d as proud as you please。
The General was old and gray; but he had a good seat on horseback;and he knew it; and he rode out every day; with a groom behind himat a proper distance。 When he came to a party; he looked somehow as ifhe were riding into the room upon his high horse; and he had orders;too; such a number that no one would have believed it; but that wasnot his fault。 As a young man he had taken part in the great autumnreviews which were held in those days。 He had an anecdote that he toldabout those days; the only one he knew。 A subaltern under his ordershad cut off one of the princes; and taken him prisoner; and the Princehad been obliged to ride through the town with a little band ofcaptured soldiers; himself a prisoner behind the General。 This wasan ever…memorable event; and was always told over and over again everyyear by the General; who; moreover; always repeated the remarkablewords he had used when he returned his sword to the Prince; thosewords were; 〃Only my subaltern could have taken your Highnessprisoner; I could never have done it!〃 And the Prince had replied;〃You are inparable。〃 In a real war the General had never takenpart。 When war came into the country; he had gone on a diplomaticcareer to foreign courts。 He spoke the French language so fluentlythat he had almost forgotten his own; he could dance well; he couldride well; and orders grew on his coat in an astounding way。 Thesentries presented arms to him; one of the most beautiful girlspresented arms to him; and became the General's lady; and in time theyhad a pretty; charming child; that seemed as if it had dropped fromheaven; it was so pretty; and the porter's son danced before it in thecourtyard; as soon as it could understand it; and gave her all hiscolored pictures; and little Emily looked at them; and was pleased;and tore them to pieces。 She was pretty and delicate indeed。
〃My little Roseleaf!〃 cried the General's lady; 〃thou art bornto wed a prince。〃
The prince was already at the door; but they knew nothing of it;people don't see far beyond the threshold。
〃The day before yesterday our boy divided his bread and butterwith her!〃 said the porter's wife。 〃There was neither cheese normeat upon it; but she liked it as well as if it had been roast beef。There would have been a fine noise if the General and his wife hadseen the feast; but they did not see it。
George had divided his bread and butter with little Emily; andhe would have divided his heart with her; if it would have pleasedher。 He was a good boy; brisk and clever; and he went to the nightschool in the Academy now; to learn to draw properly。 Little Emily wasgetting on with her education too; for she spoke French with her〃bonne;〃 and had a dancing master。
〃George will be confirmed at Easter;〃 said the porter's wife;for George had got so far as this。
〃It would be the best thing; now; to make an apprentice of him;〃said his father。 〃It must be to some good calling… and then he wouldbe out of the house。〃
〃He would have to sleep out of the house;〃 said George's mother。〃It is not easy to find a master who has room for him at night; and weshall have to provide him with clothes too。 The little bit of eatingthat he wants can be managed for him; for he's quite happy with afew boiled potatoes; and he gets taught for nothing。 Let the boy gohis own way。 You will say that he will be our joy some day; and theProfessor says so too。〃
The confirmation suit was ready。 The mother had worked it herself;but the tailor who did repairs had cut them out; and a capitalcutter…out he was。
〃If he had had a better position; and been able to keep a workshopand journeymen;〃 the porter's wife said; 〃he might have been a courttailor。〃
The clothes were ready; and the candidate for confirmation wasready。 On his confirmation day; George received a great pinchbeckwatch from his godfather; the old iron monger's shopman; the richestof his godfathers。 The watch was an old and tried servant。 It alwayswent too fast; but that is better than to be lagging behind。 Thatwas a costly present。 And from the General's apartment there arrived ahymn…book bound in morocco; sent by the little lady to whom George hadgiven pictures。 At the beginning of the book his name was written; andher name; as 〃his gracious patroness。〃 These words had been written atthe dictation of the General's lady; and the General had read theinscription; and pronounced it 〃Charming!〃
〃That is really a great attention from a family of such position;〃said the porter's wife; and George was sent up stairs to showhimself in his confirmation clothes; with the hymn…book in his hand。
The General's lady was sitting very much wrapped up; and had thebad headache she always had when time hung heavy upon her hands。 Shelooked at George very pleasantly; and wished him all prosperity; andthat he might never have her headache。 The General was walking aboutin his dressing…gown。 He had a cap with a long tassel on his head; andRussian boots with red tops on his feet。 He walked three times upand down the room; absorbed in his own thoughts and recollections; andthen stopped and said:
〃So little George is a confirmed Christian now。 Be a good man; andhonor those in authority over you。 Some day; when you are an oldman; you can say that the General gave you this precept。〃
That was a longer speech than the General was accustomed tomake; and then he went back to his ruminations; and looked veryaristocratic。 But of all that George heard and saw up there; littleMiss Emily remained most clear in his thoughts。 How graceful shewas; how gentle; and fluttering; and pretty she looked。 If she were tobe drawn; it ought to be on a soap…bubble。 About her dress; abouther yellow curled hair; there was a fragrance as of a fresh…blownrose; and to think that he had once divided his bread and butterwith her; and that she had eaten it with enormous appetite; and noddedto him at every second mouthful! Did she remember anything about it?Yes; certainly; for she had given him the beautiful hymn…book inremembrance of this; and when the first new moon in the first new yearafter this event came round; he took a piece of bread; a penny; andhis hymn…book; and went out into the open air; and opened the bookto see what psalm he should turn up。 It was a psalm of praise andthanksgiving。 Then he opened the book again to see what would turnup for little Emily。 He took great pains not to open the book in theplace where the funeral hymns were; and yet he got one that referredto the grave and death。 But then he thought this was not a thing inwhich one must believe; for all that he was startled when soonafterwards the pretty little girl had to lie in bed; and thedoctor's carriage stopped at the gate every day。
〃They will not keep her with them;〃 said the porter's wife。 〃Thegood God knows whom He will summon to Himself。〃
But they kept her after all; and George drew pictures and sentthem to her。 He drew the Czar's palace; the old Kremlin at Moscow;just as it stood; with towers and cupolas; and these cupolas lookedlike gigantic green and gold cucumbers; at least in George'sdrawing。 Little Emily was highly pleased; and consequently; when aweek had elapsed; George sent her a few more pictures; all wit