《gossip girl 8 英文》



gossip girl 8 英文- 第21部分

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almost like how?? He stopped with an embarrassed smile。 

?What?? Vanessa folded her arms across her chest。 If she and Dan hadn?t already been best 
friends for so long; she might have been more upset by his freaky naked stalking appearances。 But 
Dan was Dan?she could only muster mild irritation。 

?You look like how I imagine you?d look at our wedding;? Dan blurted haltingly。


Vanessa decided that the only appropriate response was to pletely ignore what he?d said。 ?Is 
that something to do with the speech you?re giving tomorrow?? She pointed at the book。 

?What?? Dan looked down; like he?d forgotten it was there。 ?Um; sort of。 Actually; not really。? 
He closed the book and held it up; revealing all his naked manly bits。 ?It?s calledThe Sexual Art of 
Ecstasy 。 I found it in the bookstore。? 

Vanessa nodded with faint interest; as if he?d just told her that it might rain later。 

?There?s this part about meditating together until you get to a place where you?re both; 
like;there 。 It talks about how Sting can; like; do it forever; even though he?s really old。 Well; this 
is how he does it。? 

Like we really want to know。 

Vanessa stared at him。 Dan was sort of adorable in his own bizarre; scrawny…bodied way; but the 
truth was; she?d been hoping she wouldn?t see him again before she left tomorrow because she 
didn?t want to have to explain anything?how she loved him; but how she?d promised Aaron。 How 
it had been sort of exciting and fun seeing two guys at once but how it had to end sometime。 The 
truth was; she wasn?t even sure how she felt; because she?d been trying not to think about it。 

Dan put the book aside and held out his hand。 ?Or we could just kiss;? he suggested with a sort of 
polite tenderness that made her glad he was already naked。 

She went over and knelt down in front of him; careful to lift her dress up so it wouldn?t touch the 
ground。 ?Just watch the dress;? she warned him。 

This might be her only chance to wear it。 Not that she was about to tell him that。 

ABC Amber LIT Converter v2。02 
================================== Gossipgirl 

ABC Amber LIT Converter v2。02 

Disclaimer: All the real names of places; people; and events have been altered or abbreviated to 
protect the innocent。 Namely; me。 

 hey people! 

See how easy that was? 

We did it!Now; if we could just decide on one of the seven dresses we bought for graduation at 
Bergdorf?s; Barneys;and Bendel?s because a) after popping Vivarin and bingeing on late…night 
pizza we didn?t know if we?d gain weight or lose weight during exam week; b) wehate making 
decisions; and c) white is the new pink this summer。 At least; it better be。 

Boatload of european import cars unloads at ny docks last night 

I?m beginning to read like theWall Street Journal or something; aren?t I? Anyway; if you were 
out and about on Park Avenue last night the way I was; you might have noticed the fleet of sleek 

black cars being delivered to a certain Upper East Side garage。 Looks like a few of us are getting 
what we asked for; except。 ? Dad; I asked for pink! 

They know you cheated 

For those of you who cheated on your final exams; we know who you are; and your teachers 
know; too。 We saw how you finished early and spent the rest of the time writing notes and doing 
actressy face exercises?S!! They?re only overlooking it because they want to get rid of you。 Why 
they even bother giving seniors finals is beyond me。 

A remedy for pregraduation jitters 

Of course; there?s nothing to be nervous about。 All we have to do is look gorgeous and accept 
our diplomas。 But we are nervous nonetheless。 Maybe because we have to go through it with our 
parents watching。 Maybe because we have no idea what es next。 You know how the school 
nurse always prescribes the same thing no matter what?s wrong with you? Chew a Pepto…Bismol。 
Gargle with salt water。 Well; I?m the same way: champagne and a boy。 Take one dose and then 
repeat every fifteen minutes until symptoms subside。 

Happy Graduation! See you at the party afterwards! 

You know you love me。 

 gossip girl 

Pomp and circumstance 

Outside Brick Church on Park Avenue and Ninety…second Street; a throng of black town cars 
released women in Chanel couture and men and boys in Ralph Lauren Purple Label into the 
church to watch their daughters and sisters graduate in Constance Billard?s mencement 
exercises。 It was a balmy June morning; and a pleasant breeze rustled the crab apple trees 
bordering the sidewalk; scattering petals and pretty green leaves onto the avenue。 The lovely 
redbrick church with its sturdy white columns and creeping; well…tended green ivy looked like 
something out of a picture book。 In fact; today the entire Upper East Side seemed picturesque and 
soaked in sun and apple blossom perfume; for today was graduation day。 


Isabel?s mom; Titi Coates; craned her surgically enhanced neck to survey the well…dressed 
audience; nearly popping the buttons on her hot…pink…and…gold Versace cap…sleeved coat…dress。 ?I 
heard Harold Waldorf flew in from Paris with his flaming French boyfriend to see Blair graduate 

today;? she whispered to Lillian van der Woodsen; who was seated in the dark mahogany pew next 
to her。 ?He even had a red convertible Peugeot sent over in parts; with a special French mechanic 
to assemble it for her。? 

Mrs。 van der Woodsen shook her head。 She liked gossip; but only the harmless kind?about 
people?s dogs or their golf game。 

Harmlessgossip? What would be the point? 

?Harold Waldorf is in Bordeaux; at a wine auction;? she corrected her tackily dressed neighbor in 
a polite whisper as she smoothed out the lilac…colored silk calf…length skirt of her 
simple…but…gorgeous Yves Saint Laurent suit。 ?I know for a fact because a dear friend of mine is 
bidding on a few bottles of Burgundy for us there。 However; I know nothing about the car。? 

Around the corner; in one of the church?s outer chambers; the seniors lined up in size order; 
giddily awaiting the first few chords of ?Pomp and Circumstance。? Kati Farkas and Isabel Coates 
were the shortest ones; in matching white Ferragamo flats and matching Carolina Herrera Mexican 
bridesmaid?style dresses with lace bows in the back and little white pom…poms hanging from the 
elbow…length sleeves。 Desperate to be next to each other in line; they?d done a survey of all the 
girls in their class; asking what size heel they planned to wear for graduation。 Even 
Doc…Marten…boots…wearing Vanessa had said she?d be wearing platforms; so flats were their best 
option。 How cool was it that not only were they together in line; wearing matching outfits?they 
werefirst ! 


In her two…and…a…half…inch white kidskin Manolo dancing shoes; Blair was somewhere in the 
middle。 Her white satin Oscar de la Renta suit had been flawlessly tailored; the jacket nipping in 
around her tiny waist and accentuating her excellent shoulders。 None of the other girls had been 
creative or fashion…forward 

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