Rudy was just eight years old; when his uncle; who lived on theother side of the mountain; wished to have the boy; as he thought hemight obtain a better education with him; and learn something more。His grandfather thought the same; so he consented to let him go。Rudy had many to say farewell to; as well as his grandfather。 First;there was Ajola; the old dog。
〃Your father was the postilion; and I was the postilion's dog;〃said Ajola。 〃We have often travelled the same journey together; I knewall the dogs and men on this side of the mountain。 It is not myhabit to talk much; but now that we have so little time to conversetogether; I will say something more than usual。 I will relate to you astory; which I have reflected upon for a long time。 I do notunderstand it; and very likely you will not; but that is of noconsequence。 I have; however; learnt from it that in this world thingsare not equally divided; neither for dogs nor for men。 All are notborn to lie on the lap and to drink milk: I have never been pettedin this way; but I have seen a little dog seated in the place of agentleman or lady; and travelling inside a post…chaise。 The lady;who was his mistress; or of whom he was master; carried a bottle ofmilk;of which the little dog now and then drank; she also offered himpieces of sugar to crunch。 He sniffed at them proudly; but would noteat one; so she ate them herself。 I was running along the dirty roadby the side of the carriage as hungry as a dog could be; chewing thecud of my own thoughts; which were rather in confusion。 But many otherthings seemed in confusion also。 Why was not I lying on a lap andtravelling in a coach? I could not tell; yet I knew I could notalter my own condition; either by barking or growling。
This was Ajola's farewell speech; and Rudy threw his arms roundthe dog's neck and kissed his cold nose。 Then he took the cat in hisarms; but he struggled to get free。
〃You are getting too strong for me;〃 he said; 〃but I will notuse my claws against you。 Clamber away over the mountains; it was Iwho taught you to climb。 Do not fancy you are going to fall; and youwill be quite safe。〃 Then the cat jumped down and ran away; he did notwish Rudy to see that there were tears in his eyes。
The hens were hopping about the floor; one of them had no tail;a traveller; who fancied himself a sportsman; had shot off her tail;he had mistaken her for a bird of prey。
〃Rudy is going away over the mountains;〃 said one of the hens。
〃He is always in such a hurry;〃 said the other; 〃and I don'tlike taking leave;〃 so they both hopped out。
But the goats said farewell; they bleated and wanted to go withhim; they were so very sorry。
Just at this time two clever guides were going to cross themountains to the other side of the Gemmi; and Rudy was to go with themon foot。 It was a long walk for such a little boy; but he had plentyof strength and invincible courage。 The swallows flew with him alittle way; singing; 〃We and you… you and we。〃 The way led acrossthe rushing Lutschine; which falls in numerous streams from the darkclefts of the Grindelwald glaciers。 Trunks of fallen trees andblocks of stone form bridges over these streams。 After passing aforest of alders; they began to ascend; passing by some blocks ofice that had loosened themselves from the side of the mountain and layacross their path; they had to step over these ice…blocks or walkround them。 Rudy crept here and ran there; his eyes sparkling withjoy; and he stepped so firmly with his iron…tipped mountain shoe; thathe left a mark behind him wherever he placed his foot。
The earth was black where the mountain torrents or the meltedice had poured upon it; but the bluish green; glassy ice sparkledand glittered。 They had to go round little pools; like lakes; enclosedbetween large masses of ice; and; while thus wandering out of theirpath; they came near an immense stone; which lay balanced on theedge of an icy peak。 The stone lost its balance just as they reachedit; and rolled over into the abyss beneath; while the noise of itsfall was echoed back from every hollow cliff of the glaciers。
They were always going upwards。 The glaciers seemed to spreadabove them like a continued chain of masses of ice; piled up in wildconfusion between bare and rugged rocks。 Rudy thought for a momentof what had been told him; that he and his mother had once lain buriedin one of these cold; heart…chilling fissures; but he soon banishedsuch thoughts; and looked upon the story as fabulous; like manyother stories which had been told him。 Once or twice; when the menthought the way was rather difficult for such a little boy; theyheld out their hands to assist him; but he would not accept theirassistance; for he stood on the slippery ice as firmly as if he hadbeen a chamois。 They came at length to rocky ground; sometimesstepping upon moss…covered stones; sometimes passing beneath stuntedfir…trees; and again through green meadows。 The landscape was alwayschanging; but ever above them towered the lofty snow…clad mountains;whose names not only Rudy but every other child knew… 〃TheJungfrau;〃 〃The Monk and the Eiger。〃
Rudy had never been so far away before; he had never trodden onthe wide…spreading ocean of snow that lay here with its immovablebillows; from which the wind blows off the snowflake now and then;as it cuts the foam from the waves of the sea。 The glaciers stand hereso close together it might almost be said they are hand…in…hand; andeach is a crystal palace for the Ice Maiden; whose power and will itis to seize and imprison the unwary traveller。
The sun shone warmly; and the snow sparkled as if covered withglittering diamonds。 Numerous insects; especially butterflies andbees; lay dead in heaps on the snow。 They had ventured too high; orthe wind had carried them here and left them to die of cold。
Around the Wetterhorn hung a feathery cloud; like a woolbag; and athreatening cloud too; for as it sunk lower it increased in size;and concealed within was a 〃fohn;〃 fearful in its violence should itbreak loose。 This journey; with its varied incidents;… the wild paths;the night passed on the mountain; the steep rocky precipices; thehollow clefts; in which the rustling waters from time immemorial hadworn away passages for themselves through blocks of stone;… allthese were firmly impressed on Rudy's memory。
In a forsaken stone building; which stood just beyond the seasof snow; they one night took shelter。 Here they found some charcoaland pine branches; so that they soon made a fire。 They arrangedcouches to lie on as well as they could; and then the men seatedthemselves by the fire; took out their pipes; and began to smoke。 Theyalso prepared a warm; spiced drink; of which they partook and Rudy wasnot forgotten… he had his share。 Then they began to talk of thosemysterious beings with which the land of the Alps abounds; the hostsof apparitions which e in the night; and carry off the sleepersthrough the air; to the wonderful floating town of Venice; of the wildherds…man; who drives the black sheep across the meadows。 These flocksare never seen; yet the tinkle of their little bells has often beenheard; as well as their unearthly bleating。 Rudy listened eagerl
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