Sure; Serena。 Whatever you want。 Call me from jail。 I hear the food
is really good there。 Nate and I will visit you whenever we’re free;
which might be 。 。 。 I don’t know 。 。 。 NEVER?!
I hope the VD gets better soon。
Blair handed the note back to Kati; feeling only the tiniest speck of
remorse for being so mean。 There were so many stories about
Serena flying around; she honestly didn’t know what to believe
anymore。 Plus; Serena still hadn’t actually told anyone what she
was doing back; so why should Blair say anything in her defense?
Maybe some of it was true。 Maybe some of this stuff had really
Besides; passing notes is so much more fun than taking them。
“So I’m going to be writing; directing; and filming this。 And I’ve
already cast my friend; Daniel Humphrey; from Riverside Prep; as
Prince Andrei;” Vanessa explained。 Her cheeks heated up when she
uttered Dan’s name。 “But I still need a Natasha for the scene。 I’m
casting her tomorrow after school; in Madison Square Park at dusk。
Anyone interested?” she asked。
The question was a private little joke with herself。 Vanessa knew no
one in the room was even listening to her; they were too busy
passing notes。
Blair’s arm shot up。 “I’ll be the director!” she announced。 Obviously
she hadn’t heard the question; but Blair was so desperate to
impress the admissions office at Yale; she was always the first to
volunteer for anything。
Vanessa opened her mouth to speak。 Direct this; she wanted to say;
giving Blair the finger。
“Put your hand down; Blair;” Mr。 Beckham sighed tiredly。 “Vanessa
just got through telling us she is directing and writing and filming。
Unless you’d like to try out for the part of Natasha; I suggest you
focus on your own project。”
Blair glared sourly at him。 She hated teachers like Mr。 Beckham。 He
had such a chip on his shoulder because he was from Nebraska and
had finally attained his sad dream of living in New York City only to
find himself teaching a useless class instead of directing cutting
edge films and being famous。
“Whatever;” Blair said; tucking her dark hair behind her ears。 “I
guess I really don’t have time。”
And she didn’t。
Blair was chair of the Social Services Board and ran the French Club;
she tutored third graders in reading; she worked in a soup kitchen
one night a week; had SAT prep on Tuesdays; and on Thursday
afternoons she took a fashion design course with Oscar de la Renta。
On weekends she played tennis so she could keep up her national
ranking。 Besides all that; she was on the planning mittee of
every social function anyone would be bothered to go to; and the
fall/winter calendar was busy; busy; busy。 Her PalmPilot was always
running out of memory。
Vanessa flicked on the lights and walked back to her seat at the
front of the room。
“It’s okay; Blair; I wanted a blond girl for Natasha anyway;” she
said。 Vanessa smoothed her uniform around her thighs and sat
down daintily; in an almost perfect imitation of Blair。
Blair smirked at Vanessa’s prickly shaved head and glanced at Mr。
Beckham; who cleared his throat and stood up。 He was hungry; and
the bell was going to ring in five minutes。
“Well; that’s it; girls。 You can leave a little early today。 Vanessa; why
don’t you put up a sign…up sheet in the hall for your casting
The girls began to pack up their bags and file out of the room。
Vanessa ripped a blank sheet of paper out of her notebook and
wrote the necessary details at the top of it。 War and Peace。 Short
film。 Try out for Natasha。 Wednesday P。M。; sunset。 Madison SquarePark。 Park bench; Northeast corner。 She resisted writing an exact
description of the girl she was looking for; because she didn’t want
to scare anyone away。 But she had a clear picture in her mind; and
it wasn’t going to be easy to find the right girl。
Her perfect Natasha would be pale and blond; a natural dirty blond。
She wouldn’t be too obviously pretty; but she’d have the kind of
face that made you want to look at it。 She would be the kind of girl
to make Dan glow—full of movement and laughter—exactly the
opposite of Dan’s quiet energy; which burned deep inside him and
made his hands shake sometimes。
Vanessa hugged herself。 Just thinking about Dan made her feel like
she had to pee。 Under that shaved head and that impossible black
turtleneck; she was just a girl。
Face it: we’re all the same。
“The invitations; the gift bags; and the champagne。 That’s all we
have left to do;” Blair said。 She lifted a cucumber slice off her plate
and nibbled at it thoughtfully。 “Kate Spade is still doing the gift
bags; but I don’t know—do you think Kate Spade is too boring?”
“I think Kate Spade is perfect;” Isabel said; winding her dark hair
into a knot on top of her head。 “I mean; think how cool it is to have
a plain black handbag now instead of all those animal prints and
military shit everyone has。 It’s all such 。 。 。 bad taste; don’t you
Blair nodded。 “pletely;” she agreed。
“Hey; what about my leopard skin coat?” Kati said; looking hurt。
“Yes; but that’s real leopard skin;” Blair argued。 “That’s different。”
The three girls were sitting in the Constance cafeteria; discussing
the uping Kiss on the Lips benefit to raise money for the Central
Park Peregrine Falcon Foundation。 Blair was chair of the organizing
mittee; of course。
“Those poor birds;” Blair sighed。
As if she could give two shits about the damned birds。
“I really want this party to be good;” she said。 “You guys are ing
to my meeting tomorrow; right?”
“Of course we’re ing;” Isabel said。 “What about Serena—did you
tell her about the party? Is she going to help?”
Blair stared blankly back at her。
Kati wrinkled her pert little ski…jump nose and nudged Isabel with
her elbow。 “I bet Serena is too busy; you know; dealing with
everything。 All her problems。 She probably doesn’t have time to
help us; anyway;” she said; smirking。
Blair shrugged。 Across the cafeteria; Serena herself was just joining
the lunch line。 She noticed Blair right away and smiled; waving
cheerfully as if to say; “I’ll be there in a minute!” Blair blinked;
pretending she’d forgotten to put in her contacts。
Serena slid her tray along the metal counter; choosing a lemon
yogurt and skipping all the hot lunch selections until she came to
the hot…water dispenser; where she filled up a cup with hot water
and placed a Lipton tea bag; a slice of lemon; and a packet of sugar
on the saucer。 Then she carried her tray over to the salad bar;
where she filled up a plate with a pile of romaine lettuce and poured
a small puddle of bleu cheese dressing beside it。 She would have
preferred a toasted ham…and…cheese sandwich in the Gare du Nord
in Paris; eaten in a hurry before leaping onto her London train; but
this was almost as good。 It was the same lunch she’d eaten at
Constance every day since sixth grade。 Blair always got the same
thing too。 They called it the “diet plate。”
Blair watched as Serena got her salad; d
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