《gossip girl 8 英文》



gossip girl 8 英文- 第49部分

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Hot guys; new intrigue; and delicious gossip add up to more trouble than ever for Jenny。 But if 
getting caught with boys and going up against the Disciplinary mittee is what it takes; 
Jenny?s ready。 She?ll do all that and more to bee ? 

the it girl 

Turn the page for a sneak peek of this scandalous new series created by Cecily von Ziegesar。 


Somebody?s plaid Jack Spade duffel slammed into Jenny Humphrey?s shin and jerked her out of 
a dream。 The 10A。M 。 Amtrak Empire Service to Rhinecliff; New York; had stopped in 

Poughkeepsie; and a tall; twentyish; stubbly chinned boy in dark brown square Paul Smith glasses 
and a Decemberists T…shirt was standing over her。 

?Anybody sitting here?? he asked。 

?Nope;? she responded groggily; scooting over。 He threw his bag under the seat and settled in 
next to Jenny。 

The train groaned along at about a mile an hour。 Jenny sniffed at the stale; slightly sweaty train 
car air and jiggled her foot; thinking about how she was going to be super…late for check…in at 
Waverly Academy。 She would?ve been early if her dad; Rufus; had driven her up here in his blue 
beater Volvo wagon?he?d practically begged Jenny to let him?but Jenny hadn?t wanted her 
unshaven; peacenik father to drop her off at her brand…new; haute boarding school。 Knowing him; 
he?d have tried to start up an impromptu poetry slam with her new classmates and shown off old 
pictures of Jenny when she was a lame seventh grader and wore nothing but fluorescent green and 
orange Old Navy fleeces。 Um; no thanks。 

?Going to Waverly?? the boy asked。 He raised his eyebrows at theWaverly Academy Guide to 
Ethics that sat unopened in Jenny?s lap。 

Jenny brushed a brown tendril out of her eyes。 ?Yeah;? she answered。 ?I?m starting there this 
year。? She couldn?t hide the enthusiasm in her voice?she was so excited to start her brand…new 
boarding school that she felt all jiggly inside; like she had to pee。 


?Nope。 Sophomore。 I used to go to Constance Billard。 It?s in the city。? Jenny was a little pleased 
that she had a relatively chic past to refer to; or that it at least sounded that way。 

?So you wanted a change of pace; or what?? He fiddled with the strap of his worn leather 

Jenny shrugged。 This boy looked like he was her brother Dan?s age。 Dan had just taken off for 
Evergreen College on the West Coast two days ago; taking nothing with him except for two duffel 
bags; his Mac G4 laptop; and two cartons of cigarettes。 Jenny; on the other hand; had already 
shipped four oversize boxes and a couple of giant duffels to Waverly; and had lugged a giant 
suitcase and an overstuffed bag with her。 In her hyperexcited preparation for boarding school; she 
had practically bought out the hair; cosmetics; and feminine products aisles at CVS?who knew 
what she?d need at boarding school! She?d also gone on a buying spree at Club Monaco; J。Crew; 
and Barneys with the credit card her dad had lent her for back…to…school shopping。 ?Kinda;? she 
finally answered。 

The truth was; she?d been asked to leave Constance?apparently because she was considered 
a ?bad influence? on the other girls。 Jenny hadn?t thought she was being a bad influence at all?she 

was just trying to have fun; like every other girl at school。 But somehow; all of her moments of 
extreme fun had also been highly publicized and embarrassing: a picture of her boobs in a sports 
bra had shown up in a magazine (she?d thought it was a sportswear model shoot); a Webcast of 
her practically naked butt had been spread around the school; and she?d made some bad decisions 
about which boys she should make out with at various parties?and of course everybody had found 

The final straw had e after Jenny had spent a night at the Plaza Hotel with her brother?s old 
band; the Raves。 A photograph of her leaving the Plaza in nothing but a fluffy white bathrobe had 
appeared online on Page Six the next day。 Rumors had flown that Jenny was sleeping withall the 
Raves;including her brother。 Ew! Concerned parents quickly called up the Constance headmistress; 
aflutter about Jenny?s promiscuity。 After all; Constance had a reputation for excellence to uphold! 

Although Jenny hadn?t even been withone Rave; let alone all of them; she hadn?t exactly wanted 
todeny the rumor?she kind of loved that everyone was talking about her。 So as she?d sat with the 
Constance Billard headmistress; Ms。 McLean; in her patriotic red; white; and blue office back in 
the city; Jenny had realized something huge: it wasn?t the end of the world to get kicked out of 
Constance。 This was her chance to start over; to reinvent herself as the blunder…free sophisticate 
she?d always wanted to be。 And where was the classiest place to start over? Boarding school; of 

Much to her dad?s chagrin?she was pretty sure Rufus wanted her to live with him in their Upper 
West Side apartment forever?Jenny had rabidly researched a whole bunch of schools and toured a 
few。 The first school had turned out to have a strict disciplinary code and had been too boring for 
words。 Within minutes of getting to the second school; on the other hand; she?d been offered 
Ecstasy and had taken her top off。 But just like the third bed for Goldilocks; the third school that 
Jenny had tested; Waverly; was just right。 

Well; to tell the truth; she hadn?t actually visited Waverly?she?d run out of time; applied way 
past the deadline; and taken some creative liberties with her application?but she?d looked at 
thousands of pictures online and memorized all the building names and campus maps。 She was 
certain it would be perfect。 

?I used to go to Waverly?s rival;? the boy said; pulling a book out of his bag。 ?St。 Lucius。 Our 
school hated your school。? 

?Oh;? Jenny replied quietly; sinking into her seat。 

?I?m kidding。? He smiled and turned back to his book。 Jenny noticed it was Henry 
Miller?sTropic of Cancer ; one of her dad?s favorites。 According to Rufus; it had been banned 
because it was too right…on in its vicious social mentary about love and sex in New York City。 
Hello; sex scenes。 Jenny felt her cheeks growing pink。 

Then she realized: she was acting like her old; unsophisticated self。 And one thing was for sure: 

Old Jenny obviously wasn?t working for her。 

Jenny studied the boy carefully。 She didn?t know him and would probably never see him again; 
so why did she care what he thought of her? At Waverly; Jenny was going to be stunning; amazing 
New Jenny; the girl who belonged at the center of everything。 

So why not bee New Jenny startingright now? 

Mustering up her courage; she uncrossed her arms to reveal her rather large double…D chest; 
which seemed even bigger; since she was barely five feet tall; and sat up straight。 ?So; um; any 
good parts in that book?? 

The boy looked puzzled; his eyes darting back and forth from Jenny?s innocent face to her chest 
to the worn paperback?s cover。 Finally; he wrinkled his nose and answered; ?Maybe。? 

?Will you read some to me?? 

The boy licked his lips。 ?Okay。 But o

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