Just as much splendor; but of another kind; appeared below; in thewide halls of the castle。 Here; on the walls; were reflectedpictures of the world; which represented numerous and varied scenes ofeverything that took place daily; so that it was useless to read thenewspapers; and indeed there were none to be obtained in this spot。All was to be seen in living pictures by those who wished it; butall would have been too much for even the wisest man; and this mandwelt here。 His name is very difficult; you would not be able topronounce it; so it may be omitted。 He knew everything that a man onearth can know or imagine。 Every invention already in existence or yetto be; was known to him; and much more; still everything on earthhas a limit。 The wise king Solomon was not half so wise as this man。He could govern the powers of nature and held sway over potentspirits; even Death itself was obliged to give him every morning alist of those who were to die during the day。 And King Solomon himselfhad to die at last; and this fact it was which so often occupied thethoughts of this great man in the castle on the Tree of the Sun。 Heknew that he also; however high he might tower above other men inwisdom; must one day die。 He knew that his children would fade awaylike the leaves of the forest and bee dust。 He saw the human racewither and fall like leaves from the tree; he saw new men e to filltheir places; but the leaves that fell off never sprouted forth again;they crumbled to dust or were absorbed into other plants。
〃What happens to man;〃 asked the wise man of himself; 〃whentouched by the angel of death? What can death be? The body decays; andthe soul。 Yes; what is the soul; and whither does it go?〃
〃To eternal life;〃 says the forting voice of religion。
〃But what is this change? Where and how shall we exist?〃
〃Above; in heaven;〃 answers the pious man; 〃it is there we hope togo。〃
〃Above!〃 repeated the wise man; fixing his eyes upon the moonand stars above him。 He saw that to this earthly sphere above andbelow were constantly changing places; and that the position variedaccording to the spot on which a man found himself。 He knew; also;that even if he ascended to the top of the highest mountain whichrears its lofty summit on this earth; the air; which to us seems clearand transparent; would there be dark and cloudy; the sun would havea coppery glow and send forth no rays; and our earth would lie beneathhim wrapped in an orange…colored mist。 How narrow are the limits whichconfine the bodily sight; and how little can be seen by the eye of thesoul。 How little do the wisest among us know of that which is soimportant to us all。
In the most secret chamber of the castle lay the greatest treasureon earth… the Book of Truth。 The wise man had read it through pageafter page。 Every man may read in this book; but only in fragments。 Tomany eyes the characters seem so mixed in confusion that the wordscannot be distinguished。 On certain pages the writing often appears sopale or so blurred that the page bees a blank。 The wiser a manbees; the more he will read; and those who are wisest read most。
The wise man knew how to unite the sunlight and the moonlight withthe light of reason and the hidden powers of nature; and throughthis stronger light; many things in the pages were made clear tohim。 But in the portion of the book entitled 〃Life after Death〃 nota single point could he see distinctly。 This pained him。 Should henever be able here on earth to obtain a light by which everythingwritten in the Book of Truth should bee clear to him? Like the wiseKing Solomon; he understood the language of animals; and couldinterpret their talk into song; but that made him none the wiser。 Hefound out the nature of plants and metals; and their power in curingdiseases and arresting death; but none to destroy death itself。 In allcreated things within his reach he sought the light that shouldshine upon the certainty of an eternal life; but he found it not。The Book of Truth lay open before him; but; its pages were to him asblank paper。 Christianity placed before him in the Bible a promiseof eternal life; but he wanted to read it in his book; in whichnothing on the subject appeared to be written。
He had five children; four sons; educated as the children ofsuch a wise father should be; and a daughter; fair; gentle; andintelligent; but she was blind; yet this deprivation appeared asnothing to her; her father and brothers were outward eyes to her;and a vivid imagination made everything clear to her mental sight。 Thesons had never gone farther from the castle than the branches of thetrees extended; and the sister had scarcely ever left home。 Theywere happy children in that home of their childhood; the beautiful andfragrant Tree of the Sun。 Like all children; they loved to hearstories related to them; and their father told them many thingswhich other children would not have understood; but these were asclever as most grownup people are among us。 He explained to themwhat they saw in the pictures of life on the castle walls… thedoings of man; and the progress of events in all the lands of theearth; and the sons often expressed a wish that they could be present;and take a part in these great deeds。 Then their father told them thatin the world there was nothing but toil and difficulty: that it wasnot quite what it appeared to them; as they looked upon it in theirbeautiful home。 He spoke to them of the true; the beautiful; and thegood; and told them that these three held together in the world; andby that union they became crystallized into a precious jewel;clearer than a diamond of the first water… a jewel; whose splendor hada value even in the sight of God; in whose brightness all things aredim。 This jewel was called the philosopher's stone。 He told them that;by searching; man could attain to a knowledge of the existence of God;and that it was in the power of every man to discover the certaintythat such a jewel as the philosopher's stone really existed。 Thisinformation would have been beyond the perception of other children;but these children understood; and others will learn to prehend itsmeaning after a time。 They questioned their father about the true; thebeautiful; and the good; and he explained it to them in many ways。He told them that God; when He made man out of the dust of theearth; touched His work five times; leaving five intense feelings;which we call the five senses。 Through these; the true; the beautiful;and the good are seen; understood; and perceived; and through thesethey are valued; protected; and encouraged。 Five senses have beengiven mentally and corporeally; inwardly and outwardly; to body andsoul。
The children thought deeply on all these things; and meditatedupon them day and night。 Then the eldest of the brothers dreamt asplendid dream。 Strange to say; not only the second brother but alsothe third and fourth brothers all dreamt exactly the same thing;namely; that each went out into the world to find the philosopher'sstone。 Each dreamt that he found it; and that; as he rode back onhis swift horse; in the morning dawn; over the velvety greenmeadows; to his home in the castle of his father; that the stonegleamed from his forehead like a beaming light; and
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