only had she taught me much knowledge and ferry me to best high school; but also and more essential; she set up an example for me to do a kind man ;honest; full of gratitude 。
I still remember when I had a high fever ;she was so worried that she told several students to sent me to hospital and paid the medical expense at once 。and it was she who made a grate contribution for my test to best high school。 she told her mother to meet at the exam spot and even arrange me to stay in her mother’s 。I was so touched that her mother treat me like her own son ;she used to be a teacher ;but now she is a business woman ;nevertheless I didn’t seen a little kind of business in her 。she first show me the surroundings of the exam spot ;and asked me to be calm during the exam ;she’s more of a teacher and a mother to me 。it was her caring ;I enter the best high school ;I didn’t know how to thanks to her ;even at the scene of my departure; she saw me off in the terminal and I just waved to her like a son left his deerest mom。
The just like the chalk; devoted themselves silently; and I ;the piece of green ;will gradually be independent and mind grown 。
I only want to sing a song for them ;for all care about me ;all love “thanksgiving heart ”
Thanksgiving heart
I came from occasion
Like a tiny clay
Who knows my fragile
Where am I from
Where’s my feeling’ s home
Who will ask for me in the next station
Although the road’s wide
The way’s hard to go
I’ve seen the misery all over the world
How much love I have
How much tear I have
Let god know
I never give up
Thanksgiving heart
Thanks to you
Acpany all my life
Encourage to do myself
Thanksgiving heart
Thanks to fate
Boom and depress
, I’ll always value。
My teachers
印象最深的几位老师,小学的姜老师,初中的杨老师,高中的陈sir 。姜老师虽然已经50岁了,可却是我们小学的最富于工作奉献的语文老师。他可能有些倔强,但他却是那么倔强的工作着,前额的头发已经脱落,却在教学中越发老当益壮的风采。
In my deep memory ;there are some teachers can’t be forgotten 。 Mr。 jiang in primary school ; miss yang in junior high school ;;but he was a work crazy in teaching Chinese 。maybe he was kind of stubborn ;but he was so stubborn in work as a Chinese teacher。 His hair was white on his before head; however ;he was vigorous in working with the cool white hair 。
Once a time on our school sports meeting ; one girl of our class won the first prize in short race ;but due to the wrong judgement;she didn’t get the honor 。 Mr 。jiang was raged and headed our class to retreat from the sports petition 。Later all the spectators were pledged for our class ;and the judge changed the result after all;which at last made him smile like a child 。
Sometimes ;he was just like a child he was laughing all the time like a child when our class got the first in final ;he will ask some country students like us to help him and we would like to very much 。He has another speciality ;he is serious about our manners and behaviors ;once a boy called a girl “nv wawa”; which made him irritated and he punished the boy seriously 。after then we are very causcious about our behaviors 。
Miss yang was very good at teaching and managing the affairs of our class ;though she had just graduated from teachers’ school 。She is not more than five years older than us ;looking like a student ;but she did well in teaching maths and very careful about us in every aspect of life She will tell stores to us and said her feelings about us 。She taught us how to be a good grateful person and how to respect others working consequence and be grateful 。
Although ;sometimes ;our boys were naught ; we played jokes about other teachers who taught our option class ;but when heard the ing of miss yang ;the headteacher 。We were stunned and bee downheaded and guilt of what we had done 。We were very afraid her but respect her She also would like to help the poor child of our class ;and talked to everyone in our class 。sometimes ;She was on duty deep late at night 。
She had a headache ;but every time she still taught us math very well 。She didn’t like us boys long hairstyled 。if anyone who did so ;she will took out a scissor to cut off his hair like a barber 。
高中的时候,印象最深的老师就是辉哥,陈SIR 他很幽默。但从来都是一张严峻的面孔,也很少说话,但他很喜欢倾听同学们的诉说,而后,他说的每一句话都堪称经典,并且从来他说的每句话,他都会做到。
;once he opened his mouth ;each word he said is very classical humor 。And even so the word spoken by him is kept to the realization of them 。
He is our physics teachers and the head teacher 。Evey time he would insert some humor to the class of him 。For example ;