


2513-美丽的英语- 第10部分

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    Of course。 Yes; of course; but why I haven’t thought of it?    
    书里还有两位美丽的公主,Princess of Pure Reason和Princess of Sweet Rhyme,我把她们分别译成“真理公主”和“音韵公主”,虽然从字面上看,pure和sweet 没有翻译出来,但是“真理”和“音韵”这两个词已经充分地表达了pure和sweet的意义,如果硬要加上“纯洁”和“甜蜜”这两个字,反而觉得累赘,也不符合少年儿童的阅读特点。我觉得,在儿童文学作品中,一定要把那些拟人化的“人物”的名字翻译好,让人们觉得亲切,可爱,就像自己的朋友一样。    
    I can hardly see a thing; said Milo; taking hold of Tock's tail as a sticky mist engulfed the moon。 Perhaps we should wait until morning。     
    They'll be mourning for you soon enough; came a reply from directly above; and this was followed by a hideous cackling laugh very much like someone choking on a fishbone。    


    I don't think you understand; said Milo timidly as the watchdog growled a warning。 We're looking for a place to spend the night。     
    It's not yours to spend; the bird shrieked again; and followed it with the same horrible laugh。     
    That doesn't make any sense; you see… he started to explain。     
    Dollars or cents; it's still not yours to spend; the bird replied haughtily。     
    But I didn't mean… insisted Milo。     
    Of course you're mean; interrupted the bird; closing the eye that had been open and opening the one that had been closed。 Anyone who'd spend a night that doesn't belong to him is very mean。     
    Well; I thought that by… he tried again desperately。     
    That's a different story; interjected the bird a bit more amiably。 If you want to buy; I'm sure I can arrange to sell; but with what you're doing you'll probably end up in a cell anyway。     
    That doesn't seem right; said Milo helplessly; for; with the bird taking everything the wrong way; he hardly knew what he was saying。     
    Agreed; said the bird; with a sharp click of his beak; but neither is it left; although if I were you I would have left a long time ago。     
    Let me try once more; he said in an effort to explain。 In other words…     
    You mean you have other words? Cried the bird happily。 Well; by all means; use them。 You're certainly not doing very well with the ones you have now。    
    morning和mourning,是两个同音词,但是意义却不同。大脏鸟总是故意打岔,混淆这两个词的概念,这就给翻译出了难题,因为morning (早晨)和mourning(哀悼)在这里无法翻译出对应的中文,我就把“捱到”和“哀悼”译成对应的词,尽量体现谐音的趣味性。    
    另一个类似的难题是,大脏鸟故意把spend的“度过”、“花费”这两个意思混淆起来,它把spend the night(过夜)故意打岔说成spend dollars and cents (花钱)。在这里我没有照字面意思译,而是把dollars and cents 翻译成了“白天和黑夜”,这样,就把小米勒说的“找个地方过夜”过渡到大脏鸟的“白天和黑夜,都不是你们过的”,让上下文合理地衔接起来。    
    接着,小米勒说“But I didn't mean——”,大脏鸟又打岔说,“Of course you're mean”,小米勒说的mean是“我是说,我的意思是”,而大脏鸟的mean却是“卑鄙的”,“不善良的”,两个mean 当然是南辕北辙,为了上下文的衔接,我把它们分别翻译成“我的意思不是——”和“当然是你的不是……”,这样就显出了大脏鸟的恶意,又让双方的对话顺利进行下去,而不显得别扭。    
    还有对话里的同音词by(经过)和buy(买),sell(出售)和cell(胡同、牢房),双关语right(正确、右边)和 left(离开、左边),in other words (换句话说)和have other words(还有别的话),等等。遇到这样的词语,最重要的就是反复比较各种译法,尽可能地体现作者的智慧,又让读者清楚地了解文句的真正含义。    


    It has been a long trip; said Milo; climbing onto the couch where the princesses sat; but we would have been here much sooner if I hadn't made so many mistakes。 I'm afraid it's all my fault。     
    You must never feel badly about making mistakes; explained Reason quietly。 As long as you take the trouble to learn from them。 For you often learn more by being wrong for the right reasons than you do by being right for the wrong reasons。     
    But there's so much to learn; he said; with a thoughtful frown。    
    You may not see it now; said the Princess of Pure Reason; looking knowingly at Milo's puzzled face; but whatever we learn has a purpose and whatever we do affects everything and everyone else; even if in the tiniest way。 Whenever you laugh; gladness spreads like the ripples in a pond; and whenever you're sad; no one anywhere can be really happy。 And it's much the same thing with knowledge; for whenever you learn something new; the whole world bees that much richer。     

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