- 重生之肖文(重生之政敌)
- 神雕欲女
- (斗罗大陆同人)斗罗大陆之
- 艳妻系列三之情丝难系(出
- HP之铂金与紫罗兰
- 情色搜神记
- [高干]掰弯这个兵 作者:辣
- 喜欢含jb睡觉的高大体育生
- 有需要的话,联系我 作者:
- 神雕群芳谱
- 风流快活朱八戒
- [综]母亲的责任
- 重生鹿鼎做王爷
- 凤歌 [出书版] by 靡靡之
- 神雕游侠
- [综]妈妈难当
- 开个价,爷包你[重生]
- 秦时明月之猎艳风流
- 我的男友是禽兽
- [射雕]江湖无下限
- [HP]瞧这一家子
- 姐夫宠 作者:公子歌
- 花落无声 元谋人
- 人妻师父拐回家[网游]
- 红楼之绝黛风华
- 我的世界之旅
- 我的弟弟妹妹就是那么可爱
- 重生韩娱之完美人生
- 网游之幻世历险
- 穿越者-游戏王的传说
by Ernest Hemingway1In the late summer of that year we lived in a house in a village that looked across the river and the plain to the mountains. In the bed of the river there were pebbles and boulders, dry and white in the sun, and the water was clear and swiftly moving and blue in the channels. Troops went by the house and down the road and the dust they raised powdered the leaves of the trees. The trunks of the trees too were dusty and the leaves fell early that year and we saw the troops marching along the road and the dust rising and le
- [txt下载] 水晶之恋-神医集
- [txt下载] 埋葬青春
- [txt下载] 没关系小姐
- [txt下载] 染香群-赖上好姐姐
- [txt下载] 爱上樱桃妙滋味
- [txt下载] 请夜别来
- [txt下载] 爱上我算你倒霉
- [txt下载] 男怕嫁错郎
- [txt下载] 情天-囚心无痕(欲
- [txt下载] 钱香惑儒生
- [txt下载] 美女,抛个媚眼过来
- [txt下载] 耍诈小魔女
- [txt下载] 那么爱你为什么
- [txt下载] 欺骗
- [txt下载] 爱上a型男生
- [txt下载] 奇之恋
- [txt下载] 悄悄的一线光 作者:
- [txt下载] 那只眼睛看见我是你
- [txt下载] 是爱,不是错
- [txt下载] 是恶魔那又怎样
- [txt下载] 魔掳卿心
- [txt下载] 泡泡之夏
- [txt下载] 没有如果 作者:卫小
- [txt下载] 热线追情