of lines Ken Mogul?s helpers had handed out and which they?d already
Finally Serena could stand it no longer。 ?God; it?s hot。? Blair didn?t respond; so Serena reached
out and touched
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