“Mr。 Yang is double of Ms。 Wei。” Roger has pared the husband and wife。
“How about weight their children?” Roger was lost in the paring of body。
“Their children are almost like you when you are a baby。 Do you think that they will h*e a fat baby when his child born?” I had to remind him。
Roger also felt bored; and he picked a book to read。 In his book; a river was extended from a geographical map by his hand drawing。 That river meandered to the edge of page; and nearly to flow out; Roger held the book in both hands; and he shook the river。 It was very worried by me when I saw the fiver flow down; I think it must very flow quickly and out…of…control。
He read the history books again; “Zhang Heng was born in Henan Province; do you know this great person; Joyce?” he talked with me in morning reading class; and we were found by Ms。 Wei when she went around and inspect in our class。
“Joyce; stay in this classroom after class。” She said。 I baffled with the view of her le*ing to her kitchen。 Roger was placent when I was caught by our teacher。 It was a tease to me。 I begin to read Chinese books; some poems written by Lu Xun; through the busy road with the hiding of poor hat; Mr。 Lu extracted his archaic poems in the article。 I respected this author because of his spirit。
“There are some reading books on that table; Joyce; please read them in your free time; you h*e are good at writing; and I anchored my hope on you in this sample examination。” Ms。 Wei said in her kitchen; she raises the cover and likes finished her work。
“Joyce; h*e a breakfast in my family; let’s talk about some reading books; such as Reading on Middle School; ok?”
“Yes; my teacher; I very much love to talk and eat here; thank you; madam。” This room was filled up with books; and this was a study room and bedroom; the double bed take up three fifths; I thought that maybe the fat gym teacher also took up three fifths in this double bed。 Some motor vehicles passed through our middle school gate; and Roger has told my parent that I will h*e a breakfast in my teacher’s family; so I needn’t worry about my return home。
Yu Jian is a very famous poet in China; I h*e met him in the first page of my first reading book; I read his poems which were beside his picture in the head page of Reading in Middle School。 I felt very healthy in her study room。 I met a man who is very good at talking。 Ms。 Wei and I never thought about that I will work with this famous poet in the same office building ten years later。 He worked in the theory office; I worked in the editing office。
In the first time of life; we would meet many chances; a possibility next to another in the future; those possibilities crowded forward to show how rich in your young time; and I got my possibility which related to the literature in Ms。 Wei’s study room; it occurred in one page of magazine; that also was a possible change in my childhood; and this possibility took me up and led me to give up other possibilities。
“Is he asleep?” my parent talked about me in their bedroom。
“Yes; his lamp is extinguished; I’m very happy; our child knows to study。 He reads some book all the time after dinner。” My father told my mother; and he turn down the TV voice。
But I felt sorry for them because I didn’t sleep yet; I always thought about the articles that I read。 I was thinking about my future on my bed。
“Maybe our child will go to a university; our family also should h*e a university student。” My father said very happily。 He told my mother a story about my grandpa; one day my grandpa h*e said our family will get a university student in those years; he said beside the river; and washed his hands with the river water。
My mother believed in this story very deeply; and she went along my father’s voice and said;” Maybe he thought the student is our boy。”
“If he goes to the middle school of our city; I should go out to earn the school fees。” My father always had a plan to earn money; but we all worried about him; because his body was so thin and weak to go to a construction site。txt电子书分享平台
“上哪学校啊,小冯?”水龙头旁洗床单的老板娘在我走下楼梯时询问。“快来通知了吧。”我有些懊恼报考的那所大学,让人等得心急火燎的,比考试那几天还难熬。不少人对他们所心仪的大学丧失信心,每年的录取分数线都在变,指不定这件事就泡汤了。沿着解放路边上的槐树凉阴向汽车站走去。音像店正在播放着一首叫《Looking For The Summer》的曲子,忧伤歌词陪伴着我走过音像店,再从五十米远的十字街口转过去,就能搭车回家了。怎样跟父亲说那个迟来的通知书呢,再也不敢看父亲那双深陷在眼眶里的含着比我更焦灼等待的眼神了。
水利局家属院居民的出租房大多住着睢县高中的学生,学校虽是封闭式管理,对住宿的要求却非常宽泛,愿意住宿舍的一学期交50块就可以,希望找个安静的环境搭灯温习功课,就得在校外租房。水电和房租每月要20块,晚上不停电。水利局家属院在校门口对面,进进出出的除了卖馒头烧饼的小商贩,三轮车夫,便是这些十七八岁的高中生,他们踏着晨色赶到校园,晚九点再从那泄水般的校门口冲出来 ,在乳白的月光下洗刷。我从出租老板杨老师家属楼里推门走入小巷,正碰上迎面而来的一群女孩子,她们要从小巷的两端汇入一条宽阔点的水泥路上去,那条路通往校门。而我和她分别租着这条小巷两头的房子。只好放慢脚步,让过那群女孩,她落在一群后面。深秋的黎明,中原地区迎来最凄冷时刻,他们曾从水桶里舀出冰凉的隔夜水,将暖瓶的温水和进去,才伸出瑟瑟发抖的双手,把脸上的睡意洗去。现在,她们推推嚷嚷,一路上鸟儿般唧唧喳喳不停。
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