《gossip girl 8 英文》



gossip girl 8 英文- 第50部分

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?Will you read some to me?? 

The boy licked his lips。 ?Okay。 But only if you read me a line from that book you?ve got there 
first。? He tapped the maroon cover of her belovedWaverly Academy Guide to Ethics。 

?Sure。? Jenny opened the rule book。 She?d received it a few weeks ago and had devoured it 
cover to cover。 She loved its plush leather binding; its creamy paper stock; and the nursery…rhymey; 
slightly condescending; slightly British style in which it was written。 It sounded so wonderfully 
proper and upscale; and Jenny was sure that by the time she?d even spent a few weeks at Waverly; 
she?d be as polished; graceful; and perfect as Amanda Hearst; the young socialite; or the late 
Carolyn Bessette Kennedy。 

She cleared her throat。 ?Here?s a good one。 ?Waverly Owls may not dance in a sexually 
suggestive manner in public。?? She laughed。 Did that mean they could dance in a sexually 
suggestive manner inprivate? 

?Do they really refer to you as Waverly Owls?? The boy leaned over to look at the page。 He 
smelled like Ivory soap。 

?Yes!? As she said it; Jenny grinned。 She; Jenny Humphrey; was going to be a Waverly Owl! 

She turned the page。 ??Waverly Owls are not permitted sexual intimacy。 A Waverly Owl must not 
engage in activities that might be dangerous; such as jumping off the Richards Bridge。 A Waverly 
Owl does not wear spaghetti straps or miniskirts above midthigh。?? 

The boy snickered。 ?When they?re talking about a girl; shouldn?t it be an Owlette?? 

Jenny slammed the book shut。 ?Okay。 Now it?s your turn。? 

?Well; I just started; so I?ll read from the beginning。? The boy smirked and opened to the first 
page。 ??From the very beginning; I have trained myself not to want anything too badly。?? 

Funny; Jenny thought。 She had the opposite problem?she wanted everythingway too badly。 

??I was corrupt;?? he continued。 ??Corrupt from the start。?? 

?I?m corrupt!? Jenny blurted out。 ?But not from the start。? 

Old Jenny couldn?t believe what New Jenny was saying。 

?Yeah?? He closed the book。 ?I?m Sam; by the way。? 

?Jenny。? She looked down to see if Sam wanted her to shake his hand; but it was still wedged 
under his leg。 They both smiled awkwardly。 

?So; does your corruptness have anything to do with why you?re leaving New York for boarding 
school?? Sam asked。 

?Maybe。? Jenny shrugged; trying to be coy and mysterious at the same time。 


She let out a sigh。 She could admit the truth; butEverybody thought I was sleeping with all the 
guys in this band; and I didn?t deny it sounded kind of slutty。 Definitely not mysterious or chic。 So 
instead she decided to take some creative liberties。 ?Well; I was in a sort of risqu? fashion show。? 

Sam?s eyes glittered with interest。 ?What do you mean?? 

She thought for a moment。 ?Well; for one look; I just had this bra…and…underwear set on。 And 
heels。 I guess it was a little too much for some people。? 

This wasn?t entirely a lie。 Jennyhad modeled last year?for a Les Best spread inW magazine。 
Clothed。 But clothes didn?t seem too interesting at the moment。 

?Really?? Sam cleared his throat and readjusted his glasses。 ?Have you heard of Tinsley 

Carmichael? You should know her。? 


?Tinsley Carmichael。 She goes to Waverly。 I go to Bard now; but I met her a couple times at 
parties last year。? She came to school in her own seaplane。 But someone told me she decided to 
leave Waverly because Wes Anderson offered her the lead in his next movie。? 

Jenny shrugged; feeling strangely petitive with?and a wee bit excited about?this Tinsley girl。 
She sounded like the ideal New Jenny。 

The exhausted…looking train conductor stomped down the aisle and grabbed the ticket off the top 
of her seat。 ?Rhinecliff; next。? 

?Oh。 This is me。? Jenny took a deep breath。 It was really happening! She looked out the window; 
expecting to see something truly magical; but saw only lush green trees; a wide field; and 
telephone poles。 Still; trees! A field! The only field in Manhattan was Sheep Meadow in Central 
Park; and it was always filled with drug dealers and really skinny half…naked girls sunbathing。 

She stood and reached for her red and white polka…dotted soft…shell LeSportsac bag and the 
old…school brown Samsonite suitcase she?d borrowed from her dad。 It had a bigHUGS NOT 
BOMBS sticker next to the handles。 Not very New Jenny。 As she struggled to bring the case to the 
ground; Sam stood to help her; pulling it effortlessly off the rack。 

?Thanks;? she said; blushing。 

?No problem。? He pushed the hair out of his eyes。 ?So; do I get to see pictures of you at ? at the 
fashion show?? 

?If you search online;? Jenny lied。 She stared out the window and saw; across a field; an old 
rooster weathervane on the top of a large; faded farmhouse。 ?The designer?s name is; um; 

?Never heard of him。? 

?He?s kind of obscure;? Jenny answered quickly; noting that the polished; pink Polo wearing boy 
sitting behind them was definitely listening to their conversation。 Jenny tried to see what he was 
typing on his BlackBerry; but he covered the screen when he noticed her watching him。 

?You ? you should e to Bard sometime;? Sam continued。 ?We have some killer parties。 Great 
DJs and stuff。? 

?Okay;? Jenny replied over her shoulder; raising her eyebrows just a touch。 ?Although; you know; 
a Waverly Owl isn?t allowed to dance in a sexually suggestive manner。? 

?I won?t tell on you;? he answered; not taking his eyes off her chest。 

??Bye; Sam;? Jenny waved; using her most flirty; musical voice。 She stepped off the train onto 
the platform and sucked in a deep breath of fresh country air。Whoa 。 

New Jenny would take a little getting used to! 

Will Jenny?s dream of reinventing herself e true at Waverly? 
Find out how far one girl will go to bee? 
the it girl 
TheNew York Times Bestseller 
Available now。 

Be sure to read all the novels in the #1 
Gossip Girl novels by Cecily von Ziegesar 
where the girls all go 
he?s e undone 
V?s first love note of the day 
D is mr。 popularity 
S has rendered party school totally useless 
D and V have d?j? vu ? all over again 
you can take the girl out of 212; but you can?t take the 212 out of the girl 
S demonstrates how to be naughty and nice 
N?s new drug of choice 
a funny thing happened at the yale club 
what boarding schoolers do when they?re bored 

V experiments with double happiness 
D chooses real sex over sex poems 
who?s that boy? 
guess who?s bonking in bergdorf?s? 
see B die and go to heaven 
objects reflected in mirror are closer than they appear 
be still her cheating heart 
guess who?s ing to breakfast at fred?s? 
S gets to say her lines twice 
boys will be boys and girls will be girls 
D writes another ode 
who can resist an artistic page six girl? 
cheating for old times? sake 
too many boys; too many choices; too little time 
pomp and circumstance 
oh; the places you?ll go!?not 
D could use a little more love 
A reads V like a book 
who?s that girl? 
some would argue that her last name begins with w 
her heart is 

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