《gossip girl 8 英文》



gossip girl 8 英文- 第34部分

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meant he didn?t have to avoid talking to Lexie anymore。 ?That?s a good school。? 

?Yeah; and I don?t ever have to wear a stupid Constance uniform again;? Jenny added excitedly; 
already regretting how petulant and childish she sounded。 Then she remembered something that 
wouldn?t make her sound childish at all。 She inched a little closer to Nate?s ear。 He smelled like 
freshly laundered shirt and that heart…stoppingly delicious Herm?s cologne he always wore。 ?I 
have a tab of E in my bag。 Someone gave it to me at the Croton School when I was visiting。 I 
don?t even know if we can even split one tab; but ?? She smiled her coyest e…hither smile。 

What a flirt; what a risk…taker the new; on…her…way…to…boarding…school Jenny Humphrey was! 

Nate blinked。 Jennifer wasn?t just talking to him; she was flirting with him?hard。 What; did she 
think he?d just gulp down a tab of E and hook up with her right in the middle of the Yale Club 
lounge; surrounded by everyone he knew; including his ex…girlfriend Blair and his 
he…wasn?t…really…sure…but…he…figured…she…was…probably…soon…to…be…ex…girlfriend Serena? 

Had that ever stopped him before? 

Nate had only taken Ecstasy a couple of times with Charlie; Anthony; and Jeremy; but both times 
he?d enjoyed himself immensely。 There was nothing like that good; groovy; E feeling?until it wore 
off and you were tired and dehydrated and just wanted to float in a bucket of Poland Spring。 He 
was definitely feeling lower right now than he ever had in his entire life。 Maybe a little E with 
little Jennifer Humphrey?who seemed to be getting even cuter with age?was just what he needed。 

Jenny could see that Nate was tempted。 Empowered by her ability to snare hot older boys with 
her seductive ways; she breathed lustily into his ear。 ?Let?s go into the bathroom and do it。? 

Hello? Does she not remember what happened the last time she was alone in a bathroom with a 
horny older boy? 

What you choose not to hear can?t hurt you 

Blair was in a stall in one of the Yale Club?s pristine and elegant gold…accented ladies? rooms; 
wondering at the fact that she hadn?t made herself sick in over a month; when she heard the first 
worrying rumors。 

 ?I heard he wasn?t even a real lord。 He?s just this English guy who came over here and 
pretended to be this big aristocrat。 I bet he doesn?t go on fox hunts or wear a top hat and tails to 
dinner or anything like that;? Laura Salmon blathered from the stall next to Blair?s。 

?I just think it?s really shitty of him。 I mean; if he?s engaged to some girl in England; that means 
he?s actually cheating on both of them;? Kati Farkas replied carelessly as she spritzed her hair 
with a sample…size bottle of Frederick Fekkai hairspray for the third time that night。 ?I just love 
the way this stuff smells。 Don?t you love the way it smells? I even put in on my clothes sometimes; 
even though I know that?s kind of gross。 I mean; it?s hairspray!? 

Blair kept the pleated satin skirt of her white Oscar de la Renta suit hitched up so the girls 
wouldn?t recognize it。Were they talking about Lord Marcus? 

?I just think someone should tell her;? Laura declared before flushing。 She pushed the stall door 
open and began to wash her hands with the L?Occitane lemon peel foam hand wash provided by 
the Yale Club。 ?Don?t you?? 

?Totally;? Kati agreed。 

Like they?d ever have the nerve。 

Blair waited until they?d gone before pushing open the stall door。 Her stomach was roiling from 
all the vodka and champagne she?d drunk in the last few hours; but she wasn?t about to resort to 
puking and risk splattering the skirt of her exquisite suit。 

What do they know about Marcus?she fumed。 Their petty jealousy was so transparent; it made 
her even more nauseous just thinking about it。 Of course he was a lord。 Hadn?t they noticed his 
wonderful scuff…free Church?s shoes? The flawless way his hair was cut? The tailor…made seams 
of his Savile Row shirts? Hadn?t they heard the way he called her ?gorgeous? and ?darling? and 
kissed her hand like it was the most natural thing in the world? There?d been no mention of a 
fianc?e when Blair had Googled him。 No fucking way was he engaged?to anyone but her。 She 
closed her eyes dreamily。 Lady Blair Rhodes?it did have a nice ring to it。 

The bathroom door swung open and Isabel Coates marched in; looking frazzled because her 
white satin Dior hair clip had e loose while she was dancing。 Isabel was always such a freak 
about her hair; Blair wondered why she didn?t just cut it all off。 

?Oh。 You?re in here;? Isabel observed; making it obvious that she?d just been part of Kati?s and 
Laura?s ongoing dissection of the so…called Lord Marcus。 ?I guess I should be the one to tell you。? 
She lowered her voice to let Blair know that what she had to tell her was extremely 
important。 ?Before you get hurt。? 

Like she actually cared? 

Blair narrowed her blue eyes; glaring icily at Isabel?s reflection in the gilt…framed mirror。 ?Tell 
me what?? 

Isabel tucked a few stray brown hairs behind her ears; then frowned and ripped out the hair clip; 
starting all over again。 

Blair thought her cutoff jeans and ripped red Juicy T…shirt made her look tacky and desperate; 
like Paris Hilton。 

?That Lord Marcus guy is married;? Isabel told her matter…of…factly; wincing with effort as she 
tried to get her ponytail pletely smooth and lump…free。 

Blair smeared Chanel Stroppy lip gloss over her lips for the seventh time in five minutes。 She 
was so mad; she thought she just might throw up after all。?Bullshit。? 

Isabel rolled her curly…lashed brown eyes and sighed as if she were already totally bored with the 

subject matter。 ?Well;almost 。 He?s engaged。 He?s been engaged since he was; like; ten years old。 
You know; like Lady Diana and Prince Charles?? 

Blair spun away from the mirror; her fists clenched tightly to keep from strangling Isabel?s 
ostrichlike neck。 ?And where exactly did you hear that?? 

Isabel shrugged her shoulders maddeningly。 ?Everybody knows。 It?s; like; afact 。? 

Depending on your definition of the wordfact 。 

?That?s the stupidest?? Blair was about to try and defend Lord Marcus?s honor; but she stopped 
herself。 They were young; they were in love?who cared what anyone thought? Even if therewas 
some boring girl back in England that Lord Marcus was supposed to marry; she probably looked 
like Queen Victoria and sat on her fat ass in her castle eating crumpets all day; wondering why 
Lord Marcus never called。 

Isabel smiled at her reflection; finally satisfied。 ?I just thought you should know。? She shrugged 
her shoulders and then cocked her overwaxed eyebrows at Blair。 ?Wanna e have a cigarette 
with us?? she offered; as if they were all still thirteen years old and only smoked in groups。 

?No。? Blair pushed past her and out the bathroom door。 She peeked into the insanely crowded 
lounge; but the chair where she and Lord Marcus had been sitting together was now occupied by 
Nate?s loud; stoned; skinny friend Jeremy and some skanky French girl trying to teach him how to 
blow heart…shaped smoke rings。 Lord Marcus was nowhere 

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