heowner of the room was a poet; and a man of intellect; everything hethought or wrote was pictured around him。 Nature showed herself to himsometimes in the dark forests; at others in cheerful meadows where thestorks were strutting about; or on the deck of a ship sailing acrossthe foaming sea with the clear; blue sky above; or at night theglittering stars。 〃What powers I possess!〃 said the lamp; awaking fromhis dream; 〃I could almost wish to be melted down; but no; that mustnot be while the old people live。 They love me for myself alone;they keep me bright; and supply me with oil。 I am as well off as thepicture of the congress; in which they take so much pleasure。〃 Andfrom that time he felt at rest in himself; and not more so than suchan honorable old lamp really deserved to be。
by Hans Christian Andersen
THERE were once five peas in one shell; they were green; the shellwas green; and so they believed that the whole world must be greenalso; which was a very natural conclusion。 The shell grew; and thepeas grew; they acmodated themselves to their position; and sat allin a row。 The sun shone without and warmed the shell; and the rainmade it clear and transparent; it was mild and agreeable in broaddaylight; and dark at night; as it generally is; and the peas asthey sat there grew bigger and bigger; and more thoughtful as theymused; for they felt there must be something else for them to do。
〃Are we to sit here forever?〃 asked one; 〃shall we not bee hardby sitting so long? It seems to me there must be something outside;and I feel sure of it。〃
And as weeks passed by; the peas became yellow; and the shellbecame yellow。
〃All the world is turning yellow; I suppose;〃 said they;… andperhaps they were right。
Suddenly they felt a pull at the shell; it was torn off; andheld in human hands; then slipped into the pocket of a jacket inpany with other full pods。
〃Now we shall soon be opened;〃 said one;… just what they allwanted。
〃I should like to know which of us will travel furthest;〃 said thesmallest of the five; 〃we shall soon see now。〃
〃What is to happen will happen;〃 said the largest pea。
〃Crack〃 went the shell as it burst; and the five peas rolled outinto the bright sunshine。 There they lay in a child's hand。 A littleboy was holding them tightly; and said they were fine peas for hispea…shooter。 And immediately he put one in and shot it out。
〃Now I am flying out into the wide world;〃 said he; 〃catch me ifyou can;〃 and he was gone in a moment。
〃I;〃 said the second; 〃intend to fly straight to the sun; thatis a shell that lets itself be seen; and it will suit me exactly;〃 andaway he went。
〃We will go to sleep wherever we find ourselves;〃 said the twonext; 〃we shall still be rolling onwards;〃 and they did certainly fallon the floor; and roll about before they got into the pea…shooter; butthey were put in for all that。 〃We shall go farther than theothers;〃 said they。
〃What is to happen will happen;〃 exclaimed the last; as he wasshot out of the pea…shooter; and as he spoke he flew up against an oldboard under a garret…window; and fell into a little crevice; which wasalmost filled up with moss and soft earth。 The moss closed itselfround him; and there he lay; a captive indeed; but not unnoticed byGod。
〃What is to happen will happen;〃 said he to himself。
Within the little garret lived a poor woman; who went out to cleanstoves; chop wood into small pieces and perform such…like hard work;for she was strong and industrious。 Yet she remained always poor;and at home in the garret lay her only daughter; not quite grown up;and very delicate and weak。 For a whole year she had kept her bed; andit seemed as if she could neither live nor die。
〃She is going to her little sister;〃 said the woman; 〃I had butthe two children; and it was not an easy thing to support both ofthem; but the good God helped me in my work; and took one of them toHimself and provided for her。 Now I would gladly keep the other thatwas left to me; but I suppose they are not to be separated; and mysick girl will very soon go to her sister above。〃 But the sick girlstill remained where she was; quietly and patiently she lay all theday long; while her mother was away from home at her work。
Spring came; and one morning early the sun shone brightlythrough the little window; and threw its rays over the floor of theroom。 just as the mother was going to her work; the sick girl fixedher gaze on the lowest pane of the window… 〃Mother;〃 she exclaimed;〃what can that little green thing be that peeps in at the window? Itis moving in the wind。〃
The mother stepped to the window and half opened it。 〃Oh!〃 shesaid; there is actually a little pea which has taken root and isputting out its green leaves。 How could it have got into this crack?Well now; here is a little garden for you to amuse yourself with。〃So the bed of the sick girl was drawn nearer to the window; that shemight see the budding plant; and the mother went out to her work。
〃Mother; I believe I shall get well;〃 said the sick child in theevening; 〃the sun has shone in here so brightly and warmly to…day; andthe little pea is thriving so well: I shall get on better; too; and goout into the warm sunshine again。〃
〃God grant it!〃 said the mother; but she did not believe itwould be so。 But she propped up with the little stick the greenplant which had given her child such pleasant hopes of life; so thatit might not be broken by the winds; she tied the piece of string tothe window…sill and to the upper part of the frame; so that thepea…tendrils might twine round it when it shot up。 And it did shootup; indeed it might almost be seen to grow from day to day。
〃Now really here is a flower ing;〃 said the old woman onemorning; and now at last she began to encourage the hope that her sickdaughter might really recover。 She remembered that for some time thechild had spoken more cheerfully; and during the last few days hadraised herself in bed in the morning to look with sparkling eyes ather little garden which contained only a single pea…plant。 A weekafter; the invalid sat up for the first time a whole hour; feelingquite happy by the open window in the warm sunshine; while outsidegrew the little plant; and on it a pink pea…blossom in full bloom。 Thelittle maiden bent down and gently kissed the delicate leaves。 Thisday was to her like a festival。
〃Our heavenly Father Himself has planted that pea; and made itgrow and flourish; to bring joy to you and hope to me; my blessedchild;〃 said the happy mother; and she smiled at the flower; as ifit had been an angel from God。
But what became of the other peas? Why the one who flew out intothe wide world; and said; 〃Catch me if you can;〃 fell into a gutteron the roof of a house; and ended his travels in the crop of apigeon。 The two lazy ones were carried quite as far; for they alsowere eaten by pigeons; so they were at least of some use; but thefourth; who wanted to reach the sun; fell into a sink and lay therein the dirty water for days and weeks; till he had swelled to a greatsize。
〃I am getting beautifully fat;〃 said the pea; 〃I expect I shallburst at last; no pea could