The Viking's wife sat upon a raised cross seat in the open hall。She wore a silk dress; golden bracelets; and large amber beads。 Shewas in costly attire; and the bard named her in his song; and spoke ofthe rich treasure of gold which she had brought to her husband。 Herhusband had already seen the wonderfully beautiful child in thedaytime; and was delighted with her beauty; even her wild ways pleasedhim。 He said the little maiden would grow up to be a heroine; with thestrong will and determination of a man。 She would never wink her eyes;even if; in joke; an expert hand should attempt to cut off hereye…brows with a sharp sword。
The full cask of mead soon became empty; and a fresh one wasbrought in; for these were people who liked plenty to eat and drink。The old proverb; which every one knows; says that 〃the cattle knowwhen to leave their pasture; but a foolish man knows not the measureof his own appetite。〃 Yes; they all knew this; but men may know whatis right; and yet often do wrong。 They also knew 〃that even thewele guest bees wearisome when he sits too long in the house。〃But there they remained; for pork and mead are good things。 And soat the Viking's house they stayed; and enjoyed themselves; and atnight the bondmen slept in the ashes; and dipped their fingers inthe fat; and licked them。 Oh; it was a delightful time!
Once more in the same year the Viking went forth; though thestorms of autumn had already menced to roar。 He went with hiswarriors to the coast of Britain; he said that it was but an excursionof pleasure across the water; so his wife remained at home with thelittle girl。 After a while; it is quite certain the foster…motherbegan to love the poor frog; with its gentle eyes and its deepsighs; even better than the little beauty who bit and fought withall around her。
The heavy; damp mists of autumn; which destroy the leaves of thewood; had already fallen upon forest and heath。 Feathers of pluckedbirds; as they call the snow; flew about in thick showers; andwinter was ing。 The sparrows took possession of the stork's nest;and conversed about the absent owners in their own fashion; andthey; the stork pair and all their young ones; where were they stayingnow? The storks might have been found in the land of Egypt; wherethe sun's rays shone forth bright and warm; as it does here atmidsummer。 Tamarinds and acacias were in full bloom all over thecountry; the crescent of Mahomet glittered brightly from the cupolasof the mosques; and on the slender pinnacles sat many of the storks;resting after their long journey。 Swarms of them took dividedpossession of the nests… nests which lay close to each other betweenthe venerable columns; and crowded the arches of temples inforgotten cities。 The date and the palm lifted themselves as ascreen or as a sun…shade over them。 The gray pyramids looked likebroken shadows in the clear air and the far…off desert; where theostrich wheels his rapid flight; and the lion; with his subtle eyes;gazes at the marble sphinx which lies half buried in sand。 Thewaters of the Nile had retreated; and the whole bed of the river wascovered with frogs; which was a most acceptable prospect for the storkfamilies。 The young storks thought their eyes deceived them;everything around appeared so beautiful。
〃It is always like this here; and this is how we live in ourwarm country;〃 said the stork…mamma; and the thought made the youngones almost beside themselves with pleasure。
〃Is there anything more to see?〃 they asked; 〃are we going fartherinto the country?〃
〃There is nothing further for us to see;〃 answered thestork…mamma。 〃Beyond this delightful region there are immense forests;where the branches of the trees entwine round each other; whileprickly; creeping plants cover the paths; and only an elephant couldforce a passage for himself with his great feet。 The snakes are toolarge; and the lizards too lively for us to catch。 Then there is thedesert; if you went there; your eyes would soon be full of sand withthe lightest breeze; and if it should blow great guns; you wouldmost likely find yourself in a sand…drift。 Here is the best placefor you; where there are frogs and locusts; here I shall remain; andso must you。〃 And so they stayed。
The parents sat in the nest on the slender minaret; and rested;yet still were busily employed in cleaning and smoothing theirfeathers; and in sharpening their beaks against their red stockings;then they would stretch out their necks; salute each other; andgravely raise their heads with the high…polished forehead; and soft;smooth feathers; while their brown eyes shone with intelligence。 Thefemale young ones strutted about amid the moist rushes; glancing atthe other young storks and making acquaintances; and swallowing a frogat every third step; or tossing a little snake about with their beaks;in a way they considered very being; and besides it tasted verygood。 The young male storks soon began to quarrel; they struck at eachother with their wings; and pecked with their beaks till the bloodcame。 And in this manner many of the young ladies and gentlemen werebetrothed to each other: it was; of course; what they wanted; andindeed what they lived for。 Then they returned to a nest; and therethe quarrelling began afresh; for in hot countries people are almostall violent and passionate。 But for all that it was pleasant;especially for the old people; who watched them with great joy: allthat their young ones did suited them。 Every day here there wassunshine; plenty to eat; and nothing to think of but pleasure。 Butin the rich castle of their Egyptian host; as they called him;pleasure was not to be found。 The rich and mighty lord of the castlelay on his couch; in the midst of the great hall; with its manycolored walls looking like the centre of a great tulip; but he wasstiff and powerless in all his limbs; and lay stretched out like amummy。 His family and servants stood round him; he was not dead;although he could scarcely be said to live。 The healing moor…flowerfrom the north; which was to have been found and brought to him by herwho loved him so well; had not arrived。 His young and beautifuldaughter who; in swan's plumage; had flown over land and seas to thedistant north; had never returned。 She is dead; so the twoswan…maidens had said when they came home; and they made up quite astory about her; and this is what they told;…
〃We three flew away together through the air;〃 said they: 〃ahunter caught sight of us; and shot at us with an arrow。 The arrowstruck our young friend and sister; and slowly singing her farewellsong she sank down; a dying swan; into the forest lake。 On theshores of the lake; under a spreading birch…tree; we laid her in thecold earth。 We had our revenge; we bound fire under the wings of aswallow; who had a nest on the thatched roof of the huntsman。 Thehouse took fire; and burst into flames; the hunter was burnt withthe house; and the light was reflected over the sea as far as thespreading birch; beneath which we laid her sleeping dust。 She willnever return to the land of Egypt。〃 And then they both wept。 Andstork…papa; who heard the story; snapped with his beak so that itmight be heard a long way off。
'Deceit and lies!〃 cried he; 〃I should like to run my b