ard! march!〃 for he had understood the mand thus;and the soldiers obeyed the sound of the drum。 That was a good roll;and proved the summons to victory for the men; who had already begunto give way。
Life and limb were lost in the battle。 Bombshells tore away theflesh in red strips; bombshells lit up into a terrible glow thestrawheaps to which the wounded had dragged themselves; to lieuntended for many hours; perhaps for all the hours they had to live。
It's no use thinking of it; and yet one cannot help thinking ofit; even far away in the peaceful town。 The drummer and his wifealso thought of it; for Peter was at the war。
〃Now; I'm tired of these plaints;〃 said the Fire…drum。
Again the day of battle dawned; the sun had not yet risen; butit was morning。 The drummer and his wife were asleep。 They had beentalking about their son; as; indeed; they did almost every night;for he was out yonder in God's hand。 And the father dreamt that thewar was over; that the soldiers had returned home; and that Peter worea silver cross on his breast。 But the mother dreamt that she hadgone into the church; and had seen the painted pictures and the carvedangels with the gilded hair; and her own dear boy; the golden treasureof her heart; who was standing among the angels in white robes;singing so sweetly; as surely only the angels can sing; and that hehad soared up with them into the sunshine; and nodded so kindly at hismother。
〃My golden treasure!〃 she cried out; and she awoke。 〃Now thegood God has taken him to Himself!〃 She folded her hands; and hidher face in the cotton curtains of the bed; and wept。 〃Where does herest now? among the many in the big grave that they have dug for thedead? Perhaps he's in the water in the marsh! Nobody knows hisgrave; no holy words have been read over it!〃 And the Lord's Prayerwent inaudibly over her lips; she bowed her head; and was so wearythat she went to sleep。
And the days went by; in life as in dreams!
It was evening。 Over the battle…field a rainbow spread; whichtouched the forest and the deep marsh。
It has been said; and is preserved in popular belief; that wherethe rainbow touches the earth a treasure lies buried; a goldentreasure; and here there was one。 No one but his mother thought of thelittle drummer; and therefore she dreamt of him。
And the days went by; in life as in dreams!
Not a hair of his head had been hurt; not a golden hair。
〃Drum…ma…rum! drum…ma…rum! there he is!〃 the Drum might have said;and his mother might have sung; if she had seen or dreamt it。
With hurrah and song; adorned with green wreaths of victory;they came home; as the war was at an end; and peace had been signed。The dog of the regiment sprang on in front with large bounds; and madethe way three times as long for himself as it really was。
And days and weeks went by; and Peter came into his parents' room。He was as brown as a wild man; and his eyes were bright; and hisface beamed like sunshine。 And his mother held him in her arms; shekissed his lips; his forehead; and his red hair。 She had her boyback again; he had not a silver cross on his breast; as his father haddreamt; but he had sound limbs; a thing the mother had not dreamt。 Andwhat a rejoicing was there! They laughed and they wept; and Peterembraced the old Fire…drum。
〃There stands the old skeleton still!〃 he said。
And the father beat a roll upon it。
〃One would think that a great fire had broken out here;〃 saidthe Fire…drum。 〃Bright day! fire in the heart! golden treasure! skrat!skr…r…at! skr…r…r…r…at!〃
And what then? What then!… Ask the town musician。
〃Peter's far outgrowing the drum;〃 he said。 〃Peter will be greaterthan I。〃
And yet he was the son of a royal plate…washer; but all that hehad learned in half a lifetime; Peter learned in half a year。
There was something so merry about him; something so trulykind…hearted。 His eyes gleamed; and his hair gleamed too… there was nodenying that!
〃He ought to have his hair dyed;〃 said the neighbor's wife。〃That answered capitally with the policeman's daughter; and she gota husband。〃
〃But her hair turned as green as duckweed; and was always havingto be colored up。〃
〃She knows how to manage for herself;〃 said the neighbors; 〃and socan Peter。 He es to the most genteel houses; even to theburgomaster's where he gives Miss Charlotte piano…forte lessons。〃
He could play! He could play; fresh out of his heart; the mostcharming pieces; that had never been put upon music…paper。 He playedin the bright nights; and in the dark nights; too。 The neighborsdeclared it was unbearable; and the Fire…drum was of the same opinion。
He played until his thoughts soared up; and burst forth in greatplans for the future:
〃To be famous!〃
And burgomaster's Charlotte sat at the piano。 Her delicate fingersdanced over the keys; and made them ring into Peter's heart。 It seemedtoo much for him to bear; and this happened not once; but manytimes; and at last one day he seized the delicate fingers and thewhite hand; and kissed it; and looked into her great brown eyes。Heaven knows what he said; but we may be allowed to guess at it。Charlotte blushed to guess at it。 She reddened from brow to neck;and answered not a single word; and then strangers came into the room;and one of them was the state councillor's son。 He had a lofty whiteforehead; and carried it so high that it seemed to go back into hisneck。 And Peter sat by her a long time; and she looked at him withgentle eyes。
At home that evening he spoke of travel in the wide world; andof the golden treasure that lay hidden for him in his violin。
〃To be famous!〃
〃Tum…me…lum; tum…me…lum; tum…me…lum!〃 said the Fire…drum。 〃Peterhas gone clear out of his wits。 I think there must be a fire in thehouse。〃
Next day the mother went to market。
〃Shall I tell you news; Peter?〃 she asked when she came home。 〃Acapital piece of news。 Burgomaster's Charlotte has engaged herselfto the state councillor's son; the betrothal took place yesterdayevening。〃
〃No!〃 cried Peter; and he sprang up from his chair。 But his motherpersisted in saying 〃Yes。〃 She had heard it from the baker's wife;whose husband had it from the burgomaster's own mouth
And Peter became as pale as death; and sat down again。
〃Good Heaven! what's the matter with you?〃 asked his mother。
〃Nothing; nothing; only leave me to myself;〃 he answered but thetears were running down his cheeks。
〃My sweet child; my golden treasure!〃 cried the mother; and shewept; but the Fire…drum sang; not out loud; but inwardly。
〃Charlotte's gone! Charlotte's gone! and now the song is done。〃
But the song was not done; there were many more verses in it; longverses; the most beautiful verses; the golden treasures of a life。
〃She behaves like a mad woman;〃 said the neighbor's wife。 〃All theworld is to see the letters she gets from her golden treasure; andto read the words that are written in the papers about his violinplaying。 And he sends her money too; and that's very useful to hersince she has been a widow。〃
〃He plays before emperors and kings;〃 said the town musician。 〃Inever had that fortune; but he's my pupil; and he does not forgethis old master。〃
And his mother said;
〃His father dreamt