onditionsthat she should not be instructed in the Christian faith。 But it mighthave caused confusion; or raised discontent in the minds of theother children if she had been sent out of the room; so sheremained; and now it was evident this could not go on。 The teacherwent to her father; and advised him to remove his daughter from theschool; or to allow her to bee a Christian。 〃I cannot any longer bean idle spectator of those beaming eyes; which express such a deep andearnest longing for the words of the gospel;〃 said he。
Then the father burst into tears。 〃I know very little of the lawof my fathers;〃 said he; 〃but Sarah's mother was firm in her belief asa daughter of Israel; and I vowed to her on her deathbed that ourchild should never be baptized。 I must keep my vow: it is to me evenas a covenant with God Himself。〃 And so the little Jewish girl leftthe Christian school。
Years rolled by。 In one of the smallest provincial towns; in ahumble household; lived a poor maiden of the Jewish faith; as aservant。 Her hair was black as ebony; her eye dark as night; yetfull of light and brilliancy so peculiar to the daughters of the east。It was Sarah。 The expression in the face of the grown…up maiden wasstill the same as when; a child; she sat on the schoolroom formlistening with thoughtful eyes to the words of the Christianteacher。 Every Sunday there sounded forth from a church close by thetones of an organ and the singing of the congregation。 The Jewish girlheard them in the house where; industrious and faithful in all things;she performed her household duties。 〃Thou shalt keep the Sabbathholy;〃 said the voice of the law in her heart; but her Sabbath was aworking day among the Christians; which was a great trouble to her。And then as the thought arose in her mind; 〃Does God reckon by daysand hours?〃 her conscience felt satisfied on this question; and shefound it a fort to her; that on the Christian Sabbath she couldhave an hour for her own prayers undisturbed。 The music and singing ofthe congregation sounded in her ears while at work in her kitchen;till the place itself became sacred to her。 Then she would read in theOld Testament; that treasure and fort to her people; and it wasindeed the only Scriptures she could read。 Faithfully in her inmostthoughts had she kept the words of her father to her teacher whenshe left the school; and the vow he had made to her dying motherthat she should never receive Christian baptism。 The New Testamentmust remain to her a sealed book; and yet she knew a great deal of itsteaching; and the sound of the gospel truths still lingered amongthe recollections of her childhood。
One evening she was sitting in a corner of the dining…room;while her master read aloud。 It was not the gospel he read; but an oldstory…book; therefore she might stay and listen to him。 The storyrelated that a Hungarian knight; who had been taken prisoner by aTurkish pasha; was most cruelly treated by him。 He caused him to beyoked with his oxen to the plough; and driven with blows from the whiptill the blood flowed; and he almost sunk with exhaustion and pain。The faithful wife of the knight at home gave up all her jewels;mortgaged her castle and land; and his friends raised large sums tomake up the ransom demanded for his release; which was most enormouslyhigh。 It was collected at last; and the knight released from slaveryand misery。 Sick and exhausted; he reached home。
Ere long came another summons to a struggle with the foes ofChristianity。 The still living knight heard the sound; he could endureno more; he had neither peace nor rest。 He caused himself to be liftedon his war…horse; the color came into his cheeks; and his strengthreturned to him again as he went forth to battle and to victory。 Thevery same pasha who had yoked him to the plough; became hisprisoner; and was dragged to a dungeon in the castle。 But an hourhad scarcely passed; when the knight stood before the captive pasha;and inquired; 〃What do you suppose awaiteth thee?〃
〃I know;〃 replied the pasha; 〃retribution。〃
〃Yes; the retribution of a Christian;〃 replied the knight。 〃Theteaching of Christ; the Teacher; mands us to forgive our enemies;to love our neighbors; for God is love。 Depart in peace: return to thyhome。 I give thee back to thy loved ones。 But in future be mild andhumane to all who are in trouble。〃
Then the prisoner burst into tears; and exclaimed; 〃Oh how could Iimagine such mercy and forgiveness! I expected pain and torment。 Itseemed to me so sure that I took poison; which I secretly carriedabout me; and in a few hours its effects will destroy me。 I mustdie! Nothing can save me! But before I die; explain to me the teachingwhich is so full of love and mercy; so great and God…like。 Oh; thatI may hear his teaching; and die a Christian!〃 And his prayer wasgranted。
This was the legend which the master read out of the oldstory…book。 Every one in the house who was present listened; andshared the pleasure; but Sarah; the Jewish girl; sitting so still in acorner; felt her heart burn with excitement。 Great tears came into hershining dark eyes; and with the same gentle piety with which she hadonce listened to the gospel while sitting on the form at school; shefelt its grandeur now; and the tears rolled down her cheeks。 Thenthe last words of her dying mother rose before her; 〃Let not mychild bee a Christian;〃 and with them sounded in her heart thewords of the law; 〃Honor thy father and thy mother。〃
〃I am not admitted among the Christians;〃 she said; 〃they mockme as a Jewish girl; the neighbors' boys did so last Sunday when Istood looking in through the open church door at the candles burningon the altar; and listening to the singing。 Ever since I sat on theschool…bench I have felt the power of Christianity; a power which;like a sunbeam; streams into my heart; however closely I may closemy eyes against it。 But I will not grieve thee; my mother; in thygrave。 I will not be unfaithful to my father's vow。 I will not readthe Bible of the Christian。 I have the God of my fathers; and in Him Iwill trust。〃
And again years passed by。 Sarah's master died; and his widowfound herself in such reduced circumstances that she wished to dismissher servant maid; but Sarah refused to leave the house; and she becamea true support in time of trouble; and kept the household togetherby working till late at night; with her busy hands; to earn theirdaily bread。 Not a relative came forward to assist them; and the widowwas confined to a sick bed for months and grew weaker from day to day。Sarah worked hard; but contrived to spare time to amuse her andwatch by the sick bed。 She was gentle and pious; an angel ofblessing in that house of poverty。
〃My Bible lies on the table yonder;〃 said the sick woman one dayto Sarah。 〃Read me something from it; the night appears so long; andmy spirit thirsts to hear the word of God。〃
And Sarah bowed her head。 She took the book; and folded her handover the Bible of the Christians; and at last opened it; and read tothe sick woman。 Tears stood in her eyes as she read; and they shonewith brightness; for in her heart it was light。
〃Mother;〃 she murmured; 〃thy child may not receive Christianbaptism; nor be admitted into the congregation of Christ