all stood a tree; with drooping branches; from which hunggolden apples; both great and small; looking like oranges amid thegreen leaves。 It was the tree of knowledge of good and evil; fromwhich Adam and Eve had plucked and eaten the forbidden fruit; and fromeach leaf trickled a bright red dewdrop; as if the tree were weepingtears of blood for their sin。 〃Let us now take the boat;〃 said thefairy: 〃a sail on the cool waters will refresh us。 But we shall notmove from the spot; although the boat may rock on the swellingwater; the countries of the world will glide before us; but we shallremain still。〃
It was indeed wonderful to behold。 First came the lofty Alps;snow…clad; and covered with clouds and dark pines。 The horn resounded;and the shepherds sang merrily in the valleys。 The banana…trees benttheir drooping branches over the boat; black swans floated on thewater; and singular animals and flowers appeared on the distant shore。New Holland; the fifth division of the world; now glided by; withmountains in the background; looking blue in the distance。 Theyheard the song of the priests; and saw the wild dance of the savage tothe sound of the drums and trumpets of bone; the pyramids of Egyptrising to the clouds; columns and sphinxes; overthrown and buried inthe sand; followed in their turn; while the northern lights flashedout over the extinguished volcanoes of the north; in fireworks nonecould imitate。
The prince was delighted; and yet he saw hundreds of otherwonderful things more than can be described。 〃Can I stay hereforever?〃 asked he。
〃That depends upon yourself;〃 replied the fairy。 〃If you do not;like Adam; long for what is forbidden; you can remain here always。〃
〃I should not touch the fruit on the tree of knowledge;〃 saidthe prince; there is abundance of fruit equally beautiful。〃
〃Examine your own heart;〃 said the princess; 〃and if you do notfeel sure of its strength; return with the East Wind who broughtyou。 He is about to fly back; and will not return here for a hundredyears。 The time will not seem to you more than a hundred hours; yeteven that is a long time for temptation and resistance。 Every evening;when I leave you; I shall be obliged to say; 'e with me;' and tobeckon to you with my hand。 But you must not listen; nor move fromyour place to follow me; for with every step you will find yourpower to resist weaker。 If once you attempted to follow me; youwould soon find yourself in the hall; where grows the tree ofknowledge; for I sleep beneath its perfumed branches。 If you stoopedover me; I should be forced to smile。 If you then kissed my lips;the garden of paradise would sink into the earth; and to you itwould be lost。 A keen wind from the desert would howl around you; coldrain fall on your head; and sorrow and woe be your future lot。〃
〃I will remain;〃 said the prince。
So the East Wind kissed him on the forehead; and said; 〃Be firm;then shall we meet again when a hundred years have passed。 Farewell;farewell。〃 Then the East Wind spread his broad pinions; which shonelike the lightning in harvest; or as the northern lights in a coldwinter。
〃Farewell; farewell;〃 echoed the trees and the flowers。
Storks and pelicans flew after him in feathery bands; to acpanyhim to the boundaries of the garden。
〃Now we will mence dancing;〃 said the fairy; and when it isnearly over at sunset; while I am dancing with you; I shall make asign; and ask you to follow me: but do not obey。 I shall be obliged torepeat the same thing for a hundred years; and each time; when thetrial is past; if you resist; you will gain strength; tillresistance bees easy; and at last the temptation will be quiteovere。 This evening; as it will be the first time; I have warnedyou。〃
After this the fairy led him into a large hall; filled withtransparent lilies。 The yellow stamina of each flower formed a tinygolden harp; from which came forth strains of music like the mingledtones of flute and lyre。 Beautiful maidens; slender and graceful inform; and robed in transparent gauze; floated through the dance; andsang of the happy life in the garden of paradise; where death neverentered; and where all would bloom forever in immortal youth。 As thesun went down; the whole heavens became crimson and gold; and tintedthe lilies with the hue of roses。 Then the beautiful maidens offeredto the prince sparkling wine; and when he had drank; he felt happinessgreater than he had ever known before。 Presently the background of thehall opened and the tree of knowledge appeared; surrounded by a haloof glory that almost blinded him。 Voices; soft and lovely as hismother's sounded in his ears; as if she were singing to him; 〃Mychild; my beloved child。〃 Then the fairy beckoned to him; and saidin sweet accents; 〃e with me; e with me。〃 Forgetting hispromise; forgetting it even on the very first evening; he rushedtowards her; while she continued to beckon to him and to smile。 Thefragrance around him overpowered his senses; the music from theharps sounded more entrancing; while around the tree appeared millionsof smiling faces; nodding and singing。 〃Man should know everything;man is the lord of the earth。〃 The tree of knowledge no longer wepttears of blood; for the dewdrops shone like glittering stars。
〃e; e;〃 continued that thrilling voice; and the princefollowed the call。 At every step his cheeks glowed; and the bloodrushed wildly through his veins。 〃I must follow;〃 he cried; 〃it is nota sin; it cannot be; to follow beauty and joy。 I only want to seeher sleep; and nothing will happen unless I kiss her; and that Iwill not do; for I have strength to resist; and a determined will。〃
The fairy threw off her dazzling attire; bent back the boughs; andin another moment was hidden among them。
〃I have not sinned yet;〃 said the prince; 〃and I will not;〃 andthen he pushed aside the boughs to follow the princess。 She waslying already asleep; beautiful as only a fairy in the garden ofparadise could be。 She smiled as he bent over her; and he saw tearstrembling out of her beautiful eyelashes。 〃Do you weep for me?〃 hewhispered。 〃Oh weep not; thou loveliest of women。 Now do I begin tounderstand the happiness of paradise; I feel it to my inmost soul;in every thought。 A new life is born within me。 One moment of suchhappiness is worth an eternity of darkness and woe。〃 He stooped andkissed the tears from her eyes; and touched her lips with his。
A clap of thunder; loud and awful; resounded through the tremblingair。 All around him fell into ruin。 The lovely fairy; the beautifulgarden; sunk deeper and deeper。 The prince saw it sinking down inthe dark night till it shone only like a star in the distancebeneath him。 Then he felt a coldness; like death; creeping over him;his eyes closed; and he became insensible。
When he recovered; a chilling rain was beating upon him; and asharp wind blew on his head。 〃Alas! what have I done?〃 he sighed; 〃Ihave sinned like Adam; and the garden of paradise has sunk into theearth。〃 He opened his eyes; and saw the star in the distance; but itwas the morning star in heaven which glittered in the darkness。
Presently he stood up and found himself in the depths of theforest; close to the cavern of the Winds; and the mother of theWinds sat by his side。 She l