〃I am getting beautifully fat;〃 said the pea; 〃I expect I shallburst at last; no pea could do more that that; I think; I am themost remarkable of all the five which were in the shell。〃 And the sinkconfirmed the opinion。
But the young maiden stood at the open garret window; withsparkling eyes and the rosy hue of health on her cheeks; she foldedher thin hands over the pea…blossom; and thanked God for what He haddone。
〃I;〃 said the sink; 〃shall stand up for my pea。〃
by Hans Christian Andersen
IN a poet's room; where his inkstand stood on the table; theremark was once made; 〃It is wonderful what can be brought out of aninkstand。 What will e next? It is indeed wonderful。〃
〃Yes; certainly;〃 said the inkstand to the pen; and to the otherarticles that stood on the table; 〃that's what I always say。 It iswonderful and extraordinary what a number of things e out of me。It's quite incredible; and I really don't know what is ing nextwhen that man dips his pen into me。 One drop out of me is enough forhalf a page of paper; and what cannot half a page contain? From me;all the works of a poet are produced; all those imaginary characterswhom people fancy they have known or met。 All the deep feeling; thehumor; and the vivid pictures of nature。 I myself don't understand howit is; for I am not acquainted with nature; but it is certainly in me。From me have gone forth to the world those wonderful descriptions oftroops of charming maidens; and of brave knights on prancing steeds;of the halt and the blind; and I know not what more; for I assureyou I never think of these things。〃
〃There you are right;〃 said the pen; 〃for you don't think atall; if you did; you would see that you can only provide the means。You give the fluid that I may place upon the paper what dwells inme; and what I wish to bring to light。 It is the pen that writes: noman doubts that; and; indeed; most people understand as much aboutpoetry as an old inkstand。〃
〃You have had very little experience;〃 replied the inkstand。〃You have hardly been in service a week; and are already half wornout。 Do you imagine you are a poet? You are only a servant; and beforeyou came I had many like you; some of the goose family; and othersof English manufacture。 I know a quill pen as well as I know a steelone。 I have had both sorts in my service; and I shall have many morewhen he es… the man who performs the mechanical part… and writesdown what he obtains from me。 I should like to know what will be thenext thing he gets out of me。〃
〃Inkpot!〃 exclaimed the pen contemptuously。
Late in the evening the poet came home。 He had been to aconcert; and had been quite enchanted with the admirable performanceof a famous violin player whom he had heard there。 The performer hadproduced from his instrument a richness of tone that sometimes soundedlike tinkling waterdrops or rolling pearls; sometimes like the birdstwittering in chorus; and then rising and swelling in sound like thewind through the fir…trees。 The poet felt as if his own heart wereweeping; but in tones of melody like the sound of a woman's voice。It seemed not only the strings; but every part of the instrumentfrom which these sounds were produced。 It was a wonderfulperformance and a difficult piece; and yet the bow seemed to glideacross the strings so easily that it was as if any one could do it whotried。 Even the violin and the bow appeared to perform independentlyof their master who guided them; it was as if soul and spirit had beenbreathed into the instrument; so the audience forgot the performerin the beautiful sounds he produced。 Not so the poet; he rememberedhim; and named him; and wrote down his thoughts on the subject。 〃Howfoolish it would be for the violin and the bow to boast of theirperformance; and yet we men often mit that folly。 The poet; theartist; the man of science in his laboratory; the general;… we alldo it; and yet we are only the instruments which the Almighty uses; toHim alone the honor is due。 We have nothing of ourselves of which weshould be proud。〃 Yes; this is what the poet wrote down。 He wrote itin the form of a parable; and called it 〃The Master and theInstruments。〃
〃That is what you have got; madam;〃 said the pen to theinkstand; when the two were alone again。 〃Did you hear him readaloud what I had written down?〃
〃Yes; what I gave you to write;〃 retorted the inkstand。 〃Thatwas a cut at you because of your conceit。 To think that you couldnot understand that you were being quizzed。 I gave you a cut fromwithin me。 Surely I must know my own satire。〃
〃Ink…pitcher!〃 cried the pen。
〃Writing…stick!〃 retorted the inkstand。 And each of them feltsatisfied that he had given a good answer。 It is pleasing to beconvinced that you have settled a matter by your reply; it issomething to make you sleep well; and they both slept well upon it。But the poet did not sleep。 Thoughts rose up within him like thetones of the violin; falling like pearls; or rushing like the strongwind through the forest。 He understood his own heart in thesethoughts; they were as a ray from the mind of the Great Master of allminds。
〃To Him be all the honor。〃
by Hans Christian Andersen
FAR away towards the east; in India; which seemed in those daysthe world's end; stood the Tree of the Sun; a noble tree; such as wehave never seen; and perhaps never may see。
The summit of this tree spread itself for miles like an entireforest; each of its smaller branches forming a plete tree。 Palms;beech…trees; pines; plane…trees; and various other kinds; which arefound in all parts of the world; were here like small branches;shooting forth from the great tree; while the larger boughs; withtheir knots and curves; formed valleys and hills; clothed with velvetygreen and covered with flowers。 Everywhere it was like a bloomingmeadow or a lovely garden。 Here were birds from all quarters of theworld assembled together; birds from the primeval forests ofAmerica; from the rose gardens of Damascus; and from the deserts ofAfrica; in which the elephant and the lion may boast of being the onlyrulers。 Birds from the Polar regions came flying here; and of coursethe stork and the swallow were not absent。 But the birds were notthe only living creatures。 There were stags; squirrels; antelopes; andhundreds of other beautiful and light…footed animals here found ahome。
The summit of the tree was a wide…spreading garden; and in themidst of it; where the green boughs formed a kind of hill; stood acastle of crystal; with a view from it towards every quarter ofheaven。 Each tower was erected in the form of a lily; and within thestern was a winding staircase; through which one could ascend to thetop and step out upon the leaves as upon balconies。 The calyx of theflower itself formed a most beautiful; glittering; circular hall;above which no other roof arose than the blue firmament and the sunand stars。
Just as much splendor; but of another kind; appeared below; in thewide halls of the castle。 Here; on the walls; were reflectedpictures of the world; which represented numerou