《gossip girl 8 英文》



gossip girl 8 英文- 第48部分

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Newport; Rhode Island; or Mt。 Desert Isle; Maine; leaving us to rule the town。 Not that we 

everstopped ruling the town。 Our names have been at the top of the guest list at every exclusive 
restaurant; club; and hotel in Manhattan since the day we were born。 We move in clusters; 
dominating the scene uptown and downtown; east and west。 The entire island is and always has 
beenours ; but with June es graduation; and for us seniors that means saying good…bye。 But 
let?s not get all sappy and dreary。 Now?s the time to really make our mark。 If we get what we 
want for graduation; pretty soon we?ll all have cars。 It?s our turn to be louder and more obnoxious 
and more beautiful than ever?honk; honk!! And with no one around to disapprove (as if we care); 
it?s time to seriously misbehave。 

Five reasons to party harder than we ever have in our lives: 

1) Studying for finals is deathly boring。 

2) It?s almost summer! 

3) We deserve it!! 

4) The AC is cranked so high; we have to findsome way to keep warm?nudge; nudge。 

5) It?s our last chance。 Most of us will be going away for the summer; and after that; it?s off to 
college。This is it 。 

Before you get too crazy and do something you might regret; you?ll need to decide whether you 
and your boyfriend are devoted enough to have a long…distance relationship throughout the 
summer and on into college。 Imagine yourself surrounded by tan hunks in Billabong surf shorts; 
with sandy bare feet; offering you rides in their vintage Cabriolets。 Imagine hot campus prepsters 
in only their cute mint…green…and…white polka…dotted J。Crew boxers; on their way to the showers 
in your coed dorm。 Will you honestly be able to resist? Why not save yourself the pain of a 
torturous; drawn…out breakup by breaking up now? Then treat yourself to a meaningless fling with 
that shy; adorable geek you went to ballroom dancing school with in fifth grade who?s not such a 
geek anymore。 You?ve got absolutely nothing to lose。 And while you?re at it; why not at 
leastpretend to be nice to the stringy…haired; bucktoothed girl you forgot to invite to your birthday 
party in seventh grade and every birthday party you?ve had since。 That way she can point to your 
picture in the yearbook and brag to all her new pals at Mt。 Hollyhock or whatever dorky college 
she?s going to next year; ?See this cool chick here? She was one of my best friends!? But never 
mind trying to rekindle old romances and repair messed…up friendships。 

I don?t know about you; but I?ve got a major fashion crisis on my hands。 Most of the private 
girls? schools take their graduation ceremonies extremely seriously。 The girls must wear long 
white dresses; white gloves; and white shoes。 It?s like a wedding; except we?re being set free 
instead of tied down?yippee! Still; the question looms: to Oscar or not to Oscar。 Oscar de la Renta; 
that is。 If you go for Oscar; you?re likely to wind up wearing the same dress as six of your other 
classmates; although you know you?re going to look far better in him than they do。 And the nice 
thing about having to stick to white is that you can always dye it and wear it again。 Yeah; 

right?like you?re ever going towant to wear that dress again! 

While I?ve got your attention; let?s check in on a few of our favorite people。? 

 The odd couple 

There has been some speculation that the relationship between those two totally opposite 
Williamsburg apartment sharers is not just a simple; convenient roommate situation but something 
more?how shall we put it??romantic。B does seem to be wearing a lot of black lately; and her shoes 
are getting chunkier。 And what was with that silver Tiffanybarrette inV ?s supershort hair the other 
day? Can?t you just picture them; cuddling on the sofa; bing each other?s hair; trading 
Manolos and Doc Martens? ? Who needs boys?! 

Speaking of boys 

Bmay have given them up entirely?who wouldn?t; afterN ?s latest stunt??butV seems to be 
enjoying the pany of the opposite sex more and more。 She andB ?s shaven…headed vegan 
stepbrother;A ; have been romping unfettered and partially clothed in coffee shops and on park 
benches all over Williamsburg。 Nothing like a little PDA to lightV ?s fire! 

As forN ; you?d think he?d be on top of the world after scoring the city?s most desirable blond 
bombshell?right in front ofB ; in the pool house bathtub during the girls? senior cut day party out 
in Southampton; no less。 But no。 Have you seen him lately? Red…rimmed eyes; dirty tissues 
streaming from his pockets; lackluster disposition。 Our golden boy appears to be in a terrible funk。 
Or maybe he caught a sexually transmitted disease from one of those French tramps he?s always 
rumored to be hooking up with。 See? It doesn?t pay to be too greedy。 Not that that ever stopped us。 

 Your e…mail 

Q: Dear GG; 
I?m going to Vassar next year and I?ve been in love with this boy since I was like three; and I 
just found out he?s going to Vassar too! I?m so excited; but I?m worried I?m going to spend so 
much time trying to get him to talk to me; I won?t even realize I?m at college; you know?


A: Dear Ivstrk; 
Forgive me for being blunt; but I have a feeling you?ve already spent a lot of time trying to get 
this guy to talk to you。 Wait till you get to Vassar?there?s going to be a whole new group of 
adorable boys you?ve never seen before; and some of them might be even more loveworthy。 And 
since most dorms are coed these days; you can?tavoid talking to them! 



BandV buying potted basil plants at aWilliamsburg farmer?s market。 Maybe the gay rumors 
about them are true!?C entering aGreenwich Village barbershop to have his head shaved and 
exiting with his hair longer than before and with platinum highlights。 No way will he last even a 
month at military school。N standing on the roof of the Met; mournfully surveyingCentral Park 。 
Looks like our favorite stoner playboy has been struck with a bad case of ennui。D checking out 
bashed…up Buicks at some seedy used car lot inHarlem 。 Not that he even knows how to operate a 
gearshift。J taking a solo SSAT?the boarding school admissions exam?on a Saturday in the 
headmistress?s office at Constance Billard。 She?s determined to go; and her school is even more 
determined to get rid of her! 

All you have to do is pass 

My advice: Don?t miss a Zac Posen sample sale or a Stella McCartney trunk show for one of 
those silly everything…we…ever…learned pre?final exam cram sessions the teachers ?remend? 
you attend after school。 Do pour yourself a goblet of well…chilled pinot grigio and casually read 
through your notebooks。 All you have to do is pass; and believe me; you?re a lot smarter than you 
think。 Good luck; my darlings。 Can?t wait to see you at graduation! 

You know you love me。 

 gossip girl 

Jenny Humphrey is leaving Constance Billard to attend Waverly Prep; an elite boarding school 
where glamorous rich kids don?t let the rules get in the way of having an excellent time。 

Hot guys; new intrigue; and delicious gossip add up to more trouble than ever for Jenny。 But if 
getting caught with boys and goi

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