look at me quite as much as they had yesterday。 I sat with a big group at
lunch that included Mike; Eric; Jessica; and several other people whose
names and faces I now remembered。 I began to feel like I was treading
water; instead of drowning in it。
It was worse because I was tired; I still couldn't sleep with the wind
echoing around the house。 It was worse because Mr。 Varner called on me in
Trig when my hand wasn't raised and I had the wrong answer。 It was
miserable because I had to play volleyball; and the one time I didn't
cringe out of the way of the ball; I hit my teammate in the head with it。
And it was worse because Edward Cullen wasn't in school at all。
All morning I was dreading lunch; fearing his bizarre glares。 Part of me
wanted to confront him and demand to know what his problem was。 While I
was lying sleepless in my bed; I even imagined what I would say。 But I
knew myself too well to think I would really have the guts to do it。 I
made the Cowardly Lion look like the terminator。
But when I walked into the cafeteria with Jessica — trying to keep my
eyes from sweeping the place for him; and failing entirely — I saw that
his four siblings of sorts were sitting together at the same table; and
he was not with them。
Mike intercepted us and steered us to his table。 Jessica seemed elated by
the attention; and her friends quickly joined us。 But as I tried to
listen to their easy chatter; I was terribly unfortable; waiting
nervously for the moment he would arrive。 I hoped that he would simply
ignore me when he came; and prove my suspicions false。
He didn't e; and as time passed I grew more and more tense。
I walked to Biology with more confidence when; by the end of lunch; he
still hadn't showed。 Mike; who was taking on the qualities of a golden
retriever; walked faithfully by my side to class。 I held my breath at the
door; but Edward Cullen wasn't there; either。 I exhaled and went to my
seat。 Mike followed; talking about an uping trip to the beach。 He
lingered by my desk till the bell rang。 Then he smiled at me wistfully
and went to sit by a girl with braces and a bad perm。 It looked like I
was going to have to do something about Mike; and it wouldn't be easy。 In
a town like this; where everyone lived on top of everyone else; diplomacy
was essential。 I had never been enormously tactful; I had no practice
dealing with overly friendly boys。
I was relieved that I had the desk to myself; that Edward was absent。 I
told myself that repeatedly。 But I couldn't get rid of the nagging
suspicion that I was the reason he wasn't there。 It was ridiculous; and
egotistical; to think that I could affect anyone that strongly。 It was
impossible。 And yet I couldn't stop worrying that it was true。
When the school day was finally done; and the blush was fading out of my
cheeks from the volleyball incident; I changed quickly back into my jeans
and navy blue sweater。 I hurried from the girls' locker room; pleased to
find that I had successfully evaded my retriever friend for the moment。 I
walked swiftly out to the parking lot。 It was crowded now with fleeing
students。 I got in my truck and dug through my bag to make sure I had
what I needed。
Last night I'd discovered that Charlie couldn't cook much besides fried
eggs and bacon。 So I requested that I be assigned kitchen detail for the
duration of my stay。 He was willing enough to hand over the keys to the
banquet hall。 I also found out that he had no food in the house。 So I had
my shopping list and the cash from the jar in the cupboard labeled FOOD
MONEY; and I was on my way to the Thriftway。
I gunned my deafening engine to life; ignoring the heads that turned in
my direction; and backed carefully into a place in the line of cars that
were waiting to exit the parking lot。 As I waited; trying to pretend that
the earsplitting rumble was ing from someone else's car; I saw the two
Cullens and the Hale twins getting into their car。 It was the shiny new
Volvo。 Of course。 I hadn't noticed their clothes before — I'd been too
mesmerized by their faces。 Now that I looked; it was obvious that they
were all dressed exceptionally well; simply; but in clothes that subtly
hinted at designer origins。 With their remarkable good looks; the style
with which they carried themselves; they could have worn dishrags and
pulled it off。 It seemed excessive for them to have both looks and money。
But as far as I could tell; life worked that way most of the time。 It
didn't look as if it bought them any acceptance here。
No; I didn't fully believe that。 The isolation must be their desire; I
couldn't imagine any door that wouldn't be opened by that degree of
They looked at my noisy truck as I passed them; just like everyone else。
I kept my eyes straight forward and was relieved when I finally was free
of the school grounds。
The Thriftway was not far from the school; just a few streets south; off
the highway。 It was nice to be inside the supermarket; it felt normal。 I
did the shopping at home; and I fell into the pattern of the familiar
task gladly。 The store was big enough inside that I couldn't hear the
tapping of the rain on the roof to remind me where I was。
When I got home; I unloaded all the groceries; stuffing them in wherever
I could find an open space。 I hoped Charlie wouldn't mind。 I wrapped
potatoes in foil and stuck them in the oven to bake; covered a steak in
marinade and balanced it on top of a carton of eggs in the fridge。
When I was finished with that; I took my book bag upstairs。 Before
starting my homework; I changed into a pair of dry sweats; pulled my damp
hair up into a pony…tail; and checked my e…mail for the first time。 I had
three messages。
〃Bella;〃 my mom wrote…
Write me as soon as you get in。 Tell me how your flight was。 Is it
raining? I miss you already。 I'm almost finished packing for Florida; but
I can't find my pink blouse。 Do you know where I put it? Phil says hi。
I sighed and went to the next。 It was sent eight hours after the first。
〃Bella;〃 she wrote…
Why haven't you e…mailed me yet? What are you waiting for? Mom。
The last was from this morning。
If I haven't heard from you by 5:30 p。m。 today I'm calling Charlie。
I checked the clock。 I still had an hour; but my mom was well known for
jumping the gun。
Calm down。 I'm writing right now。 Don't do anything rash。
I sent that; and began again。
Everything is great。 Of course it's raining。 I was waiting for something
to write about。 School isn't bad; just a little repetitive。 I met some
nice kids who sit by me at lunch。
Your blouse is at the dry cleaners … you were supposed to pick it up
Charlie bought me a truck; can you believe it? I love it。 It's old; but
really sturdy; which is good; you know; for me。
I miss you; too。 I'll write again soon; but I'm not going to check my
e…mail every five minutes。 Relax; breathe。 I love you。
I had decided to read Wuthering Height