《the last battle_c·s·刘易斯》



the last battle_c·s·刘易斯- 第21部分

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not so tall; with a big  beard。

〃ho…ho…ho;〃 chuckled the ape。 〃any more? anyone else want to go in? well;  as youre all shy; ill choose the next。 you; you boar! on you e。 drive him up;  calormenes。 he shall see tashlan face to face。鈥

〃o…o…mph;〃 grunted the boar; rising heavily to his feet。 〃e on; then。  try my tusks。鈥

when tirian saw that brave beast getting ready to fight for its life … and  calormene soldiers beginning to close in on it with their drawn scimitars … and no  one going to its help … something seemed to burst inside him。 he no longer cared if this was  the best moment to interfere or not。

〃swords out;〃 he whispered to the others。 〃arrow on string。 follow。鈥

next moment the astonished narnians saw seven figures leap forth in front  of the stable; four of them in shining mail。 the kings sword flashed in the firelight as  he waved it above his head and cried in a great voice:  〃here stand i; tirian of narnia; in aslans name; to prove with my body  that tash is a foul fiend; the ape a manifold traitor; and these calormenes worthy of  death。 to my side; all true narnians。 would you wait till your new masters have killed you all  one by one?鈥



the pace quickens   quick as lightning; rishda tarkaan leaped back out of reach of the kings  sword。 he was no coward; and would have fought single…handed against tirian and the  dwarf if need were。 but he could not take on the eagle and the unicorn as well。 he  knew how eagles can fly into your face and peck at your eyes and blind you with  their wings。 and he had heard from his father (who had met narnians in battle) that no man;  except with arrows; or a long spear; can match a unicorn; for it rears on its hind legs  as it falls upon you and then you have its hoofs and its horn and its teeth to deal with all  at once。 so he rushed into the crowd and stood calling out:  〃to me; to me; warriors of the tisroc; may…he…liveforever。 to me; all loyal  narnians; lest the wrath of tashlan fall upon you!鈥

while this was happening two other things happened as well。 the ape had not  realized his danger as quickly as the tarkaan。 for a second or so he remained  squatting beside the fire staring at the newers。 then tirian rushed upon the wretched  creature; picked it up by the scruff of the neck; and dashed back to the stable shouting; 〃open  the door!鈥

poggin opened it。 〃go and drink your own medicine; shift!〃 said tirian and  hurled the ape through into the darkness。 but as the dwarf banged the door shut again;  a blinding greenish…blue light shone out from the inside of the stable; the earth  shook; and there was a strange noise … a clucking and screaming as if it was the hoarse voice of  some monstrous bird。 the beasts moaned and howled and called out 〃tashlan! hide  us from him!〃 and many fell down; and many hid their faces in their wings or paws。  no one except farsight the eagle; who has the best eyes of all living things;  noticed the face of rishda tarkaan at that moment。 and from what farsight saw there he knew at  once that rishda was just as surprised; and nearly frightened; as everyone else。  〃there goes one;鈥

thought farsight; 〃who has called on gods he does not believe in。 how will  it be with him if they have really e?鈥

the third thing … which also happened at the same moment … was the only  really beautiful thing that night。 every single talking dog in the whole meeting (there were  fifteen of  

them) came bounding and barking joyously to the kings side。 they were  mostly great big dogs with thick shoulders and heavy jaws。 their ing was like the  breaking of a great wave on the seabeach: it nearly knocked you down。 for though they  were talking dogs they were just as doggy as they could be: and they all stood up and  put their front paws on the shoulders of the humans and licked their faces; all saying at  once: 〃wele! wele! well help; well help; help; help。 show us how to help;  show us how; how。 how…how…how?鈥

it was so lovely that it made you want to cry。 this; at last; was the sort  of thing they had been hoping for。 and when; a moment later; several little animals (mice and  moles and a squirrel or so) came pattering up; squealing with joy; and saying 〃see;  see。 were here;鈥

and when; after that; the bear and the boar came too; eustace began to feel  that perhaps; after all; everything might be going to e right。 but tirian gazed round  and saw how very few of the animals had moved。

〃to me! to me!〃 he called。 〃have you all turned cowards since i was your  king?鈥

〃we darent;〃 whimpered dozens of voices。 〃tashlan would be angry。 shield  us from tashlan。鈥

〃where are all the talking horses?〃 said tirian to the boar。

〃weve seen; weve seen;〃 squealed the mice。 〃the ape has made them work。  theyre all tied … down at the bottom of the hill。鈥

〃then all you little ones;〃 said tirian; 〃you nibblers and gnawers and  nutcrackers; away with you as fast as you can scamper and see if the horses are on our side。  and if they are; get your teeth into the ropes and gnaw till the horses are free and bring  them hither。鈥

〃with a good will; sire;〃 came the small voices; and with a whisk of tails  those sharp…eyed and sharp…toothed folk were off。 tirian smiled for mere love as he saw  them go。 but it was already time to be thinking of other things。 rishda tarkaan was  giving his orders。

〃forward;〃 he said。 〃take all of them alive if you can and hurl them into  the stable or drive them into it。 when they are all in we will put fire to it and make  them an offering to the great god tash。鈥

〃ha!〃 said farsight to himself。 〃so that is how he hopes to win tashs  pardon for his unbelief。鈥

the enemy line … about half of rishdas force … was now moving forward; and  tirian had barely time to give his orders。

〃out on the left; jill; and try to shoot all you may before they reach us。  boar and bear next to her。 poggin on my left; eustace on my right。 hold the right wing;  jewel。 stand by  

him; puzzle; and use your hoofs。 hover and strike; farsight。 you dogs; just  behind us。

go in among them after the sword…play has begun。 aslan to our aid!鈥

eustace stood with his heart beating terribly; hoping and hoping that he  would be brave。

he had never seen anything (though he had seen both a dragon and a  seaserpent) that made his blood run so cold as that line of dark…faced bright…eyed men。  there were fifteen calormenes; a talking bull of narnia; slinkey the fox; and wraggle the  satyr。 then he heard twang…and…zipp on his left and one calormene fell: then twang…andzipp  again and the satyr was down。 〃oh; well done; daughter!〃 came tirians voice; and  then the enemy were upon them。

eustace could never remember what happened in the next two minutes。 it was  all like a dream (the sort you have when your temperature is over 100) until he heard  rishda tarkaans voice calling out from the distance:  〃retire。 back hither and re…form。鈥

then eustace came to his senses and saw the calormenes scampering back to  their friends。 but not all of them。 two lay dead; pierced by jewels horn; one by  tirians sword。 the fox lay dead at his

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