


安徒生童话- 第147部分

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world were only a little more settled;〃said he: 〃but sometimes I'm obliged to be in a good humor; andsometimes a bad one; according to circumstances; now rain; nowsunshine。 I'm kind of a house agent; also a manager of funerals。 I canlaugh or cry; according to circumstances。 I have my summer wardrobe inthis box here; but it would be very foolish to put it on now。 Here Iam。 On Sundays I go out walking in shoes and white silk stockings; anda muff。〃

After him; a lady stepped out of the coach。 She called herselfMiss MAY。 She wore a summer dress and overshoes; her dress was a lightgreen; and she wore anemones in her hair。 She was so scented withwild…thyme; that it made the sentry sneeze。

〃Your health; and God bless you;〃 was her salutation to him。

How pretty she was! and such a singer! not a theatre singer; nor aballad singer; no; but a singer of the woods; for she wandered throughthe gay green forest; and had a concert there for her own amusement。

〃Now es the young lady;〃 said those in the carriage; and outstepped a young dame; delicate; proud; and pretty。 It was MistressJUNE; in whose service people bee lazy and fond of sleeping forhours。 She gives a feast on the longest day of the year; that theremay be time for her guests to partake of the numerous dishes at hertable。 Indeed; she keeps her own carriage; but still she travelledby the mail; with the rest; because she wished to show that she wasnot high…minded。 But she was not without a protector; her youngerbrother; JULY; was with her。 He was a plump young fellow; clad insummer garments and wearing a straw hat。 He had but very littleluggage with him; because it was so cumbersome in the great heat; hehad; however; swimming…trousers with him; which are nothing tocarry。 Then came the mother herself; in crinoline; Madame AUGUST; awholesale dealer in fruit; proprietress of a large number of fishponds and a land cultivator。 She was fat and heated; yet she could useher hands well; and would herself carry out beer to the laborers inthe field。 〃In the sweat of the face shalt thou eat bread;〃 saidshe; 〃it is written in the Bible。〃 After work; came the recreations;dancing and playing in the greenwood; and the 〃harvest homes。〃 She wasa thorough housewife。

After her a man came out of the coach; who is a painter; he is thegreat master of colors; and is named SEPTEMBER。 The forest; on hisarrival; had to change its colors when he wished it; and how beautifulare the colors he chooses! The woods glow with hues of red and goldand brown。 This great master painter could whistle like a blackbird。He was quick in his work; and soon entwined the tendrils of the hopplant around his beer jug。 This was an ornament to the jug; and he hasa great love for ornament。 There he stood with his color pot in hishand; and that was the whole of his luggage。 A land…owner followed;who in the month for sowing seed attended to the ploughing and wasfond of field sports。 Squire OCTOBER brought his dog and his gunwith him; and had nuts in his game bag。 〃Crack; crack。〃 He had a greatdeal of luggage; even an English plough。 He spoke of farming; but whathe said could scarcely be heard for the coughing and gasping of hisneighbor。 It was NOVEMBER; who coughed violently as he got out。 He hada cold; which caused him to use his pocket…handkerchief continually;and yet he said he was obliged to acpany servant girls to their newplaces; and initiate them into their winter service。 He said hethought his cold would never leave him when he went out woodcutting;for he was a master sawyer; and had to supply wood to the wholeparish。 He spent his evenings preparing wooden soles for skates; forhe knew; he said; that in a few weeks these shoes would be wantedfor the amusement of skating。 At length the last passenger made herappearance;… old Mother DECEMBER; with her fire…stool。 The dame wasvery old; but her eyes glistened like two stars。 She carried on herarm a flower…pot; in which a little fir…tree was growing。 〃This tree Ishall guard and cherish;〃 she said; 〃that it may grow large byChristmas Eve; and reach from the ground to the ceiling; to be coveredand adorned with flaming candles; golden apples; and little figures。The fire…stool will be as warm as a stove; and I shall then bring astory book out of my pocket; and read aloud till all the children inthe room are quite quiet。 Then the little figures on the tree willbee lively; and the little waxen angel at the top spread out hiswings of gold…leaf; and fly down from his green perch。 He will kissevery one in the room; great and small; yes; even the poor childrenwho stand in the passage; or out in the street singing a carol aboutthe 'Star of Bethlehem。'〃

〃Well; now the coach may drive away;〃 said the sentry; 〃we havethe whole twelve。 Let the horses be put up。〃

〃First; let all the twelve e to me;〃 said the captain onduty; 〃one after another。 The passports I will keep here。 Each of themis available for one month; when that has passed; I shall write thebehavior of each on his passport。 Mr。 JANUARY; have the goodness toe here。〃 And Mr。 January stepped forward。

When a year has passed; I think I shall be able to tell you whatthe twelve passengers have brought to you; to me; and to all of us。Now I do not know; and probably even they don't know themselves; forwe live in strange times。





   by Hans Christian Andersen

THE storks relate to their little ones a great many stories; andthey are all about moors and reed banks; and suited to their age andcapacity。 The youngest of them are quite satisfied with 〃kribble;krabble;〃 or such nonsense; and think it very grand; but the elderones want something with a deeper meaning; or at least something abouttheir own family。

We are only acquainted with one of the two longest and oldeststories which the storks relate… it is about Moses; who was exposed byhis mother on the banks of the Nile; and was found by the king'sdaughter; who gave him a good education; and he afterwards became agreat man; but where he was buried is still unknown。

Every one knows this story; but not the second; very likelybecause it is quite an inland story。 It has been repeated from mouthto mouth; from one stork…mamma to another; for thousands of years; andeach has told it better than the last; and now we mean to tell itbetter than all。

The first stork pair who related it lived at the time it happened;and had their summer residence on the rafters of the Viking's house;which stood near the wild moorlands of Wendsyssell; that is; tospeak more correctly; the great moorheath; high up in the north ofJutland; by the Skjagen peak。 This wilderness is still an immense wildheath of marshy ground; about which we can read in the 〃OfficialDirectory。〃 It is said that in olden times the place was a lake; theground of which had heaved up from beneath; and now the moorlandextends for miles in every direction; and is surrounded by dampmeadows; trembling; undulating swamps; and marshy ground coveredwith turf; on which grow bilberry bushes and stunted trees。 Mistsare almost always hovering over this region; which; seventy years ago;was overrun with wolves。 It may well be called the Wild Moor;

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