


高效说话的捷径- 第2部分

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  (Take Heart From the Experience of Others)

  法则2  时刻不忘交谈的目标  8

  (Keep Your Goal Before You)

  法则3  对成功沟通充满信心  11

  (Predetermine Your Mind to Success)

  法则4  抓住一切机会练习说话  13

  (Seize Every Opportunity to Practice)

  第二节  培养当众讲话的信心  15

  (Developing Confidence)

  法则5  了解害怕当众讲话的实情  16

  (Get the Facts About Fear of Speaking in Public)

  法则6  以适当方式准备演讲  18

  (Prepare in the Proper Way)

  法则7  增强信心的三个法则  23

  (Predetermine Your Mind to Success)

  法则8  充满自信地行动  24

  (Act Confident)

  第三节  高效说话的捷径  27

  (Speaking Effectively the Quick and Easy Way)

  法则9  说自己经&;not;历过或熟悉的事情  28

  (Speak About Something You Have Earned the Right to Talk About Through Experience or Study)

  法则10  对题材充满热忱  33

  (Be Sure You Are Excited About Your Subject)

  法则11  激起听众的共鸣  35

  (Be Eager to Share Your Talk With Your Listeners)

  第二章  演讲、演讲者及听众  37

  (Part Two  Speech Speaker and Audience)

  第一节  怎样准备演讲  38

  (Earning the Right to Talk)

  法则12  紧扣主题展开演讲  39

  (Limit Your Subject)

  法则13  演讲前的准备要充分  40

  (Develop Reserve Power)

  法则14  用例证丰富演讲  42

  (Fill Your Talk With Illustrations and Examples)

  法则15  利用人们熟悉的、具体的语言  48

  (Use Concrete Familiar Words That Create Pictures)

  第二节  赋予讲演生命力  56

  (Vitalizing the Talk)

  法则16  选择自己热衷的话题  57

  (Choose Subjects You Are Earnest About)

  法则17  重现自己的感觉  62

  (Relive the Feelings You Have About Your Topic)

  法则18  表现出你的热情  62

  (Act in Earnest)

  第三节  与听众分享自己的演讲  64

  (Sharing the Talk With the Audience)

  法则19  用听众感兴趣的字眼  65

  (Talk in Terms of Your Listeners’Interests)

  法则20  给听众以真诚的赞赏  68

  (Give Honest Sincere Appreciation)

  法则21  与听众融为一体  68

  (Identify Yourself With the Audience)

  法则22  让听众参与演讲  70

  (Make Your Audience a Partner in Your Talk)

  法则23  放低自己的姿态  71

  (Play Yourself Down)

  第三章  演讲的几种形式  75

  (Part Three  The Purpose of Prepared and Impromptu Talks)

  第一节  如何以简短演讲引起反响  76

  (Making the Short Talk to Get Action)

  法则24  从生活和经&;not;历中找事例  81

  (Give Your Example an Incident From Your Life)

  法则25  让听众知道该做什么  86

  (State Your Point What You Want the Audience to Do)

  法则26  给出理由或听众可能获得的利益  87

  (Give the Reason or Benefit the Audience May Expect)

  第二节  说明情况的演讲  89

  (Making the Talk to Inform)

  法则27  按规定时间组织素材  90

  (Restrict Your Subject to Fit the Time at Your Disposal)

  法则28  合理安排演讲逻  92

  (Arrange Your Ideas in Sequence)

  法则29  使演讲条理清晰  93

  (Enumerate Your Points as You Make Them)

  法则30  善用比喻会使演讲深入浅出  94

  (pare the Strange With the Familiar)

  法则31  多用视觉辅助手段  99

  (Use Visual Aids)

  第三节  说服性演讲  103

  (Making the Talk to Convince)

  法则32  以真诚赢得信任  105

  (Win Confidence by Deserving It)

  法则33  如何获得认同  105

  (Get a Yes…Response)

  法则34  让讲述深具感染力  108

  (Speakin With Contagious Enthusiasm)

  法则35  给听众以尊敬和关爱  109

  (Show Respect and Affection for Your Audience)

  法则36  以友好的方式开始  110

  (Begin in a Friendly Way)

  第四节  如何进行即席演说  114

  (Making Impromptu Talks)

  法则37  练习即席演说  115

  (Practice Impromptu Speaking)

  法则38  时刻为即席演说做准备  117

  (Be Mentally Ready to Speak Impromptu)

  法则39  用例证作开场白  118

  (Get Into an Example Immediately)

  法则40  让演讲充满生气和活力  119

  (Speak With Animation and Force)

  法则41  即席演讲的话题应就地取材  120

  (Use the Principle of the Here and Now)

  法则42  即席演说≠即席乱说  121

  (Don’t Talk Impromptu…Give an Impromptu Talk)

  第四章  沟通的艺术  123

  (Part Four  The Art of municating)

  第一节  发表演说的恰当态度  124

  (Delivering the Talk)

  法则43  打破羞怯的外壳  125

  (Crash Through Your Shell of Self…Consciousness)

  法则44  全身心投入到演讲中  126

  (Put Your Heart Into Your Speaking)

  第二节  与听众共同完成演讲  128

  (Cooperate With Your Audience)

  法则45  要与听众形成互动  128

  (Converse With Your Audience)

  法则46  切莫模仿他人—只做自己  132

  (Don't Try to Imitate Others…Be Yourself)

  法则47  让声音弹性有力  134

  (Practice Making Your Voice Strong and Flexible)

  第五章  高效说话的挑战  137

  (Part Five  The Challenge of Effective Speaking)

  第一节  三种特殊的演说形式  138

  (Introducing Speakers Presenting and Accepting Awards)

  法则48  充分准备自己要说的话  140

  (Thoroughly Prepare What You are Going to Say)

  法则49  “题—重—讲”的公式  142

  (Follow the T…I…S Formula)

  法则50  要有热诚  145

  (Be Enthusiastic)

  法则51  充分准备引荐辞  146

  (Thoroughly Prepare the Talk of Presentation)

  法则52  答谢辞要有真情实感  147

  (Express Your Sincere Feelings in the Talk of Acceptance)

  第二节  组织较长的演讲  148

  (Organizing the Longer Talk)

  法则53  尽快抓住听众注意力  149

  (Get Attention Immediately)

  法则54  避免激起负面注意  159

  (Avoid Getting Unfavorable Attention)

  法则55  支持主要观点  163

  (Support Your Main Ideas)

  法则56  诉诸行动  167

  (Appeal for Action)

  第三节  善用已学到的技巧  177

  (Applying What You Have Learned)

  法则57  在谈话中使用特定的细节  178

  (Use Specific Detail in Everyday Conversation)

  法则58  寻找机会练习说话  180

  (Seek Opportunities to Speak in Public)

  法则59  要持之以恒  181

  (You Must Persist)

  法则60  确信一定能成功  183

  (Keep the Certainty of Reward Before You)

第一章  高效说话的基本技巧

  (Seize Every Opportunity to Practice)


  当萧伯纳(George Bernard)被问及他是如何学会声势夺人地进行演讲时,他答道:“我是以自己学会溜冰的方法来做的—我使劲让自

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