her best fundraising smile。 “I’m Rebecca Agnelli; from the Central
Park Save the Peregrine Falcon Foundation。”
Talk about bad timing。
Blair stared at the woman’s hand。 Her own right hand was clapped
over her mouth; holding in the vomit that threatened to spew out at
any moment。 She started to remove it so she could shake hands;
but then a waiter walked by with sizzling skewers of spicy chicken;
and Blair gagged。
Blair squeezed her lips together to keep the puke from seeping out
the sides of her mouth and changed hands; clapping the left one
over her mouth and reaching out to shake hands with her right
“It’s so wonderful to finally meet you;” the woman said as they
clasped hands。 “I can’t thank you enough for all you’ve done。”
Blair nodded and pulled her hand away。 Enough was enough。 She
couldn’t hold on any longer。 Her eyes darted around the crowded
room; desperately seeking help。
There were Kati and Isabel; dancing with each other。 There was
Anthony Avuldsen; handing out tabs of E。 There was Jeremy Scott
Tompkinson; trying to teach Laura Salmon and Rain Hoffstetter how
to blow smoke rings by the bar。 There was Chuck; holding that little
Ginny girl so tight it looked like her boobs might explode。
All the extras were there; but where was her leading man; her
She turned around and saw Nate pushing his way through the crowd
toward her。 Nate’s eyes were bloodshot; his face slack; his hair
unbed。 He looked more like a forgettable supporting actor than
a leading man。
Was this all there was? Was Nate it?
Blair didn’t have much choice。 She opened her eyes wide; silently
asking Nate for help and praying he’d be up to the job。
Ms。 Agnelli frowned and turned around to see what Blair was staring
at。 Blair made a run for it; and Nate stepped in just in time。
Thank God he was so stoned。
“Nate Archibald;” Nate said; shaking hands with the woman。 “My
mother is a big fan of those falcons。”
Ms。 Agnelli laughed and blushed a little。 What a charming young
man。 “Well; of course she is;” she said。 “Your family has been very
generous with our foundation。”
Nate plucked two flutes of champagne off a passing tray and
handed one to her。 He raised his glass。 “To the birds;” he said;
clinking his glass with hers and trying to fend off an outbreak of the
Ms。 Agnelli blushed again。 This boy was too cute!
“Hey; those two girls helped plan the party; too;” Nate said;
pointing at Kati and Isabel; who were standing on the edge of the
dance floor; useless as usual。 He waved them over。
“Hello; Nate;” said Kati; tottering over on four…inch stilettos。
Isabel clutched her drink and stared at the strange woman standing
next to Nate。 “Hi;” she said。 “I love your suit。”
“Thank you; dear。 I’m Rebecca Agnelli; from the Central Park Save
the Peregrine Falcons Foundation;” the woman said。 She held her
hand out to Isabel; who reached out with both arms to give her a
drunken hug。
“Excuse me;” said Nate; bowing out right on cue。
“Blair?” Nate called; cautiously pushing open the ladies’ room door。
“Are you in there?”
Blair was crouched in the end stall。 “Shit;” she said softly; wiping
her mouth with toilet paper。 She stood up and flushed。 “I’ll be right
out;” she said; waiting for him to leave。
But Nate pushed the ladies’ room door open all the way and
stepped inside。 On a counter by the sinks were little bottles of
Evian; perfume; hairspray; Advil; and hand lotion。 He unscrewed a
bottle of water and shook a couple Advil onto his palm。
Blair opened the stall door。 “You’re still here;” she said。
Nate handed her the pills and the water。 “I’m still here;” he
Blair swallowed the pills; sipping the water slowly。 “I’m really fine;”
she said。 “You can go back to the party。”
“You look nice;” Nate said; ignoring her。 He reached out and rubbed
one of Blair’s bare shoulders。 Her skin felt warm and soft; and Nate
wished they could lie down on her bed and fall asleep together like
they always used to。
“Thanks;” said Blair; her lower lip beginning to tremble。 “So do
“I’m sorry; Blair。 I really am;” Nate began。
Blair nodded and began to cry。 Nate pulled a paper towel from the
dispenser and handed it to her。
“I think the only real reason I did it 。 。 。 I mean; that I did it with
Serena 。 。 。 is because I knew she’d do it;” he said; grasping for the
right words。 “But it was you I wanted all along。”
Nice one。
Blair swallowed。 He’d said it just right; exactly the way she’d written
it in the script in her head。 She put her arms around Nate’s neck
and let him hold her。 His clothes smelled like pot。
Nate pushed her away and looked down into her eyes。 “So
everything is okay now?” he said。 “You still want me?”
Blair caught the reflection of the two of them together in the
bathroom mirror and gazed up into Nate’s gorgeous green eyes and
nodded yes。
“But only if you promise to stay away from Serena;” she sniffled。
Nate wound a strand of Blair’s hair around his finger and breathed
in the scent of her perfume。 It felt okay; standing there; holding her。
It felt like something he could do。 For now; and maybe forever。 He
didn’t need Serena。
He nodded。 “I promise。”
And then they kissed—a sad; soft kiss。 In her head; Blair could hear
the swell of music signaling the end of the scene。 It had started out
a little rocky; but at least the ending was okay。
“e on;” she said; pulling away and wiping the mascara smudges
from under her eyes。 “Let’s go see who’s here。”
Holding hands; they left the ladies’ room。 Kati Farkas smiled
knowingly as she tottered past them on the way in。
“You guys;” she scolded。 “Get a room!”
“This band rocks!” Serena shouted at Vanessa over the pounding
drum and bass。 She wriggled her butt from side to side in her chair;
her eyes shining。 Dan was having trouble breathing normally。 He’d
barely touched his drink。
Vanessa smiled; pleased that Serena liked the music。 Personally;
she hated it; although she’d never tell her sister Ruby that。
SugarDaddy was all about people dancing and sweating and
shaking their bodies around; which was definitely not Vanessa’s
She’d rather lie around in the dark listening to Gregorian chants or
whatever。 Yeehaw!
“e on;” Serena said; standing up。 “Let’s dance。”
Vanessa shook her head。 “That’s okay;” she said。 “You go。”
“Dan?” Serena said; tugging on his jacket sleeve。 “e on!”
Dan never; ever danced。 He was bad at it; and it made him feel like
a goofball。 He hesitated; glancing at Vanessa; who raised her black
eyebrows; challenging him。 If you get up and dance right now; you
will go straight to the top of my loser list; her look said。
Dan stood up。 “Sure; why not;” he said。
Serena grabbed his hand and pushed her way into the gyrating
throng with Dan stumbling after her。 Then Serena began to dance;
her arms raised over her head; kicking her feet out in front of her
and shaking her shoulders。 She definitely knew how to da