《gossip girl 8 英文》



gossip girl 8 英文- 第16部分

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?Next!? he shouted; dismissing her。 

Nate was standing by the elevators; a damp tissue wadded in his fist。 ?My mom brought me here 
to buy my first real suit;? he told Serena; his lower lip trembling。 ?Afterwards we got ice cream 
and she took me to the zoo in the park。 It smelled like peanuts。? 

?Aw。? Serena hugged him and kissed his ear。 ?Listen; I think I know of a way to cheer you up。? 
After the Viagra incident in Bergdorf?s on Tuesday; Serena thought Nate was basically up for it 
any time; anywhere。 She nodded toward the ladies? lounge。 

Nate hesitated。 He?d smoked a tiny joint when he woke up; and he?d left the Viagra at home。 
Besides; all this crying was so exhausting。 He really wasn?t in the mood。 

The ladies? lounge door swung open; and Blair and that sandy…haired hunk of hers came out; 
holding hands。 ?How do you do?? Blair gestured with her empty cigarette holder in an 
exaggerated imitation of the part both girls had just played。 She giggled。 ?You guys want to go get 
a drink?? 

?Definitely;? Serena gushed eagerly。 

Of course; it was only ten…thirty on a Saturday morning; but the future Audreys of the world 
clearly know how to enjoy themselves。 

Lord Marcus pressed the button for the elevator and the doors rolled open。 

?Wait!? one of Ken Mogul?s black…tunic…wearing; blond crew girls yelled。 Blair?s heart skipped 
a beat。 Surely they were going to offer her the part right now and send the other girls packing。 But 
the girl was looking at Serena。 

?Oops!? Serena blushed; swiping the mirrored aviators off her head and handing them 
back。 ?I?m such a klepto!? 

The girl took the sunglasses and then stood on tiptoe to whisper in Serena?s ear。 Blair watched; 
riveted; as Serena nodded; listening silently。 Then the crew girl left to supply her sunglasses to 
another Holly hopeful。 

Blair bit her lip; nearly drawing blood。 The need to know what the crewperson had whispered to 
Serena was killing her; but she forced herself not to ask; and Serena decided not to tell her。 The 
idea that they were sort of talking to each other again was so tenuous and so new; neither of them 
wanted to ruin it。 

Plus; Lord Marcus had only seen Blair on her best behavior。 She couldn?t pull anExorcist and 
freak out in front of him now or he?d pack his bags and head back to the U。K。 as quick as you can 
say; ?Bloody hell。? 

Serena reached for Nate?s hand and gave it an excited squeeze; barely able to keep the secret to 
herself。 ?Let?s go get silly。? 

?Hear; hear!? Lord Marcus agreed。 

Blair didn?t even flinch at the sight of Serena and Nate holding hands。 She?d always wanted to 
be a foursome; she?d just always thought it would be her and Nate and Serena and someone else。 
She looked up into Lord Marcus?s handsome golf…course…green eyes and he swooped down and 
kissed her tenderly on the tip of her nose。 

Nate had never been that into public displays of affection。 And anyway; what had ever been so 
special about Nate? 

Boys will be boys and girls will be girls 

?I heard about you。 You?re the kid who?s to take my place on the Yale lacrosse team。 Excuse me; 
ladies。? Lord Marcus reached across Blair and Serena to clasp Nate?s hand in the cramped 
backseat of the cab as it raced down the hot Park Avenue blacktop。 ?Coach said you were a maniac 
with a stick。? 

That?s one way of putting it。 

Nate hoped Lord Marcus wouldn?t guess that he?d been crying。 Now would?ve been a good time 
to take another Viagra; just to give him an ego boost and keep the tears from flowing。 If it hadn?t 
been for those annoying side effects; he?d have taken it every day。 

What; like the major hard…ons? But that?s not a side effect; that?s the whole point! 

?So is Yale; like; seriously tough or what?? Nate asked; because it was the only thing he could 
think of to say。 Blair had her head on Lord Marcus?s shoulder; and she looked so fortable; it 
was sort of unsettling and nice to see at the same time。 Her dark hair was growing out and it 
looked so soft and shiny; Nate could almost feel it in his hands。 

Oh; please。 Don?t cry。 

?Not as hard as Coach Heffner?s arse;? Lord Marcus joked。 ?She told us all about how she 
stabbed you with a fork when you tried to hit on her。? 

Nate had pretty much blocked that little episode out of his mind; and he flinched; 
remembering。 ?I just wasn?t expecting a hot female coach;? he admitted。 

?Believe me; none of us were;? Lord Marcus replied with a knowing smile。 He lit a Marlboro 
Red; but the tiny; shriveled cabdriver flapped his hand in annoyance; so he threw it out the 

?Let?s all light cigarettes and see what he does;? Serena whispered; still feeling giddy。 She 
handed out four Merit Ultra Lights from her black suede Balenciaga fringed hobo bag and Lord 
Marcus helped her light them with a silver Tiffany lighter。 

The driver screeched to a halt when he noticed the smoke。 ?Get out of my cab!? he shouted; his 

tiny; shriveled fists raised in anger。 

Lord Marcus; ever the polite Englishman; began to apologize; pretending he didn?t know it was 
illegal to smoke in American taxis。 But they were already on Park Avenue and Forty…seventh 
Street; just around the corner from the Yale Club; so they got out anyway。 

What a sight: a lovely brunette dressed exactly like Audrey Hepburn inBreakfast at Tiffany?s ; 
two handsome; green…eyed; lacrosse…playing; neatly dressed boys; and a heart…wrenchingly 
gorgeous blonde in jeans。 The Yale Club?s dress code forbade distressed denim; but Serena looked 
so pretty in her jeans; no one cared。 As soon as they stepped into the club?s sparse; neoclassical 
lobby; all the middle…aged Yale alums in J。Press suits stopped talking business and switched off 
their BlackBerrys。 Oh; to be seventeen and irresistible! 

As if any of them were ever this irresistible。 

Lord Marcus took Nate up to his suite to show him some lacrosse trophy that only Nate would 
appreciate; while Blair led Serena into the club?s lounge; where they settled in at the elegant bar 
with its gold ceiling; polished wood floor; and dark wood paneling。 Of course they were used to 
going out all the time; but it still felt extremely grown…up to be out at a private club bar on a 
Saturday morning; especially when they were supposed to be glued to their textbooks; studying for 
their final exams; which would begin on Monday。 

?So; what are you going to say in your graduation speech?? Serena asked Blair。 ?What?s that Dr。 
Seuss book?you know the one everyone always quotes from?? 

Blair rolled her eyes。 She was sonot quoting from that book。?Oh; The Places You?ll Go!? 

The bow…tied bartender brought Blair?s drink first?a Ketel One martini straight up with an olive。 
She took a sip and then stuck a cigarette into her cigarette holder。 She was enjoying the whole 
cigarette holder thing so much; she planned to use it right up untilBreakfast at Fred?s came out 
and all the girls started copying her。 

Ergo; the difference between being trendy and being a trendsetter。 

?Actually; I?m going to write about going after what you want and getting it;? she declared; 
blowing smoke 

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