e toll…house on the other side; where the canton Vaud mences。 Notfar from this spot stands the town of Bex; and at every step can beseen an increase of fruitfulness and verdure。 It is like entering agrove of chestnut and walnut…trees。 Here and there the cypress andpomegranate blossoms peep forth; and it is almost as warm as anItalian climate。 Rudy arrived at Bex; and soon finished the businesswhich had brought him there; and then walked about the town; but noteven the miller's boy could be seen; nor any one belonging to themill; not to mention Babette。 This did not please him at all。Evening came on。 The air was filled with the perfume of the wild thymeand the blossoms of the lime…trees; and the green woods on themountains seemed to be covered with a shining veil; blue as the sky。Over everything reigned a stillness; not of sleep or of death; butas if Nature were holding her breath; that her image might bephotographed on the blue vault of heaven。 Here and there; amidst thetrees of the silent valley; stood poles which supported the wires ofthe electric telegraph。 Against one of these poles leaned an object somotionless that it might have been mistaken for the trunk of a tree;but it was Rudy; standing there as still as at that moment waseverything around him。 He was not asleep; neither was he dead; butjust as the various events in the world… matters of momentousimportance to individuals… were flying through the telegraph wires;without the quiver of a wire or the slightest tone; so; through themind of Rudy; thoughts of overwhelming importance were passing;without an outward sign of emotion。 The happiness of his future lifedepended upon the decision of his present reflections。 His eyes werefixed on one spot in the distance… a light that twinkled through thefoliage from the parlor of the miller's house; where Babette dwelt。Rudy stood so still; that it might have been supposed he waswatching for a chamois; but he was in reality like a chamois; who willstand for a moment; looking as if it were chiselled out of the rock;and then; if only a stone rolled by; would suddenly bound forward witha spring; far away from the hunter。 And so with Rudy: a sudden roll ofhis thoughts roused him from his stillness; and made him bound forwardwith determination to act。
〃Never despair!〃 cried he。 〃A visit to the mill; to say goodevening to the miller; and good evening to little Babette; can do noharm。 No one ever fails who has confidence in himself。 If I am to beBabette's husband; I must see her some time or other。〃
Then Rudy laughed joyously; and took courage to go to the mill。 Heknew what he wanted; he wanted to marry Babette。 The clear water ofthe river rolled over its yellow bed; and willows and lime…treeswere reflected in it; as Rudy stepped along the path to the miller'shouse。 But; as the children sing…
〃There was no one at home in the house;
Only a kitten at play。〃
The cat standing on the steps put up its back and cried 〃mew。〃 ButRudy had no inclination for this sort of conversation; he passed on;and knocked at the door。 No one heard him; no one opened the door。〃Mew;〃 said the cat again; and had Rudy been still a child; he wouldhave understood this language; and known that the cat wished to tellhim there was no one at home。 So he was obliged to go to the milland make inquiries; and there he heard that the miller had gone on ajourney to Interlachen; and taken Babette with him; to the greatshooting festival; which began that morning; and would continue foreight days; and that people from all the German settlements would bethere。
Poor Rudy! we may well say。 It was not a fortunate day for hisvisit to Bex。 He had just to return the way he came; through St。Maurice and Sion; to his home in the valley。 But he did not despair。When the sun rose the next morning; his good spirits had returned;indeed he had never really lost them。 〃Babette is at Interlachen;〃said Rudy to himself; 〃many days' journey from here。 It is certainly along way for any one who takes the high…road; but not so far if hetakes a short cut across the mountain; and that just suits achamois…hunter。 I have been that way before; for it leads to thehome of my childhood; where; as a little boy; I lived with mygrandfather。 And there are shooting matches at Interlachen。 I will go;and try to stand first in the match。 Babette will be there; and Ishall be able to make her acquaintance。〃
Carrying his light knapsack; which contained his Sunday clothes;on his back; and with his musket and his game…bag over his shoulder;Rudy started to take the shortest way across the mountain。 Still itwas a great distance。 The shooting matches were to mence on thatday; and to continue for a whole week。 He had been told also thatthe miller and Babette would remain that time with some relatives atInterlachen。 So over the Gemmi Rudy climbed bravely; and determined todescend the side of the Grindelwald。 Bright and joyous were hisfeelings as he stepped lightly onwards; inhaling the invigoratingmountain air。 The valley sunk as he ascended; the circle of thehorizon expanded。 One snow…capped peak after another rose beforehim; till the whole of the glittering Alpine range became visible。Rudy knew each ice…clad peak; and he continued his course towardsthe Schreckhorn; with its white powdered stone finger raised high inthe air。 At length he had crossed the highest ridges; and before himlay the green pasture lands sloping down towards the valley; which wasonce his home。 The buoyancy of the air made his heart light。 Hilland valley were blooming in luxuriant beauty; and his thoughts wereyouthful dreams; in which old age or death were out of the question。Life; power; and enjoyment were in the future; and he felt free andlight as a bird。 And the swallows flew round him; as in the days ofhis childhood; singing 〃We and you… you and we。〃 All was overflowingwith joy。 Beneath him lay the meadows; covered with velvety green;with the murmuring river flowing through them; and dotted here andthere were small wooden houses。 He could see the edges of theglaciers; looking like green glass against the soiled snow; and thedeep chasms beneath the loftiest glacier。 The church bells wereringing; as if to wele him to his home with their sweet tones。His heart beat quickly; and for a moment he seemed to haveforegotten Babette; so full were his thoughts of old recollections。 Hewas; in imagination; once more wandering on the road where; when alittle boy; he; with other children; came to sell their curiouslycarved toy houses。 Yonder; behind the fir…trees; still stood hisgrandfather's house; his mother's father; but strangers dwelt in itnow。 Children came running to him; as he had once done; and wishedto sell their wares。 One of them offered him an Alpine rose。 Rudy tookthe rose as a good omen; and thought of Babette。 He quickly crossedthe bridge where the two rivers flow into each other。 Here he founda walk over…shadowed with large walnut…trees; and their thickfoliage formed a pleasant shade。 Very soon he perceived in thedistance; waving flags; on which glittered a white cross on a redground… the standard of the Danes as well as of the Swiss… andbefore him lay Interlachen。
〃It is really a splendid town; like none other that I have ev