knelt before; and the priest joinedtheir hands and united them for life。 Then music was heard again; itwas wonderfully sweet; like a child's voice; full of joy andexpectation; swelling to the powerful tones of a full organ; sometimessoft and sweet; then like the sounds of a tempest; delightful andelevating to hear; yet strong enough to burst the stone tombs of thedead。 Then the little ship that hung from the roof of the choir waslet down and looked wonderfully large and beautiful with its silkensails and rigging:
〃The ropes were of silk; the anchor of gold;
And everywhere riches and pomp untold;〃as the old song says。
The young couple went on board; acpanied by the wholecongregation; for there was room and enjoyment for them all。 Thenthe walls and arches of the church were covered with floweringjunipers and lime trees breathing forth fragrance; the branches waved;creating a pleasant coolness; they bent and parted; and the shipsailed between them through the air and over the sea。 Every candlein the church became a star; and the wind sang a hymn in which theyall joined。 〃Through love to glory; no life is lost; the future isfull of blessings and happiness。 Hallelujah!〃 These were the lastwords Jurgen uttered in this world; for the thread that bound hisimmortal soul was severed; and nothing but the dead body lay in thedark church; while the storm raged outside; covering it with loosesand。
The next day was Sunday; and the congregation and their pastorwent to the church。 The road had always been heavy; but now it wasalmost unfit for use; and when they at last arrived at the church; agreat heap of sand lay piled up in front of them。 The whole church waspletely buried in sand。 The clergyman offered a short prayer; andsaid that God had closed the door of His house here; and that thecongregation must go and build a new one for Him somewhere else。 Sothey sung a hymn in the open air; and went home again。
Jurgen could not be found anywhere in the town of Skjagen; noron the dunes; though they searched for him everywhere。 They came tothe conclusion that one of the great waves; which had rolled far upon the beach; had carried him away; but his body lay buried in agreat sepulchre… the church itself。 The Lord had thrown down acovering for his grave during the storm; and the heavy mound of sandlies upon it to this day。 The drifting sand had covered the vaultedroof of the church; the arched cloisters; and the stone aisles。 Thewhite thorn and the dog rose now blossom above the place where thechurch lies buried; but the spire; like an enormous monument over agrave; can be seen for miles round。 No king has a more splendidmemorial。 Nothing disturbs the peaceful sleep of the dead。 I was thefirst to hear this story; for the storm sung it to me among thesand…hills。
by Hans Christian Andersen
ANNE LISBETH was a beautiful young woman; with a red and whiteplexion; glittering white teeth; and clear soft eyes; and herfootstep was light in the dance; but her mind was lighter still。 Shehad a little child; not at all pretty; so he was put out to benursed by a laborer's wife; and his mother went to the count's castle。She sat in splendid rooms; richly decorated with silk and velvet;not a breath of air was allowed to blow upon her; and no one wasallowed to speak to her harshly; for she was nurse to the count'schild。 He was fair and delicate as a prince; and beautiful as anangel; and how she loved this child! Her own boy was provided for bybeing at the laborer's where the mouth watered more frequently thanthe pot boiled; and where in general no one was at home to take careof the child。 Then he would cry; but what nobody knows nobody caresfor; so he would cry till he was tired; and then fall asleep; andwhile we are asleep we can feel neither hunger nor thirst。 Ah; yes;sleep is a capital invention。
As years went on; Anne Lisbeth's child grew apace like weeds;although they said his growth had been stunted。 He had bee quitea member of the family in which he dwelt; they received money tokeep him; so that his mother got rid of him altogether。 She had beequite a lady; she had a fortable home of her own in the town; andout of doors; when she went for a walk; she wore a bon; but shenever walked out to see the laborer: that was too far from the town;and; indeed; she had nothing to go for; the boy now belonged tothese laboring people。 He had food; and he could also do somethingtowards earning his living; he took care of Mary's red cow; for heknew how to tend cattle and make himself useful。
The great dog by the yard gate of a nobleman's mansion sitsproudly on the top of his kennel when the sun shines; and barks atevery one that passes; but if it rains; he creeps into his house;and there he is warm and dry。 Anne Lisbeth's boy also sat in thesunshine on the top of the fence; cutting out a little toy。 If itwas spring…time; he knew of three strawberry…plants in blossom;which would certainly bear fruit。 This was his most hopeful thought;though it often came to nothing。 And he had to sit out in the rainin the worst weather; and get wet to the skin; and let the cold winddry the clothes on his back afterwards。 If he went near the farmyardbelonging to the count; he was pushed and knocked about; for the menand the maids said he was so horrible ugly; but he was used to allthis; for nobody loved him。 This was how the world treated AnneLisbeth's boy; and how could it be otherwise。 It was his fate to bebeloved by no one。 Hitherto he had been a land crab; the land atlast cast him adrift。 He went to sea in a wretched vessel; and satat the helm; while the skipper sat over the grog…can。 He was dirty andugly; half…frozen and half…starved; he always looked as if he neverhad enough to eat; which was really the case。
Late in the autumn; when the weather was rough; windy; and wet;and the cold perated through the thickest clothing; especially atsea; a wretched boat went out to sea with only two men on board; or;more correctly; a man and a half; for it was the skipper and hisboy。 There had only been a kind of twilight all day; and it soongrew quite dark; and so bitterly cold; that the skipper took a dram towarm him。 The bottle was old; and the glass too。 It was perfect in theupper part; but the foot was broken off; and it had therefore beenfixed upon a little carved block of wood; painted blue。 A dram is agreat fort; and two are better still; thought the skipper; whilethe boy sat at the helm; which he held fast in his hard seamedhands。 He was ugly; and his hair was matted; and he looked crippledand stunted; they called him the field…laborer's boy; though in thechurch register he was entered as Anne Lisbeth's son。 The wind cutthrough the rigging; and the boat cut through the sea。 The sails;filled by the wind; swelled out and carried them along in wild career。It was wet and rough above and below; and might still be worse。Hold! what is that? What has struck the boat? Was it a waterspout;or a heavy sea rolling suddenly upon them?
〃Heaven help us!〃 cried the boy at the helm; as the boat heeledover and lay on its beam ends。 It had struck on a rock; which rosefrom the depths of the sea; and s