mile that was almost mournful on herface?
Mr。 Alfred again spoke of Italy; and of the glorious colors inItalian scenery; the purple hills; the deep blue of the Mediterranean;the azure of southern skies; whose brightness and glory could onlybe surpassed in the north by the deep…blue eyes of a maiden; and hesaid this with a peculiar intonation; but she who should haveunderstood his meaning looked quite unconscious of it; which alsowas charming。
〃Beautiful Italy!〃 sighed some of the guests。
〃Oh; to travel there!〃 exclaimed others。
〃Charming! Charming!〃 echoed from every voice。
〃I may perhaps win a hundred thousand dollars in the lottery;〃said the naval officer's widow; 〃and if I do; we will travel… I and mydaughter; and you; Mr。 Alfred; must be our guide。 We can all threetravel together; with one or two more of our good friends。〃 And shenodded in such a friendly way at the pany; that each imaginedhimself to be the favored person who was to acpany them to Italy。〃Yes; we must go;〃 she continued; 〃but not to those parts wherethere are robbers。 We will keep to Rome。 In the public roads one isalways safe。〃
The daughter sighed very gently; and how much there may be in asigh; or attributed to it! The young man attributed a great deal ofmeaning to this sigh。 Those deep…blue eyes; which had been lit up thisevening in honor of him; must conceal treasures; treasures of heartand mind; richer than all the glories of Rome; and so when he left theparty that night; he had lost it pletely to the young lady。 Thehouse of the naval officer's widow was the one most constantly visitedby Mr。 Alfred; the sculptor。 It was soon understood that his visitswere not intended for that lady; though they were the persons who keptup the conversation。 He came for the sake of the daughter。 They calledher Kaela。 Her name was really Karen Malena; and these two names hadbeen contracted into the one name Kaela。 She was really beautiful; butsome said she was rather dull; and slept late of a morning。
〃She has been accustomed to that;〃 her mother said。 〃She is abeauty; and they are always easily tired。 She does sleep ratherlate; but that makes her eyes so clear。〃
What power seemed to lie in the depths of those dark eyes! Theyoung man felt the truth of the proverb; 〃Still waters run deep:〃and his heart had sunk into their depths。 He often talked of hisadventures; and the mamma was as simple and eager in her questionsas on the first evening they met。 It was a pleasure to hear Alfreddescribe anything。 He showed them colored plates of Naples; andspoke of excursions to Mount Vesuvius; and the eruptions of firefrom it。 The naval officer's widow had never heard of them before。
〃Good heavens!〃 she exclaimed。 〃So that is a burning mountain; butis it not very dangerous to the people who live near it?〃
〃Whole cities have been destroyed;〃 he replied; 〃for instance;Herculaneum and Pompeii。〃
〃Oh; the poor people! And you saw all that with your own eyes?〃
〃No; I did not see any of the eruptions which are represented inthose pictures; but I will show you a sketch of my own; whichrepresents an eruption I once saw。〃
He placed a pencil sketch on the table; and mamma; who had beenover…powered with the appearance of the colored plates; threw a glanceat the pale drawing and cried in astonishment; 〃What; did you see itthrow up white fire?〃
For a moment; Alfred's respect for Kaela's mamma underwent asudden shock; and lessened considerably; but; dazzled by the lightwhich surrounded Kaela; he soon found it quite natural that the oldlady should have no eye for color。 After all; it was of very littleconsequence; for Kaela's mamma had the best of all possessions;namely; Kaela herself。
Alfred and Kaela were betrothed; which was a very naturalresult; and the betrothal was announced in the newspaper of the littletown。 Mama purchased thirty copies of the paper; that she might cutout the paragraph and send it to friends and acquaintances。 Thebetrothed pair were very happy; and the mother was happy too。 She saidit seemed like connecting herself with Thorwalsden。
〃You are a true successor of Thorwalsden;〃 she said to Alfred; andit seemed to him as if; in this instance; mamma had said a cleverthing。 Kaela was silent; but her eyes shone; her lips smiled; everymovement was graceful;… in fact; she was beautiful; that cannot berepeated too often。 Alfred decided to take a bust of Kaela as wellas of her mother。 They sat to him accordingly; and saw how hemoulded and formed the soft clay with his fingers。
〃I suppose it is only on our account that you perform thismon…place work yourself; instead of leaving it to your servant todo all that sticking together。〃
〃It is really necessary that I should mould the clay myself;〃 hereplied。
〃Ah; yes; you are always so polite;〃 said mamma; with a smile; andKaela silently pressed his hand; all soiled as it was with the clay。
Then he unfolded to them both the beauties of Nature; in all herworks; he pointed out to them how; in the scale of creation; inanimatematter was inferior to animate nature; the plant above the mineral;the animal above the plant; and man above them all。 He strove toshow them how the beauty of the mind could be displayed in the outwardform; and that it was the sculptor's task to seize upon that beauty ofexpression; and produce it in his works。 Kaela stood silent; butnodded in approbation of what he said; while mamma…in…law made thefollowing confession:…
〃It is difficult to follow you; but I go hobbling along afteryou with my thoughts; though what you say makes my head whirl roundand round。 Still I contrive to lay hold on some of it。〃
Kaela's beauty had a firm hold on Alfred; it filled his soul;and held a mastery over him。 Beauty beamed from Kaela's every feature;glittered in her eyes; lurked in the corners of her mouth; andpervaded every movement of her agile fingers。 Alfred; the sculptor;saw this。 He spoke only to her; thought only of her; and the twobecame one; and so it may be said she spoke much; for he was alwaystalking to her; and he and she were one。 Such was the betrothal; andthen came the wedding; with bride's…maids and wedding presents; allduly mentioned in the wedding speech。 Mamma…in…law had set upThorwalsden's bust at the end of the table; attired in adressing…gown; it was her fancy that he should be a guest。 Songswere sung; and cheers given; for it was a gay wedding; and they were ahandsome pair。 〃Pygmalion loved his Galatea;〃 said one of the songs。
〃Ah; that is some of your mythologies;〃 said mamma…in…law。
Next day the youthful pair started for Copenhagen; where they wereto live; mamma…in…law acpanied them; to attend to the 〃coarsework;〃 as she always called the domestic arrangements。 Kaela lookedlike a doll in a doll's house; for everything was bright and new;and so fine。 There they sat; all three; and as for Alfred; a proverbmay describe his position… he looked like a swan amongst the geese。The magic of form had enchanted him; he had looked at the casketwithout caring to inquire what it contained; and that omission oftenbrings the greatest unhappiness into married life。 The casket may beinjured; the gilding may fall off; and then the purchaser regretshis bargain。
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