《the last battle_c·s·刘易斯》



the last battle_c·s·刘易斯- 第4部分

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in arms further up the valley; we three are too few  to meet them。 if it would please you to wait while …鈥

〃i will not wait the tenth part of a second;〃 said the king。 〃but while  jewel and i go forward; do you gallop as hard as you may to cair paravel。 here is my ring  for your token。 get me a score of men…at…arms; all well mounted; and a score of  talking dogs; and ten dwarfs (let them all be fell archers); and a leopard or so; and  stonefoot the giant。 bring all these after us as quickly as may be。鈥

〃with a good will; sire;〃 said roonwit。 and at once he turned and galloped  eastward down the valley。

the king strode on at a great pace; sometimes muttering to himself and  sometimes clenching his fists。 jewel walked beside him; saying nothing; so there was  no sound between them but the faint jingle of a rich gold chain that hung round the  unicorns neck and the noise of two feet and four hoofs。

they soon reached the river and turned up it where there was a grassy road:  they had the water on their left and the forest on their right。 soon after that they  came to the place where the ground grew rougher and thick wood came down to the waters edge。  the road; what there was of it; now ran on the southern bank and they had to ford the  river to reach it。 it was up to tirians arm…pits; but jewel (who had four legs and  was therefore steadier) kept on his right so as to break the force of the current; and  tirian put his strong arm round the unicorns strong neck and they both got safely over。 the king  was still so angry that he hardly noticed the cold of the water。 but of course he dried  his sword very carefully on the shoulder of his cloak; which was the only dry part of him;  as soon as they came to shore。

they were now going westward with the river on their right and lantern  waste straight ahead of them。 they had not gone more than a mile when they both stopped  and both spoke at the same moment。 the king said 〃what have we here?〃 and jewel said  〃look!鈥

〃it is a raft;〃 said king tirian。

and so it was。 half a dozen splendid tree…trunks; all newly cut and newly  lopped of their branches; had been lashed  together to make a raft; and were gliding  swiftly down the river。 on the front of the raft there was a water rat with a pole to steer  it。

〃hey! water…rat! what are you about?〃 cried the king。

〃taking logs down to sell to the calormenes; sire;〃 said the rat; touching  his ear as he might have touched his cap if he had had one。

〃calormenes!〃 thundered tirian。 〃what do you mean? who gave order for these  trees to be felled?鈥

the river flows so swiftly at that time of the year that the raft had  already glided past the king and jewel。 but the water…rat looked back over its shoulder and shouted  out:  〃the lions orders; sire。 aslan himself。〃 he added something more but they  couldnt hear it。

the king and the unicorn stared at one another and both looked more  frightened than they had ever been in any battle。

〃aslan;〃 said the king at last; in a very low voice。 〃aslan。 could it be  true? could he be felling the holy trees and murdering the dryads?鈥

〃unless the dryads have all done something dreadfully wrong…〃 murmured  jewel。

〃but selling them to calormenes!〃 said the king。 〃is it possible?鈥

〃i dont know;〃 said jewel miserably。 〃hes not a tame lion。鈥

〃well;〃 said the king at last; 〃we must go on and take the adventure that  es to us。鈥

〃it is the only thing left for us to do; sire;〃 said the unicorn。 he did  not see at the moment how foolish it was for two of them to go on alone; nor did the king。  they were too angry to think clearly。 but much evil came of their rashness in the  end。

suddenly the king leaned hard on his friends neck and bowed his head。

〃jewel;〃 he said; 〃what lies before us? horrible thoughts arise in my  heart。 if we had died before today we should have been happy。鈥

〃yes;〃 said jewel。 〃we have lived too long。 the worst thing in the world  has e upon us。〃 they stood like that for a minute or two and then went on。

before long they could hear the hack…hack…hack of axes falling on timber;  though they could see nothing yet because there was a rise of the ground in front of  them。 when they had reached the top of it they could see right into lantern waste itself。  and the kings face turned white when he saw it。

right through the middle of that ancient forest … that forest where the  trees of gold and of silver had once grown and where a child from our world had once planted the  tree of protection … a broad lane had already been opened。 it was a hideous lane  like a raw gash in the land; full of muddy ruts where felled trees had been dragged down to  the river。

there was a great crowd of people at work; and a cracking of whips; and  horses tugging and straining as they dragged at  the logs。 the first thing that struck the  king and the unicorn was that about half the people in the crowd were not talking beasts  but men。

the next thing was that these men were not the fair…haired men of narnia:  they were dark; bearded men from calormen; that great and cruel country that lies  beyond archenland across the desert to the south。 there was no reason; of course;  why one should not meet a calormene or two in narnia … a merchant or an ambassador  … for there was peace between narnia and calormen in those days。 but tirian could not  understand why there were so many of them: nor why they were cutting down a narnian  forest。 he grasped his sword tighter and rolled his cloak round his left arm。 they  came quickly down among the men。

two calormenes were driving a horse which was harnessed to a log。 just as  the king reached them the log had got stuck in a bad muddy place。

〃get on; son of sloth! pull; you lazy pig!〃 cried the calormenes; cracking  their whips。

the horse was already straining himself as hard as he could; his eyes were  red and he was covered with foam。

〃work; lazy brute;〃 shouted one of the calormenes: and as he spoke he  struck the horse savagely with his whip。 it was then that the really dreadful thing  happened。

up till now tirian had taken it for granted that the horses which the  calormenes were driving were their own horses; dumb; witless animals like the horses of our  own world。

and though he hated to see even a dumb horse overdriven; he was of course  thinking more about the murder of the trees。 it had never crossed his mind that  anyone would dare to harness one of the free talking horses of narnia; much less to use  a whip on it。

but as that savage blow fell the horse reared up and said; half screaming:  〃fool and tyrant! do you not see i am doing all i can?鈥

when tirian knew that the horse was one of his own narnians; there came  over him and over jewel such a rage that they did not know what they were doing。 the  kings sword went up; the unicorns horn went down。 they rushed forward together。 next  moment both the calormenes lay dead; the one beheaded by tirians sword and the  other gored through the heart by jewels horn。

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the ape in its glory   〃master horse; master horse;〃 said tirian as he hastily cut its traces;  〃how came 

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