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《个人现状》|总人气: 5| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    作者简介及版权说明作者简介:    网络版说明:  其他网络媒体转贴需注明出处。传统媒体、出版社和读者来信请email至: dearzk@    英文作者简介:  Yilin Zhong (Juliet) was born in 1976, and began releaing literary works since 1984. Before she was 25, she has published three novels: Sunshine and the Monsoon (1995), Say Love (1998), The Love Fiction (2001), and a column of essays Eyes in subway (2001). Her column of short stories Going to Tibet was written between her 17 and 24 and was recently published in 2005. In 2002, she came to London for study and then gained her MA degree from one Top university in th


