


安徒生童话- 第10部分

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using the knife!〃

The words were scarcely spoken; when Jurgen's hand sank down。 Hedid not answer a syllable; but went on eating; and afterwards returnedto his work。 When they were resting again he walked up to Martin andsaid:

〃Hit me in the face! I deserve it。 But sometimes I feel as if Ihad a pot in me that boils over。〃

〃There; let the thing rest;〃 replied Martin。

And after that they were almost better friends than ever; whenafterwards they returned to the dunes and began telling theiradventures; this was told among the rest。 Martin said that Jurgenwas certainly passionate; but a good fellow after all。

They were both young and healthy; well…grown and strong; butJurgen was the cleverer of the two。

In Norway the peasants go into the mountains and take the cattlethere to find pasture。 On the west coast of Jutland huts have beenerected among the sand…hills; they are built of pieces of wreck; andthatched with turf and heather; there are sleeping places round thewalls; and here the fishermen live and sleep during the earlyspring。 Every fisherman has a female helper; or manager as she iscalled; who baits his hooks; prepares warm beer for him when hees ashore; and gets the dinner cooked and ready for him by the timehe es back to the hut tired and hungry。 Besides this the managersbring up the fish from the boats; cut them open; prepare them; andhave generally a great deal to do。

Jurgen; his father; and several other fishermen and their managersinhabited the same hut; Martin lived in the next one。

One of the girls; whose name was Else; had known Jurgen fromchildhood; they were glad to see each other; and were of the sameopinion on many points; but in appearance they were entirely opposite;for he was dark; and she was pale; and fair; and had flaxen hair;and eyes as blue as the sea in sunshine。

As they were walking together one day; Jurgen held her hand veryfirmly in his; and she said to him:   〃Jurgen; I have something I want to say to you; let me be yourmanager; for you are like a brother to me; but Martin; whosehousekeeper I am… he is my lover… but you need not tell this to theothers。〃

It seemed to Jurgen as if the loose sand was giving way underhis feet。 He did not speak a word; but nodded his head; and that meant〃yes。〃 It was all that was necessary; but he suddenly felt in hisheart that he hated Martin; and the more he thought the more he feltconvinced that Martin had stolen away from him the only being heever loved; and that this was Else: he had never thought of Else inthis way before; but now it all became plain to him。

When the sea is rather rough; and the fishermen are ing home intheir great boats; it is wonderful to see how they cross the reefs。One of them stands upright in the bow of the boat; and the otherswatch him sitting with the oars in their hands。 Outside the reef itlooks as if the boat was not approaching land but going back to sea;then the man who is standing up gives them the signal that the greatwave is ing which is to float them across the reef。 The boat islifted high into the air; so that the keel is seen from the shore; thenext moment nothing can be seen; mast; keel; and people are allhidden… it seems as though the sea had devoured them; but in a fewmoments they emerge like a great sea animal climbing up the waves; andthe oars move as if the creature had legs。 The second and third reefare passed in the same manner; then the fishermen jump into thewater and push the boat towards the shore… every wave helps them…and at length they have it drawn up; beyond the reach of the breakers。

A wrong order given in front of the reef… the slightesthesitation… and the boat would be lost;

〃Then it would be all over with me and Martin too!〃

This thought passed through Jurgen's mind one day while theywere out at sea; where his foster…father had been taken suddenlyill。 The fever had seized him。 They were only a few oars' strokes fromthe reef; and Jurgen sprang from his seat and stood up in the bow。

〃Father…let me e!〃 he said; and he glanced at Martin and acrossthe waves; every oar bent with the exertions of the rowers as thegreat wave came towards them; and he saw his father's pale face; anddared not obey the evil impulse that had shot through his brain。 Theboat came safely across the reef to land; but the evil thoughtremained in his heart; and roused up every little fibre ofbitterness which he remembered between himself and Martin since theyhad known each other。 But he could not weave the fibres together;nor did he endeavour to do so。 He felt that Martin had robbed him; andthis was enough to make him hate his former friend。 Several of thefishermen saw this; but Martin did not… he remained as obliging andtalkative as ever; in fact he talked rather too much。

Jurgen's foster…father took to his bed; and it became hisdeath…bed; for he died a week afterwards; and now Jurgen was heir tothe little house behind the sand…hills。 It was small; certainly; butstill it was something; and Martin had nothing of the kind。

〃You will not go to sea again; Jurgen; I suppose;〃 observed one ofthe old fishermen。 〃You will always stay with us now。〃

But this was not Jurgen's intention; he wanted to see something ofthe world。 The eel…breeder of Fjaltring had an uncle at Old Skjagen;who was a fisherman; but also a prosperous merchant with ships uponthe sea; he was said to be a good old man; and it would not be a badthing to enter his service。 Old Skjagen lies in the extreme north ofJutland; as far away from the Hunsby dunes as one can travel in thatcountry; and this is just what pleased Jurgen; for he did not wantto remain till the wedding of Martin and Else; which would takeplace in a week or two。

The old fisherman said it was foolish to go away; for now thatJurgen had a home Else would very likely be inclined to take himinstead of Martin。

Jurgen gave such a vague answer that it was not easy to make outwhat he meant… the old man brought Else to him; and she said:

〃You have a home now; you ought to think of that。〃

And Jurgen thought of many things。

The sea has heavy waves; but there are heavier waves in thehuman heart。 Many thoughts; strong and weak; rushed through Jurgen'sbrain; and he said to Else:

〃If Martin had a house like mine; which of us would you ratherhave?〃

〃But Martin has no house and cannot get one。〃

〃Suppose he had one?〃

〃Well; then I would certainly take Martin; for that is what myheart tells me; but one cannot live upon love。〃

Jurgen turned these things over in his mind all night。 Somethingwas working within him; he hardly knew what it was; but it was evenstronger than his love for Else; and so he went to Martin's; andwhat he said and did there was well considered。 He let the house toMartin on most liberal terms; saying that he wished to go to seaagain; because he loved it。 And Else kissed him when she heard ofit; for she loved Martin best。

Jurgen proposed to start early in the morning; and on theevening before his departure; when it was already getting rather late;he felt a wish to visit Martin once more。 He started; and among thedunes met the old fisherman; who was angry at his leaving the place。The old man made jokes about Martin; and declared there must be 

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