oldhouse; in sunshine or in moonlight。 He would sit and look at thewall from which the plaster had in some places fallen off; and fancyall sorts of scenes which had been in former times。 How the streetmust have looked when the houses had all gable roofs; open staircases;and gutters with dragons at the spout。 He could even see soldierswalking about with halberds。 Certainly it was a very good house tolook at for amusement。
An old man lived in it; who wore knee…breeches; a coat withlarge brass buttons; and a wig; which any one could see was a realwig。 Every morning an old man came to clean the rooms; and to waitupon him; otherwise the old man in the knee…breeches would have beenquite alone in the house。 Sometimes he came to one of the windowsand looked out; then the little boy nodded to him; and the old mannodded back again; till they became acquainted; and were friends;although they had never spoken to each other; but that was of noconsequence。
The little boy one day heard his parents say; 〃The old manopposite is very well off; but is terribly lonely。〃 The next Sundaymorning the little boy wrapped something in a piece of paper andtook it to the door of the old house; and said to the attendant whowaited upon the old man; 〃Will you please give this from me to thegentleman who lives here; I have two tin soldiers; and this is oneof them; and he shall have it; because I know he is terribly lonely。〃
And the old attendant nodded and looked very pleased; and thenhe carried the tin soldier into the house。
Afterwards he was sent over to ask the little boy if he wouldnot like to pay a visit himself。 His parents gave him permission;and so it was that he gained admission to the old house。
The brassy knobs on the railings shone more brightly than ever; asif they had been polished on account of his visit; and on the doorwere carved trumpeters standing in tulips; and it seemed as if theywere blowing with all their might; their cheeks were so puffed out。〃Tanta…ra…ra; the little boy is ing; Tanta…ra…ra; the little boy ising。〃
Then the door opened。 All round the hall hung old portraits ofknights in armor; and ladies in silk gowns; and the armor rattled; andthe silk dresses rustled。 Then came a staircase which went up a longway; and then came down a little way and led to a balcony; which wasin a very ruinous state。 There were large holes and long cracks; outof which grew grass and leaves; indeed the whole balcony; thecourtyard; and the walls were so overgrown with green that they lookedlike a garden。 In the balcony stood flower…pots; on which were headshaving asses' ears; but the flowers in them grew just as they pleased。In one pot pinks were growing all over the sides; at least the greenleaves were shooting forth stalk and stem; and saying as plainly asthey could speak; 〃The air has fanned me; the sun has kissed me; and Iam promised a little flower for next Sunday… really for next Sunday。〃
Then they entered a room in which the walls were covered withleather; and the leather had golden flowers stamped upon it。
〃Gilding will fade in damp weather;
To endure; there is nothing like leather;〃said the walls。 Chairs handsomely carved; with elbows on each side;and with very high backs; stood in the room; and as they creakedthey seemed to say; 〃Sit down。 Oh dear; how I am creaking。 I shallcertainly have the gout like the old cupboard。 Gout in my back; ugh。〃
And then the little boy entered the room where the old man sat。
〃Thank you for the tin soldier my little friend;〃 said the oldman; 〃and thank you also for ing to see me。〃
〃Thanks; thanks;〃 or 〃Creak; creak;〃 said all the furniture。
There was so much that the pieces of furniture stood in eachother's way to get a sight of the little boy。
On the wall near the centre of the room hung the picture of abeautiful lady; young and gay; dressed in the fashion of the oldentimes; with powdered hair; and a full; stiff skirt。 She said neither〃thanks〃 nor 〃creak;〃 but she looked down upon the little boy with hermild eyes; and then he said to the old man;
〃Where did you get that picture?〃
〃From the shop opposite;〃 he replied。 〃Many portraits hang therethat none seem to trouble themselves about。 The persons they representhave been dead and buried long since。 But I knew this lady manyyears ago; and she has been dead nearly half a century。〃
Under a glass beneath the picture hung a nosegay of witheredflowers; which were no doubt half a century old too; at least theyappeared so。
And the pendulum of the old clock went to and fro; and the handsturned round; and as time passed on; everything in the room grewolder; but no one seemed to notice it。
〃They say at home;〃 said the little boy; 〃that you are verylonely。〃
〃Oh;〃 replied the old man; 〃I have pleasant thoughts of all thathas passed; recalled by memory; and now you are e to visit me;and that is very pleasant。〃
Then he took from the book…case; a book full of picturesrepresenting long processions of wonderful coaches; such as arenever seen at the present time。 Soldiers like the knave of clubs;and citizens with waving banners。 The tailors had a flag with a pairof scissors supported by two lions; and on the shoemakers' flagthere were not boots; but an eagle with two heads; for theshoemakers must have everything arranged so that they can say; 〃Thisis a pair。〃 What a picture…book it was; and then the old man went intoanother room to fetch apples and nuts。 It was very pleasant;certainly; to be in that old house。
〃I cannot endure it;〃 said the tin soldier; who stood on ashelf; 〃it is so lonely and dull here。 I have been accustomed tolive in a family; and I cannot get used to this life。 I cannot bearit。 The whole day is long enough; but the evening is longer。 It is nothere like it was in your house opposite; when your father and mothertalked so cheerfully together; while you and all the dear childrenmade such a delightful noise。 No; it is all lonely in the old man'shouse。 Do you think he gets any kisses? Do you think he ever hasfriendly looks; or a Christmas tree? He will have nothing now butthe grave。 Oh; I cannot bear it。〃
〃You must not look only on the sorrowful side;〃 said the littleboy; 〃I think everything in this house is beautiful; and all the oldpleasant thoughts e back here to pay visits。〃
〃Ah; but I never see any; and I don't know them;〃 said the tinsoldier; 〃and I cannot bear it。〃
〃You must bear it;〃 said the little boy。 Then the old man cameback with a pleasant face; and brought with him beautiful preservedfruits; as well as apples and nuts; and the little boy thought no moreof the tin soldier。 How happy and delighted the little boy was; andafter he returned home; and while days and weeks passed; a greatdeal of nodding took place from one house to the other; and then thelittle boy went to pay another visit。 The carved trumpeters blew〃Tanta…ra…ra。 There is the little boy。 Tanta…ra…ra。〃 The swords andarmor on the old knight's pictures rattled。 The silk dressesrustled; the leather repeated its rhyme; and the old chairs had thegout in their backs; and cried; 〃Creak;〃 it was all exactly like thefirst time; for in that house; one day and one hour were just likeanother。 〃I cannot bear it any longer;〃 said th