and his sisters weredancing upon it; and raising these circles on the foaming river。 Themoon lighted up the snow on the mountain…tops; shone on the darkwoods; and on the drifting clouds those fantastic forms which at nightmight be taken for spirits of the powers of nature。 Themountain…dweller saw them through the panes of his little window。 Theysailed in hosts before the Ice Maiden as she came out of her palace ofice。 Then she seated herself on the trunk of the fir…tree as on abroken skiff; and the water from the glaciers carried her down theriver to the open lake。
〃The wedding guests are ing;〃 sounded from air and sea。 Thesewere the sights and sounds without; within there were visions; forBabette had a wonderful dream。 She dreamt that she had been married toRudy for many years; and that; one day when he was out chamoishunting; and she alone in their dwelling at home; the young Englishmanwith the golden whiskers sat with her。 His eyes were quite eloquent;and his words possessed a magic power; he offered her his hand; andshe was obliged to follow him。 They went out of the house andstepped downwards; always downwards; and it seemed to Babette as ifshe had a weight on her heart which continually grew heavier。 She feltshe was mitting a sin against Rudy; a sin against God。 Suddenly shefound herself forsaken; her clothes torn by the thorns; and her hairgray; she looked upwards in her agony; and there; on the edge of therock; she espied Rudy。 She stretched out her arms to him; but shedid not venture to call him or to pray; and had she called him; itwould have been useless; for it was not Rudy; only his hunting coatand hat hanging on an alpenstock; as the hunters sometimes arrangethem to deceive the chamois。 〃Oh!〃 she exclaimed in her agony; 〃oh;that I had died on the happiest day of my life; my wedding…day。 O myGod; it would have been a mercy and a blessing had Rudy travelledfar away from me; and I had never known him。 None know what willhappen in the future。〃 And then; in ungodly despair; she castherself down into the deep rocky gulf。 The spell was broken; a cryof terror escaped her; and she awoke。
The dream was over; it had vanished。 But she knew she had dreamtsomething frightful about the young Englishman; yet months hadpassed since she had seen him or even thought of him。 Was he stillat Montreux; and should she meet him there on her wedding day? Aslight shadow passed over her pretty mouth as she thought of this; andshe knit her brows; but the smile soon returned to her lip; and joysparkled in her eyes; for this was the morning of the day on which sheand Rudy were to be married; and the sun was shining brightly。 Rudywas already in the parlor when she entered it; and they very soonstarted for Villeneuve。 Both of them were overflowing withhappiness; and the miller was in the best of tempers; laughing andmerry; he was a good; honest soul; and a kind father。
〃Now we are masters of the house;〃 said the parlor…cat。
It was early in the afternoon; and just at dinner…time; when thethree joyous travellers reached Villeneuve。 After dinner; the millerplaced himself in the arm…chair; smoked his pipe; and had a littlenap。 The bridal pair went arm…in…arm out through the town and alongthe high road; at the foot of the wood…covered rocks; and by the deep;blue lake。
The gray walls; and the heavy clumsy…looking towers of thegloomy castle of Chillon; were reflected in the clear flood。 Thelittle island; on which grew the three acacias; lay at a shortdistance; looking like a bouquet rising from the lake。 〃How delightfulit must be to live there;〃 said Babette; who again felt the greatestwish to visit the island; and an opportunity offered to gratify herwish at once; for on the shore lay a boat; and the rope by which itwas moored could be very easily loosened。 They saw no one near; sothey took possession of it without asking permission of any one; andRudy could row very well。 The oars divided the pliant water like thefins of a fish… that water which; with all its yielding softness; isso strong to bear and to carry; so mild and smiling when at rest;and yet so terrible in its destroying power。 A white streak of foamfollowed in the wake of the boat; which; in a few minutes; carriedthem both to the little island; where they went on shore; but therewas only just room enough for two to dance。 Rudy swung Babette roundtwo or three times; and then; hand…in…hand; they sat down on alittle bench under the drooping acacia…tree; and looked into eachother's eyes; while everything around them glowed in the rays of thesetting sun。
The fir…tree forests on the mountains were covered with a purplehue like the heather bloom; and where the woods terminated; and therocks became prominent; they looked almost transparent in the richcrimson glow of the evening sky。 The surface of the lake was like abed of pink rose…leaves。
As the evening advanced; the shadows fell upon the snow…cappedmountains of Savoy painting them in colors of deep blue; while theirtopmost peaks glowed like red lava; and for a moment this light wasreflected on the cultivated parts of the mountains; making them appearas if newly risen from the lap of earth; and giving to thesnow…crested peak of the Dent du Midi the appearance of the fullmoon as it rises above the horizon。
Rudy and Babette felt that they had never seen the Alpine glowin such perfection before。 〃How very beautiful it is; and whathappiness to be here!〃 exclaimed Babette。
〃Earth has nothing more to bestow upon me;〃 said Rudy; 〃an eveninglike this is worth a whole life。 Often have I realized my goodfortune; but never more than in this moment。 I feel that if myexistence were to end now; I should still have lived a happy life。What a glorious world this is; one day ends; and another begins evenmore beautiful than the last。 How infinitely good God is; Babette!〃
〃I have such plete happiness in my heart;〃 said she。
〃Earth has no more to bestow;〃 answered Rudy。 And then came thesound of the evening bells; borne upon the breeze over the mountainsof Switzerland and Savoy; while still; in the golden splendor of thewest; stood the dark blue mountains of Jura。
〃God grant you all that is brightest and best!〃 exclaimed Babette。
〃He will;〃 said Rudy。 〃He will to…morrow。 To…morrow you will bewholly mine; my own sweet wife。〃
〃The boat!〃 cried Babette; suddenly。 The boat in which they wereto return had broken loose; and was floating away from the island。
〃I will fetch it back;〃 said Rudy; throwing off his coat andboots; he sprang into the lake; and swam with strong efforts towardsit。
The dark…blue water; from the glaciers of the mountains; was icycold and very deep。 Rudy gave but one glance into the water beneath;but in that one glance he saw a gold ring rolling; glittering; andsparkling before him。 His engaged ring came into his mind; but thiswas larger; and spread into a glittering circle; in which appeared aclear glacier。 Deep chasms yawned around it; the water…drops glitteredas if lighted with blue flame; and tinkled like the chiming ofchurch bells。 In one moment he saw what would require many words todescribe。 Young hunters; and young maidens… men and women who had sunkin the deep chasms of the