siton a horse as if she were a part of it; while it rushed along atfull speed; nor would she spring from its back; even when itquarrelled with other horses and bit them。 She would often leap fromthe high shore into the sea with all her clothes on; and swim tomeet the Viking; when his boat was steering home towards the shore。She once cut off a long lock of her beautiful hair; and twisted itinto a string for her bow。 〃If a thing is to be done well;〃 saidshe; 〃I must do it myself。
The Viking's wife was; for the time in which she lived; a woman ofstrong character and will; but; pared to her daughter; she was agentle; timid woman; and she knew that a wicked sorcerer had theterrible child in his power。 It was sometimes as if Helga acted fromsheer wickedness; for often when her mother stood on the thresholdof the door; or stepped into the yard; she would seat herself on thebrink of the well; wave her arms and legs in the air; and suddenlyfall right in。 Here she was able; from her frog nature; to dip anddive about in the water of the deep well; until at last she wouldclimb forth like a cat; and e back into the hall dripping withwater; so that the green leaves that were strewed on the floor werewhirled round; and carried away by the streams that flowed from her。
But there was one time of the day which placed a check upon Helga。It was the evening twilight; when this hour arrived she became quietand thoughtful; and allowed herself to be advised and led; then also asecret feeling seemed to draw her towards her mother。 And as usual;when the sun set; and the transformation took place; both in bodyand mind; inwards and outwards; she would remain quiet and mournful;with her form shrunk together in the shape of a frog。 Her body wasmuch larger than those animals ever are; and on this account it wasmuch more hideous in appearance; for she looked like a wretched dwarf;with a frog's head; and webbed fingers。 Her eyes had a most piteousexpression; she was without a voice; excepting a hollow; croakingsound; like the smothered sobs of a dreaming child。
Then the Viking's wife took her on her lap; and forgot the uglyform; as she looked into the mournful eyes; and often said; 〃I couldwish that thou wouldst always remain my dumb frog child; for thouart too terrible when thou art clothed in a form of beauty。〃 And theViking woman wrote Runic characters against sorcery and spells ofsickness; and threw them over the wretched child; but they did nogood。
〃One can scarcely believe that she was ever small enough to lie inthe cup of the water…lily;〃 said the papa stork; 〃and now she is grownup; and the image of her Egyptian mother; especially about the eyes。Ah; we shall never see her again; perhaps she has not discovered howto help herself; as you and the wise men said she would。 Year afteryear have I flown across and across the moor; but there was no sign ofher being still alive。 Yes; and I may as well tell you that you thateach year; when I arrived a few days before you to repair the nest;and put everything in its place; I have spent a whole night flyinghere and there over the marshy lake; as if I had been an owl or a bat;but all to no purpose。 The two suit of swan's plumage; which I and theyoung ones dragged over here from the land of the Nile; are of no use;trouble enough it was to us to bring them here in three journeys;and now they are lying at the bottom of the nest; and if a fire shouldhappen to break out; and the wooden house be burnt down; they would bedestroyed。〃
〃And our good nest would be destroyed; too;〃 said the mamma stork;〃but you think less of that than of your plumage stuff and yourmoor…princess。 Go and stay with her in the marsh if you like。 Youare a bad father to your own children; as I have told you already;when I hatched my first brood。 I only hope neither we nor our childrenmay have an arrow sent through our wings; owing to that wild girl。Helga does not know in the least what she is about。 We have lived inthis house longer than she has; she should think of that; and wehave never forgotten our duty。 We have paid every year our toll of afeather; an egg; and a young one; as it is only right we should do。You don't suppose I can wander about the court…yard; or goeverywhere as I used to do in old times。 I can do it in Egypt; where Ican be a panion of the people; without forgetting myself。 Buthere I cannot go and peep into the pots and kettles as I do there。 No;I can only sit up here and feel angry with that girl; the littlewretch; and I am angry with you; too; you should have left her lyingin the water lily; then no one would have known anything about her。〃
〃You are far better than your conversation;〃 said the papastork; 〃I know you better than you know yourself。〃 And with that hegave a hop; and flapped his wings twice; proudly; then he stretchedhis neck and flew; or rather soared away; without moving his outspreadwings。 He went on for some distance; and then he gave a great flapwith his wings and flew on his course at a rapid rate; his head andneck bending proudly before him; while the sun's rays fell on hisglossy plumage。
〃He is the handsomest of them all;〃 said the mamma stork; as shewatched him; 〃but I won't tell him so。〃
Early in the autumn; the Viking again returned home laden withspoil; and bringing prisoners with him。 Among them was a youngChristian priest; one of those who contemned the gods of the north。Often lately there had been; both in hall and chamber; a talk of thenew faith which was spreading far and wide in the south; and which;through the means of the holy Ansgarius; had already reached as far asHedeby on the Schlei。 Even Helga had heard of this belief in theteachings of One who was named Christ; and who for the love ofmankind; and for their redemption; had given up His life。 But to herall this had; as it were; gone in one ear and out the other。 It seemedthat she only understood the meaning of the word 〃love;〃 when in theform of a miserable frog she crouched together in the corner of thesleeping chamber; but the Viking's wife had listened to thewonderful story; and had felt herself strangely moved by it。
On their return; after this voyage; the men spoke of the beautifultemples built of polished stone; which had been raised for thepublic worship of this holy love。 Some vessels; curiously formed ofmassive gold; had been brought home among the booty。 There was apeculiar fragrance about them all; for they were incense vessels;which had been swung before the altars in the temples by the Christianpriests。 In the deep stony cellars of the castle; the youngChristian priest was immured; and his hands and feet tied togetherwith strips of bark。 The Viking's wife considered him as beautifulas Baldur; and his distress raised her pity; but Helga said he oughtto have ropes fastened to his heels; and be tied to the tails ofwild animals。
〃I would let the dogs loose after him〃 she said; 〃over the moorand across the heath。 Hurrah! that would be a spectacle for thegods; and better still to follow in its course。〃
But the Viking would not allow him to die such a death as that;especially as he was the disowned and despiser of the high gods。 Ina few days; he had decided to have him offered as a sacrifice on theblood…stone