liday had thinned out。 Where the room was once filled with TV trays and long tables; now only one table is set。 The food is still great。 But the room is more quiet; the mood subdued。
“Care to walk a spell?” My brother asked me after the meal。
We put our jackets on and stepped outside。
“Which way?” I said。
He shrugged。“Doesn’t matter。 Down the road a piece。” He pointed to the left and we took off。
It was a chilly Thanksgiving afternoon; late in the day and the air was hazy with wood smoke。 The streets were quiet as we strolled through the neighborhood we once played in。 Remembering the families that once lived in certain homes。 We passed the field where we dug the earth out and created a fort。 The two trees we used for tree houses。 The flood control basin where we caught lizards and tadpoles and took our dogs to let them run free。 Somewhere in the skeletal trees that lined the sidewalk a Mockingbird sang loud and clear; breaking the solitude。
My brother punched me in the shoulder; the trace of a smile breaking on his face。 “Listen at it!”
I shook my head; laughed。 We walked on and my eyes filled a bit with tears as I heard the refrain in my head from a room filled with relatives。。。
Listen at it!
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My Unforgettable Moment
Lance Armstrong
The old saying that you should live each day as though it’s your last is a nice sentiment; but it doesn’t work。 Take it from me。 I tried it once and here’s what I learned: if I pursued only happiness and lived just for the moment; I’d be a poor husband and father; a waster with a perpetual1 three…day growth on my chin。 Cancer taught me that。 Suffering; I learned; is as essential to a good life; and as inextricable2 as bliss。
Before cancer; whatever I imagined happiness to be; pretty soon I wore it out; took it for granted or threw it away。 A portfolio; a Porsche; a coffee machine—these things were important to me。 So was my hair。 Then I lost them; including the hair。
When I was 25; I was diagnosed with advanced testicular cancer; which had metastasized into my lungs and brain。 I sold my car; gave up my career as a world… class cyclist; lost a good deal of money and barely hung on to my life。 When I went into remission; I thought happiness would mean being self…indulgent。 Not knowing how much time I had left; I did not intent to suffer ever again。
I had suffered months of fear; chemotherapy so strong it left burn…like marks under my skin and surgery to remove two tumours。 Happiness to me then was waking up。 I ate Mexican food; played golf and lay on the couch。 The pursuit of happiness meant going to my favorite restaurant and pursuing a plate of enchiladas with tomatillo sauce。
Two events changed me。 The first happened one night at dinner。 My wife Kristin put down her fork and said; “You need to decide something: are you going to be a golf…playing; beer…drinking; Mexican…food…eating slob for the rest of your life? If you are; I’ll still love you。 But I need to know because; if so; I’ll go and get a job。 I’m not going to sit at home while you play golf。”
I stared at her。
“I’m so bored。”she said。
Suddenly I understood that I was bored too。 Bored and purposeless。 I realized that responsibility; the routines and habits of shaving in the morning; having a job to do and a wife to love—these were the things that tied my days together and gave them a pattern deserving of the term living。
In days I was back on my bike。 For the first time in my life; I rode with real strength and stamina3—and purpose。 。。
The second moment arrived along with the birth of my son Luck。 I grew up without a father; he left home before I was able to walk。 So I vowed that if I ever ha