With the break of day; therefore; they menced their flight;first rising high in the air; towards the sun; which is the eye ofGod; still higher and higher the ostrich flew; far above the otherbirds; proudly approaching the light; trusting in its own strength;and thinking not of the Giver; or saying; 〃if God will。〃 When suddenlythe avenging angel drew back the veil from the flaming ocean ofsunlight; and in a moment the wings of the proud bird were scorchedand shrivelled; and they sunk miserably to the earth。 Since thattime the ostrich and his race have never been able to rise in the air;they can only fly terror…stricken along the ground; or run round andround in narrow circles。 It is a warning to mankind; that in all ourthoughts and schemes; and in every action we undertake; we should say;〃if God will。〃
Then Helga bowed her head thoughtfully and seriously; and lookedat the circling ostrich; as with timid fear and simple pleasure itglanced at its own great shadow on the sunlit walls。 And the storyof the ostrich sunk deeply into the heart and mind of Helga: a life ofhappiness; both in the present and in the future; seemed secure forher; and what was yet to e might be the best of all; God willing。
Early in the spring; when the storks were again about to journeynorthward; beautiful Helga took off her golden bracelets; scratchedher name on them; and beckoned to the stork…father。 He came to her;and she placed the golden circlet round his neck; and begged him todeliver it safely to the Viking's wife; so that she might know thather foster…daughter still lived; was happy; and had not forgotten her。
〃It is rather heavy to carry;〃 thought stork…papa; when he hadit on his neck; 〃but gold and honor are not to be flung into thestreet。 The stork brings good fortune… they'll be obliged toacknowledge that at last。〃
〃You lay gold; and I lay eggs;〃 said stork…mamma; 〃with you itis only once in a way; I lay eggs every year But no one appreciateswhat we do; I call it very mortifying。〃
〃But then we have a consciousness of our own worth; mother;〃replied stork…papa。
〃What good will that do you?〃 retorted stork…mamma; 〃it willneither bring you a fair wind; nor a good meal。〃
〃The little nightingale; who is singing yonder in the tamarindgrove; will soon be going north; too。〃 Helga said she had oftenheard her singing on the wild moor; so she determined to send amessage by her。 While flying in the swan's plumage she had learntthe bird language; she had often conversed with the stork and theswallow; and she knew that the nightingale would understand。 So shebegged the nightingale to fly to the beechwood; on the peninsula ofJutland; where a mound of stone and twigs had been raised to formthe grave; and she begged the nightingale to persuade all the otherlittle birds to build their nests round the place; so that evermoreshould resound over that grave music and song。 And the nightingaleflew away; and time flew away also。
In the autumn; an eagle; standing upon a pyramid; saw a statelytrain of richly laden camels; and men attired in armor on foamingArabian steeds; whose glossy skins shone like silver; their nostrilswere pink; and their thick; flowing manes hung almost to their slenderlegs。 A royal prince of Arabia; handsome as a prince should be; andacpanied by distinguished guests; was on his way to the statelyhouse; on the roof of which the storks' empty nests might be seen。They were away now in the far north; but expected to return very soon。And; indeed; they returned on a day that was rich in joy and gladness。
A marriage was being celebrated; in which the beautiful Helga;glittering in silk and jewels; was the bride; and the bridegroom theyoung Arab prince。 Bride and bridegroom sat at the upper end of thetable; between the bride's mother and grandfather。 But her gaze wasnot on the bridegroom; with his manly; sunburnt face; round whichcurled a black beard; and whose dark fiery eyes were fixed upon her;but away from him; at a twinkling star; that shone down upon herfrom the sky。 Then was heard the sound of rushing wings beating theair。 The storks were ing home; and the old stork pair; althoughtired with the journey and requiring rest; did not fail to fly down atonce to the balustrades of the verandah; for they knew already whatfeast was being celebrated。 They had heard of it on the borders of theland; and also that Helga had caused their figures to be representedon the walls; for they belonged to her history。
〃I call that very sensible and pretty;〃 said stork…papa。
〃Yes; but it is very little;〃 said mamma stork; 〃they could notpossibly have done less。〃
But; when Helga saw them; she rose and went out into theverandah to stroke the backs of the storks。 The old stork pair bowedtheir heads; and curved their necks; and even the youngest among theyoung ones felt honored by this reception。
Helga continued to gaze upon the glittering star; which seemedto glow brighter and purer in its light; then between herself andthe star floated a form; purer than the air; and visible through it。It floated quite near to her; and she saw that it was the deadChristian priest; who also was ing to her wedding feast… ingfrom the heavenly kingdom。
〃The glory and brightness; yonder; outshines all that is knownon earth;〃 said he。
Then Helga the fair prayed more gently; and more earnestly; thanshe had ever prayed in her life before; that she might be permitted togaze; if only for a single moment; at the glory and brightness ofthe heavenly kingdom。 Then she felt herself lifted up; as it were;above the earth; through a sea of sound and thought; not only aroundher; but within her; was there light and song; such as words cannotexpress。
〃Now we must return;〃 he said; 〃you will be missed。〃
〃Only one more look;〃 she begged; 〃but one short moment more。〃
〃We must return to earth; the guests will have all departed。Only one more look!… the last!〃
Then Helga stood again in the verandah。 But the marriage lampsin the festive hall had been all extinguished; and the torches outsidehad vanished。 The storks were gone; not a guest could be seen; nobridegroom… all in those few short moments seemed to have died。 Then agreat dread fell upon her。 She stepped from the verandah through theempty hall into the next chamber; where slept strange warriors。 Sheopened a side door; which once led into her own apartment; but now; asshe passed through; she found herself suddenly in a garden which shehad never before seen here; the sky blushed red; it was the dawn ofmorning。 Three minutes only in heaven; and a whole night on earthhad passed away! Then she saw the storks; and called to them intheir own language。
Then stork…papa turned his head towards here; listened to herwords; and drew near。 〃You speak our language;〃 said he; 〃what doyou wish? Why do you appear;… you… a strange woman?〃
〃It is I… it is Helga! Dost thou not know me? Three minutes ago wewere speaking together yonder in the verandah。〃
〃That is a mistake;〃 said the stork; 〃you must have dreamed allthis。〃
〃No; no;〃 she exclaimed。 Then she reminded him of the Viking'scastle; of the great lake; and of the journey across the ocean。
Then stork…papa winked his eyes; and said; 〃Why that's an oldstory whi
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