in the middle。 The huckster couldafford this; and therefore the goblin remained with the huckster;which was very cunning of him。
One evening the student came into the shop through the back doorto buy candles and cheese for himself; he had no one to send; andtherefore he came himself; he obtained what he wished; and then thehuckster and his wife nodded good evening to him; and she was awoman who could do more than merely nod; for she had usually plenty tosay for herself。 The student nodded in return as he turned to leave;then suddenly stopped; and began reading the piece of paper in whichthe cheese was wrapped。 It was a leaf torn out of an old book; abook that ought not to have been torn up; for it was full of poetry。
〃Yonder lies some more of the same sort;〃 said the huckster: 〃Igave an old woman a few coffee berries for it; you shall have the restfor sixpence; if you will。〃
〃Indeed I will;〃 said the student; 〃give me the book instead ofthe cheese; I can eat my bread and butter without cheese。 It wouldbe a sin to tear up a book like this。 You are a clever man; and apractical man; but you understand no more about poetry than thatcask yonder。〃
This was a very rude speech; especially against the cask; butthe huckster and the student both laughed; for it was only said infun。 But the goblin felt very angry that any man should venture to saysuch things to a huckster who was a householder and sold the bestbutter。 As soon as it was night; and the shop closed; and every one inbed except the student; the goblin stepped softly into the bedroomwhere the huckster's wife slept; and took away her tongue; which ofcourse; she did not then want。 Whatever object in the room he placedhis tongue upon immediately received voice and speech; and was able toexpress its thoughts and feelings as readily as the lady herself coulddo。 It could only be used by one object at a time; which was a goodthing; as a number speaking at once would have caused great confusion。The goblin laid the tongue upon the cask; in which lay a quantity ofold newspapers。
〃Is it really true;〃 he asked; that you do not know what poetryis?〃
〃Of course I know;〃 replied the cask: 〃poetry is something thatalways stand in the corner of a newspaper; and is sometimes cut out;and I may venture to affirm that I have more of it in me than thestudent has; and I am only a poor tub of the huckster's。〃
Then the goblin placed the tongue on the coffee mill; and how itdid go to be sure! Then he put it on the butter tub and the cashbox; and they all expressed the same opinion as the waste…paper tub;and a majority must always be respected。
〃Now I shall go and tell the student;〃 said the goblin; and withthese words he went quietly up the back stairs to the garret where thestudent lived。 He had a candle burning still; and the goblin peepedthrough the keyhole and saw that he was reading in the torn book;which he had brought out of the shop。 But how light the room was! Fromthe book shot forth a ray of light which grew broad and full; like thestem of a tree; from which bright rays spread upward and over thestudent's head。 Each leaf was fresh; and each flower was like abeautiful female head; some with dark and sparkling eyes; and otherswith eyes that were wonderfully blue and clear。 The fruit gleamed likestars; and the room was filled with sounds of beautiful music。 Thelittle goblin had never imagined; much less seen or heard of; anysight so glorious as this。 He stood still on tiptoe; peeping in;till the light went out in the garret。 The student no doubt hadblown out his candle and gone to bed; but the little goblin remainedstanding there nevertheless; and listening to the music which stillsounded on; soft and beautiful; a sweet cradle…song for the student;who had lain down to rest。〃
〃This is a wonderful place;〃 said the goblin; 〃I never expectedsuch a thing。 I should like to stay here with the student;〃 and thelittle man thought it over; for he was a sensible little spirit。 Atlast he sighed; 〃but the student has no jam!〃 So he went down stairsagain into the huckster's shop; and it was a good thing he got backwhen he did; for the cask had almost worn out the lady's tongue; hehad given a description of all that he contained on one side; andwas just about to turn himself over to the other side to describe whatwas there; when the goblin entered and restored the tongue to thelady。 But from that time forward; the whole shop; from the cash boxdown to the pinewood logs; formed their opinions from that of thecask; and they all had such confidence in him; and treated him with somuch respect; that when the huckster read the criticisms ontheatricals and art of an evening; they fancied it must all efrom the cask。
But after what he had seen; the goblin could no longer sit andlisten quietly to the wisdom and understanding down stairs; so; assoon as the evening light glimmered in the garret; he took courage;for it seemed to him as if the rays of light were strong cables;drawing him up; and obliging him to go and peep through the keyhole;and; while there; a feeling of vastness came over him such as weexperience by the ever…moving sea; when the storm breaks forth; and itbrought tears into his eyes。 He did not himself know why he wept;yet a kind of pleasant feeling mingled with his tears。 〃Howwonderfully glorious it would be to sit with the student under sucha tree;〃 but that was out of the question; he must be content tolook through the keyhole; and be thankful for even that。
There he stood on the old landing; with the autumn wind blowingdown upon him through the trap…door。 It was very cold; but thelittle creature did not really feel it; till the light in the garretwent out; and the tones of music died away。 Then how he shivered;and crept down stairs again to his warm corner; where it felthome…like and fortable。 And when Christmas came again; andbrought the dish of jam and the great lump of butter; he liked thehuckster best of all。
Soon after; in the middle of the night; the goblin was awoke bya terrible noise and knocking against the window shutters and thehouse doors; and by the sound of the watchman's horn; for a great firehad broken out; and the whole street appeared full of flames。 Was itin their house; or a neighbor's? No one could tell; for terror hadseized upon all。 The huckster's wife was so bewildered that she tookher gold ear…rings out of her ears and put them in her pocket; thatshe might save something at least。 The huckster ran to get hisbusiness papers; and the servant resolved to save her blue silkmantle; which she had managed to buy。 Each wished to keep the bestthings they had。 The goblin had the same wish; for; with one spring;he was up stairs and in the student's room; whom he found standingby the open window; and looking quite calmly at the fire; which wasraging at the house of a neighbor opposite。 The goblin caught up thewonderful book which lay on the table; and popped it into his red cap;which he held tightly with both hands。 The greatest treasure in thehouse was saved; and he ran away with it to the roof; and seatedhimself on the chimney。 The flames of the burning house oppositeilluminated him as he sat; both hands pressed tightly over his cap; inwhich the treasure lay