y。〃But they still went on; and Death nodded like a Chinaman to all theysaid。 〃Music! music!〃 shouted the emperor。 〃You little precious goldenbird; sing; pray sing! I have given you gold and costly presents; Ihave even hung my golden slipper round your neck。 Sing! sing!〃 But thebird remained silent。 There was no one to wind it up; and therefore itcould not sing a note。
Death continued to stare at the emperor with his cold; holloweyes; and the room was fearfully still。 Suddenly there came throughthe open window the sound of sweet music。 Outside; on the bough of atree; sat the living nightingale。 She had heard of the emperor'sillness; and was therefore e to sing to him of hope and trust。And as she sung; the shadows grew paler and paler; the blood in theemperor's veins flowed more rapidly; and gave life to his weaklimbs; and even Death himself listened; and said; 〃Go on; littlenightingale; go on。〃
〃Then will you give me the beautiful golden sword and that richbanner? and will you give me the emperor's crown?〃 said the bird。
So Death gave up each of these treasures for a song; and thenightingale continued her singing。 She sung of the quiet churchyard;where the white roses grow; where the elder…tree wafts its perfumeon the breeze; and the fresh; sweet grass is moistened by themourners' tears。 Then Death longed to go and see his garden; andfloated out through the window in the form of a cold; white mist。
〃Thanks; thanks; you heavenly little bird。 I know you well。 Ibanished you from my kingdom once; and yet you have charmed away theevil faces from my bed; and banished Death from my heart; with yoursweet song。 How can I reward you?〃
〃You have already rewarded me;〃 said the nightingale。 〃I shallnever forget that I drew tears from your eyes the first time I sang toyou。 These are the jewels that rejoice a singer's heart。 But nowsleep; and grow strong and well again。 I will sing to you again。〃
And as she sung; the emperor fell into a sweet sleep; and how mildand refreshing that slumber was! When he awoke; strengthened andrestored; the sun shone brightly through the window; but not one ofhis servants had returned… they all believed he was dead; only thenightingale still sat beside him; and sang。
〃You must always remain with me;〃 said the emperor。 〃You shallsing only when it pleases you; and I will break the artificial birdinto a thousand pieces。〃
〃No; do not do that;〃 replied the nightingale; 〃the bird didvery well as long as it could。 Keep it here still。 I cannot live inthe palace; and build my nest; but let me e when I like。 I will siton a bough outside your window; in the evening; and sing to you; sothat you may be happy; and have thoughts full of joy。 I will sing toyou of those who are happy; and those who suffer; of the good andthe evil; who are hidden around you。 The little singing bird flies farfrom you and your court to the home of the fisherman and the peasant'scot。 I love your heart better than your crown; and yet somethingholy lingers round that also。 I will e; I will sing to you; but youmust promise me one thing。〃
〃Everything;〃 said the emperor; who; having dressed himself in hisimperial robes; stood with the hand that held the heavy golden swordpressed to his heart。
〃I only ask one thing;〃 she replied; 〃let no one know that youhave a little bird who tells you everything。 It will be best toconceal it。〃 So saying; the nightingale flew away。
The servants now came in to look after the dead emperor; when; lo!there he stood; and; to their astonishment; said; 〃Good morning。〃
by Hans Christian Andersen
THERE is a street in Copenhagen with a very strange name。 It iscalled 〃Hysken〃 street。 Where the name came from; and what it means isvery uncertain。 It is said to be German; but that is unjust to theGermans; for it would then be called 〃Hauschen;〃 not 〃Hysken。〃〃Hauschen;〃 means a little house; and for many years it consisted onlyof a few small houses; which were scarcely larger than the woodenbooths we see in the market…places at fair time。 They were perhaps alittle higher; and had windows; but the panes consisted of horn orbladder…skins; for glass was then too dear to have glazed windows inevery house。 This was a long time ago; so long indeed that ourgrandfathers; and even great…grandfathers; would speak of those daysas 〃olden times;〃 indeed; many centuries have passed since then。
The rich merchants in Bremen and Lubeck; who carried on trade inCopenhagen; did not reside in the town themselves; but sent theirclerks; who dwelt in the wooden booths in the Hauschen street; andsold beer and spices。 The German beer was very good; and there weremany sorts… from Bremen; Prussia; and Brunswick… and quantities of allsorts of spices; saffron; aniseed; ginger; and especially pepper;indeed; pepper was almost the chief article sold here; so ithappened at last that the German clerks in Denmark got theirnickname of 〃pepper gentry。〃 It had been made a condition with theseclerks that they should not marry; so that those who lived to be oldhad to take care of themselves; to attend to their own forts; andeven to light their own fires; when they had any to light。 Many ofthem were very aged; lonely old boys; with strange thoughts andeccentric habits。 From this; all unmarried men; who have attained acertain age; are called; in Denmark; 〃pepper gentry;〃 and this must beremembered by all those who wish to understand the story。 These〃pepper gentlemen;〃 or; as they are called in England; 〃oldbachelors;〃 are often made a butt of ridicule; they are told to put ontheir nightcaps; draw them over their eyes; and go to sleep。 Theboys in Denmark make a song of it; thus:…
〃Poor old bachelor; cut your wood;
Such a nightcap was never seen;
Who would think it was ever clean?
Go to sleep; it will do you good。〃
So they sing about the 〃pepper gentleman;〃 so do they make sportof the poor old bachelor and his nightcap; and all because they reallyknow nothing of either。 It is a cap that no one need wish for; orlaugh at。 And why not? Well; we shall hear in the story。
In olden times; Hauschen Street was not paved; and passengerswould stumble out of one hole into another; as they generally do inunfrequented highways; and the street was so narrow; and the boothsleaning against each other were so close together; that in thesummer time a sail would be stretched across the street from one boothto another opposite。 At these times the odor of the pepper; saffron;and ginger became more powerful than ever。 Behind the counter; as arule; there were no young men。 The clerks were almost all old boys;but they did not dress as we are accustomed to see old menrepresented; wearing wigs; nightcaps; and knee…breeches; and with coatand waistcoat buttoned up to the chin。 We have seen the portraits ofour great…grandfathers dressed in this way; but the 〃pepper gentlemen〃had no money to spare to have their portraits taken; though one ofthem would have made a very interesting picture for us now; if takenas he appeared standing behind his counter; or going to church; oron holidays。 On these occasions; they wore high…crowned; broad…brimmedhats; and s