ell be in another galaxy to the people sleeping on the other side of the wall I leaned against。 I thought I had forgotten about this land。 But I hadn t。 And; under the bony glow of a halfmoon; I sensed Afghanistan humming under my feet。 Maybe Afghanistan hadn t forgotten me either。
I looked westward and marveled that; somewhere over those mountains; Kabul still existed。 It really existed; not just as an old memory; or as the heading of an AP story on page 15 of the San Francisco Chronicle。 Somewhere over those mountains in the west slept the city where my harelipped brother and I had run kites。 Somewhere over there; the blindfolded man from my dream had died a
needless death。 Once; over those mountains; I had made a choice。 And now; a quarter of a century later; that choice had landed me right back on this soil。
I was about to go back inside when I heard voices ing from the house。 I recognized one as Wahid s。
……nothing left for the children。
We re hungry but we re not savages! He is a guest! What was I supposed to do? he said in a strained voice。
……to find something tomorrow She sounded near tears。 What do I feed……
I tiptoed away。 I understood now why the boys hadn t shown any interest in the watch。 They hadn t been staring at the watch at all。 They d been staring at my food。
WE SAID OUR GOOD … BYE S early the next morning。 Just before I climbed into the Land Cruiser; I thanked Wahid for his hospitality。 He pointed to the little house behind him。 This is your home; he said。 His three sons were standing in the doorway watching us。 The little one was wearing the watch……it dangled around his twiggy wrist。
I glanced in the side…view mirror as we pulled away。 Wahid stood surrounded by his boys in a cloud of dust whipped up by the truck。 It occurred to me that; in a different world; those boys wouldn t have been too hungry to chase after the car。
Earlier that morning; when I was certain no one was looking; I did something I had done twenty…six years earlier: I planted a fistful of crumpled money under a mattress。
Farid had warned me。 He had。 But; as it turned out; he had wasted his breath。
We were driving down the cratered road that winds from Jalalabad to Kabul。 The last time I d traveled that road was in a tarpaulin…covered truck going the other way。 Baba had nearly gotten himself shot by a singing; stoned Roussi officer……Baba had made me so mad that night; so scared; and; ultimately; so proud。 The trek between Kabul and Jalalabad; a bone…jarring ride down a teetering pass snaking through the rocks; had bee a relic now; a relic of two wars。 Twenty years earlier; I had seen some of the first war with my own eyes。 Grim reminders of it were strewn along the road: burned carcasses of old Soviet tanks; overturned military trucks gone to rust; a crushed Russian jeep that had plunged over the mountainside。 The second war; I had watched on my TV screen。 And now I was seeing it through Farid s eyes。
Swerving effortlessly around potholes in the middle of the broken road; Farid was a man in his element。 He had bee much chattier since our overnight stay at Wahid s house。 He had me sit in the passenger seat and looked at me when he spoke。 He even smiled once or twice。 Maneuvering the steering wheel with his mangled hand; he pointed to mud…hut villages along the way where he d known people years before。 Most of those people; he said; were either dead or in refugee camps in Pakistan。 And sometimes the dead are luckier; he said。
He pointed to the crumbled; charred remains of a tiny village。 It was just a tuft of blackened; roofless walls now。 I saw a dog