《gossip girl 8 英文》



gossip girl 8 英文- 第42部分

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So was Vanessa into sunbathing now too? ?Sure;? Dan agreed。 

To his surprise; she collected a quart of Absolut and a bottle of tonic water from the fridge; 
tucking them into a paper bag with two plastic Scooby…Doo glasses; which she filled with 

ice。 ?I?ve kind of developed a taste for this stuff;? she admitted with a wicked grin。 

Dan stared at her in amazement; his whole body trembling with anticipation。 Vanessa never could 
hold her liquor; neither could he。 

He followed her out of the apartment; down the dirty; cement…floored hall; and up the building?s 
cruddy stairs; which were painted black and smelled of turpentine。 Two flights up; Vanessa pushed 
open a black metal door marked DONOTENTERand stepped out into the bright hot light of the 
rooftop。 Suddenly the city was all around them; and the Williamsburg Bridge seemed close 
enough to touch。 Off to the right; the East River looked glassy and cool as a sailing yacht glided 
past a barge pulling a load of Porta Johns; its white sails luffing in the thick afternoon air。 To their 
left was the sugar factory; billowing smoke out of great smokestacks and adding to the smog。 
Across the bridge; Manhattan loomed large and full of promises。 A born Manhattanite; Dan could 
never get over the feeling when he was in Brooklyn that something exciting was going on across 
the water; and that he was missing out。 

?Over here;? Vanessa called over the roar of interborough traffic。 She ducked under a metal beam 
supporting the giant wooden water tower that dominated the roof。 ?We?re totally protected from 
the sun and rain under here。 And see; the condensation from the water tower even keeps the air 
kind of cool。? 

Dan went over and ducked under the water tower。 A black futon was spread out on the ground; 
plete with an assortment of black fake fur throw pillows。 Vanessa seemed to have her own 
outdoor love den。 

?You and Aaron must spend a lot of time up here;? he mented awkwardly。 

She sat down on the futon and began pouring vodka into the plastic Scooby…Doo 
glasses。 ?Actually; I promised Blair not to hog it。 We only just discovered it on Saturday; and 
yesterday it was raining; so actually Aaron?s never even been up here。? 

Meaning she and Aaron had never done it up there; which kind of made Dan feel better about 
sitting down on the futon。 Vanessa handed him a vodka tonic。 ?Sorry; no limes。? 

He sat down and lit a cigarette。 A helicopter motored loudly by。 He had to admit; this was kind of 
a cool place to be。 

?So; graduation speaker; huh? I was even thinking about maybe skipping my graduation。? 
Vanessa clicked her glass against his and then took a big; long sip。 ?To us。? 

Dan squinted at her as he drank; holding the plastic glass with his cigarette hand; his pale face to 
the sun。 There was something different about Vanessa this time。 Something lazy and dangerous 
and sexy。 

Cobra curled on hot cement;his mind began writing furiously; because it couldn?t help itself。 

Vanessa grinned; returning his intense stare with a self…conscious chuckle。 ?I don?t know why 
I?m doing this but ?? she began。 Then she put down her glass; leaned slowly toward him; and 
shoved her tongue down his throat。 


Dan?s dreamy brown eyes grew huge。 He wondered if maybe Vanessa had been drinking all day 
and had somehow confused him with Aaron。 Or maybe he and Aaron had gotten caught in some 
sort of mind…melt…time…warp…space…time…continuum…body…sping ordeal straight out of the type 
of bad ic book he used to read when he was nine; and he reallywas Aaron。 Nevertheless; it 
was sheer ecstasy kissing Vanessa again; and sheer agony to even think of pulling away。 But after 
a few minutes; he forced himself to do it。 ?Um; can I just ask you?what are we doing?? 

Vanessa grabbed the hem of his faded red Stussy T…shirt and lifted it up; peeking at his pale; flat 
stomach。 ?Don?t you sometimes wonder what the big deal is?? she asked; as if that were answer 

Dan didn?t say anything。 Vanessa seemed to be going through some sort of experimental period; 
and he wasn?t about to get in the way; especially since it seemed to involve wanting to take his 
shirt off。 And his pants。 Even his socks seemed to be getting in the way of her need to express 
herself。 And just so she wouldn?t feel left out; he helped her off with her clothes; too。 Before long 
they were kneeling on the futon beneath the water tower; naked。 

Talk about d?j? vu! 

You can take the girl out of 212; but you can?t take the 212 out of the girl 

?Do you have anything that isn?t ?shiny ?? Blair Waldorf demanded as she fingered the dresses 
on the circular rack in the back of Isn?t She Lovely; a tiny Williamsburg bridal and 
special…occasion…dresses boutique a block away from the apartment she shared with Vanessa。 She 
walked by the boutique every day on her way to and from the coffee shop where a car service 
town car picked her up in the morning after she bought her large latte with an extra shot of 
espresso and dropped her off after school。 Today she?d wandered inside; thinking it might be cool 
to buy a graduation dress in a place so pletely off the map that no other girl in the senior class 
at Constance Billard could possibly have the same one she did。 The problem was; with no designer 
label to show their merit; she wasn?t sure if the dresses were ugly in a cool way or just plain ugly。 

?This one is very popular for confirmations;? the overly perfumed saleslady told her in heavily 
accented English。 She held up a dazzling white; rhinestone…encrusted; polyester…lace…bodiced 

sundress with a pleated skirt that was so stiff and shiny; it looked like it had been laminated。 

Blair glanced in one of the many mirrors all over the store and glared at the haughty brunette in a 
short light…blue…and…white seersucker Constance Billard uniform skirt and neat white…collared; 
baby pink polo shirt staring back at her; furious with herself all of a sudden。 Who was she kidding; 
pretending not to need a graduation dress that was made to order by Oscar de la Renta or Chanel? 
She hitched her nude pink Fendi purse up on her shoulder and slid her tortoiseshell Parsol 
sunglasses up on her nose; tempted to buy the hideous dress the saleslady had just shown her and 
bring it home to Vanessa as a joke; pretending she was going to wear it to graduation。 But the 
thought of spending money on anything so hideous; even in jest; made her even more furious。 
When had her life bee sobase ? 

Maybe when she decided to ditch Manhattan and bee a Brooklyn hipster? 

Usually Blair couldn?t leave a store without buying at least one thing; but usually the stores she 
went into were stocked with irresistibles。 As far as Blair was concerned; Isn?t She Lovely should 
have been named Isn?t She Ugly。 

Across the litter…strewn expanse of Broadway from Vanessa?s crumbling gray; five…story walk…up 
apartment building; a cluster of people stood looking up; their mouths agape。 

Hmm; wonder why? 

Oblivious and not at all curious about anything the locals might find interesting; Blair hurried 
across the street; mounted the crumbling c

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