《gossip girl 8 英文》



gossip girl 8 英文- 第30部分

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England and she would e back engaged to Lord Marcus。 

Even though she was only seventeen and her mom had never even met him。 Not that she ever 
planned to purposely introduce her mother to Marcus。 They could meet at the wedding。 Or maybe 
they?d elope to some remote South Pacific island and have an intimate nighttime wedding on a 
beach with only the natives as their witnesses。 They?d eat fire…roasted goat and dance barefoot in 
the sand。 

Remember; anything can happen on the Island of Blair。 

She?d kept her summer open; thinking she would need all two and a half months just to shop and 
pack for Yale。 She?d even considered going over to Europe to see her dad?but mostly to shop; 

because the stores in New York never put out any fall fashions until September; and she had to be 
in New Haven for orientation at the end of August。 How on earth would she arrive at Yale with the 
right cashmere sweaters; ankle boots; and fitted jackets unless she bought them directly from 
Prada in Milan or Burberry in London? 

Now her summer was more defined。 She would shop; get engaged; and then shop some more。 

?I can?t bear to think this is our last night together;? Marcus lamented; kissing her behind the 
ear。 ?It would do my heart good to know you?re going to e over in a couple of weeks。? 

Blair would have closed her eyes and kissed him and then whispered something about how she 
really; really needed to lie down so would he please walk her to her suite so she could rip his 
clothes off and they could consummate their marriage a little early; but then Serena and Nate 
wandered into the party behind a group of L??cole girls who were all smoking Gauloises and 
wearing crocheted Marni halter tops and gold Gucci toe…ring sandals because that French model; 
Pru; had just worn a crocheted Marni halter top and gold Gucci toe…ring sandals on the cover of 
the June issue of FrenchVogue 。 Serena had changed her outfit?luckily。 Otherwise Blair would 
have broken her perfect; aristocratic nose。 

?I thought you told me they broke up;? Tina Ford; who?d just graduated from Seaton Arms; 
mented to Isabel Coates。 She bit into an Absolut Citron?soaked ice cube。 ?Isn?t that why they 
both missed graduation?? 

?I heard they were never really together;? Kati Farkas trilled in reply; even though Tina wasn?t 
even talking to her。 ?Nate?s gay。 He came out last week。 And he?s in so much trouble。 His parents 
are disowning him。 They?re not even going to pay for Yale。? 

?So why is Serena still pretending to go out with him?? Isabel demanded; lifting up her ripped 
red T…shirt and exposing her tummy just to give that innocent…looking Catholic school boy Chuck 
had brought with him a little thrill。 

The other girls rolled their eyes。 ?Oh; you know how she is。 She always has to be sonice to 
everybody;? Rain plained。 ?Nate?s dad probably; like;hired her to flirt with Nate so he 
wouldn?t be gay anymore!? 

Actually; that does sound like something Captain Archibald would do。 

As they?d filed out of Brick Church; and in the seconds before their families caught up with them; 
Serena had tried to explain to Blair why she?d almost missed graduation; while Blair had 
pretended not to listen。 Obviously Serena?s secondBreakfast at Fred?s audition was way more 
important than listening to Blair?s speech or getting her diploma。 At least Blair had the satisfaction 
of knowing that Serena would never get the part。 She was way too tall; too blond; and too 
blue…eyed?totally wrong for it。 

?I got the part!? Serena screamed at the top of her lungs; so excited; she didn?t care who was 
listening。 She grabbed Nate and squeezed him with her long; perfectly toned arms。 ?Ken Mogul 
just called。 I got the part!? 

Blair nearly fell off Lord Marcus?s knee。 She?d already been hating Serena all over again for 
missing her graduation speech and for wearing the exact same Oscar de la Renta suit she had。 And 
of course she still secretly hated her for being with Nate。 It hadn?t seemed possible to hate her any 
more?until now。 But Blair had already started talking to Serena again?she?d even taken Serena?s 
chemistry exam for her; for Christ?s sake; so now she was stuck with the awkward choice of 
suddenly acting like a bitch for no reason in front of Lord Marcus; or being pletely fake and 
pretending to be nice so Lord Marcus wouldn?t think she was a bitch and change his mind about 
wanting to marry her。 

As if he hadn?t already noticed her bitchy side。 

Nate stood next to Serena like a hired piece of celebrity arm candy。 He rubbed his eyes and 
smiled at Blair and Marcus blearily; and for the first time in a long time; Blair wondered what 
she?d ever seen in him。 No matter how often they broke up; her happily…ever…after fantasies had 
always featured Nate; but now they had a new and improved co…star。 She leaned back against 
Marcus?s chest; making it very clear that she was supremely fortable on his lap and totally 
unruffled by Serena?s news。 Her perfectly tailored suit was a little warm in the stuffy room; but it 
looked so good on her; she didn?t care。 

All of a sudden; another good…looking but shorter couple stepped around Nate and Serena and 
gazed tensely around the room; as if they were worried someone might yell at them for crashing 
the party。 Blair sat up and unbuttoned her Oscar de la Renta suit jacket; flinging it onto the floor in 
disgust。 The male part of the new couple was her twelve…year…old brother Tyler; attempting to look 
like a rock star by wearing a vintage Armani tuxedo jacket over a ripped black AC/DC T…shirt。 The 
dimple…cheeked; waiflike girl on his arm was wearing the same fucking white Oscar de la Renta 
suit Blair was。 She was even wearing the same fucking Manolo Blahnik shoes as Blair。 Her 
fucking hair was the same color as Blair?s; and it was cut in a short layered bob; just like Blair?s。 
Blair squinted。 She had never seen this fucking girl in her life; but if she wasn?t mistaken; she was 
also wearing Chanel?s fucking Stroppy lip gloss; Blair?s fucking favorite。 


Blair hitched up the straps on her totally see…though cream…colored Cosabella camisole。 If it 
hadn?t been for Lord Marcus; she?d have grabbed the girl by the scruff of the neck and thrown her 
out on the street。 

?Hey; sis;? Tyler greeted her in a fake stoner voice; puffing up his shoulders in an attempt to look 
bigger。 ?This is Jasmine。 Jazz; this is my sister; Blair。? 

?Cool;? Blair?s apple…cheeked clone responded casually。 Like she hadn?t just spent all day trying 
to dress exactly like Blair。 

Blair wrinkled up her pert little nose。 ?I got the part!? she heard Serena scream from the other 
side of the room; for what seemed like the thousandth fucking time。 She picked up her cigarette 
holder; waiting for Marcus to give her a light。 ?How do you do?? she replied in her best 
gracious…under…pressure Audrey Hepburn imitation; blowing smoke over her brother?s and his 
stupid little girlfriend?s heads。 

Serena may well have gotten the part; but Blairlived it; every day。 

Nothing can keep us together 

It was almost surreal how graduation changed everything an

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