use could not be supportedunless she stood on one leg; for she was a great genius; and begged tobe treated as such。 The lady who acted the part of the queenexpected to be treated as a queen off the stage; as well as on it;or else she said she should get out of practice。 The man whose duty itwas to deliver a letter gave himself as many airs as he who took thepart of first lover in the piece; he declared that the inferiorparts were as important as the great ones; and deserving equalconsideration; as parts of an artistic whole。 The hero of the piecewould only play in a part containing points likely to bring down theapplause of the house。 The 'prima donna' would only act when thelights were red; for she declared that a blue light did not suit herplexion。 It was like a pany of flies in a bottle; and I was inthe bottle with them; for I was their director。 My breath was takenaway; my head whirled; and I was as miserable as a man could be。 Itwas quite a novel; strange set of beings among whom I now foundmyself。 I only wished I had them all in my box again; and that I hadnever been their director。 So I told them roundly that; after all;they were nothing but puppets; and then they killed me。 After awhile I found myself lying on my bed in my room; but how I gotthere; or how I got away at all from the Polytechnic professor; he mayperhaps know; I don't。 The moon shone upon the floor; the box layopen; and the dolls were all scattered about in great confusion; but Iwas not idle。 I jumped off the bed; and into the box they all had togo; some on their heads; some on their feet。 Then I shut down the lid;and seated myself upon the box。 'Now you'll have to stay;' said I;'and I shall be cautious how I wish you flesh and blood again。'
〃I felt quite light; my cheerfulness had returned; and I was thehappiest of mortals。 The Polytechnic professor had fully cured me。 Iwas as happy as a king; and went to sleep on the box。 Next morning…correctly speaking; it was noon; for I slept remarkably late that day…I found myself still sitting there; in happy consciousness that myformer wish had been a foolish one。 I inquired for the Polytechnicprofessor; but he had disappeared like the Greek and Roman gods;from that time I have been the happiest man in the world。 I am a happydirector; for none of my pany ever grumble; nor the publiceither; for I always make them merry。 I can arrange my pieces justas I please。 I choose out of every edy what I like best; and no oneis offended。 Plays that are neglected now…a…days by the great publicwere ran after thirty years ago; and listened to till the tears randown the cheeks of the audience。 These are the pieces I bring forward。I place them before the little ones; who cry over them as papa andmamma used to cry thirty years ago。 But I make them shorter; for theyoungsters don't like long speeches; and if they have anythingmournful; they like it to be over quickly。〃
by Hans Christian Andersen
A PRIZE; or rather two prizes; a great one and a small one; hadbeen awarded for the greatest swiftness in running;… not in a singlerace; but for the whole year。
〃I obtained the first prize;〃 said the hare。 〃Justice must stillbe carried out; even when one has relations and good friends among theprize mittee; but that the snail should have received the secondprize; I consider almost an insult to myself〃
〃No;〃 said the fence…rail; who had been a witness at thedistribution of prizes; 〃there should be some consideration forindustry and perseverance。 I have heard many respectable people sayso; and I can quite understand it。 The snail certainly took half ayear to get over the threshold of the door; but he injured himself;and broke his collar…bone by the haste he made。 He gave himself upentirely to the race; and ran with his house on his back; which wasall; of course; very praiseworthy; and therefore he obtained thesecond prize。〃
〃I think I ought to have had some consideration too;〃 said theswallow。 〃I should imagine no one can be swifter in soaring and flightthan I am; and how far I have been! far; far away。〃
〃Yes; that is your misfortune;〃 said the fence…rail; 〃you are sofickle; so unsettled; you must always be travelling about into foreignlands when the cold mences here。 You have no love of fatherlandin you。 There can be no consideration for you。〃
〃But now; if I have been lying the whole winter in the moor;〃 saidthe swallow; 〃and suppose I slept the whole time; would that betaken into account?〃
〃Bring a certificate from the old moor…hen;〃 said he; 〃that youhave slept away half your time in fatherland; then you will be treatedwith some consideration。〃
〃I deserved the first prize; and not the second;〃 said thesnail。 〃I know so much; at least; that the hare only ran fromcowardice; and because he thought there was danger in delay。 I; on theother hand; made running the business of my life; and have bee acripple in the service。 If any one had a first prize; it ought to havebeen myself。 But I do not understand chattering and boasting; on thecontrary; I despise it。〃 And the snail spat at them with contempt。
〃I am able to affirm with word of oath; that each prize… at least;those for which I voted… was given with just and properconsideration;〃 said the old boundary post in the wood; who was amember of the mittee of judges。 〃I always act with due order;consideration; and calculation。 Seven times have I already had thehonor to be present at the distribution of the prizes; and to vote;but to…day is the first time I have been able to carry out my will。I always reckon the first prize by going through the alphabet from thebeginning; and the second by going through from the end。 Be so kind asto give me your attention; and I will explain to you how I reckon fromthe beginning。 The eighth letter from A is H; and there we have Hfor hare; therefore I awarded to the hare the first prize。 Theeighth letter from the end of the alphabet is S; and therefore thesnail received the second prize。 Next year; the letter I will have itsturn for the first prize; and the letter R for the second。〃
〃I should really have voted for myself;〃 said the mule; 〃if Ihad not been one of the judges on the mittee。 Not only the rapiditywith which advance is made; but every other quality should have dueconsideration; as; for instance; how much weight a candidate is ableto draw; but I have not brought this quality forward now; nor thesagacity of the hare in his flight; nor the cunning with which hesuddenly springs aside and doubles; to lead people on a false track;thinking he has concealed himself。 No; there is something else onwhich more stress should be laid; and which ought not be leftunnoticed。 I mean that which mankind call the beautiful。 It is onthe beautiful that I particularly fix my eyes。 I observed thewell…grown ears of the hare; it is a pleasure to me to observe howlong they are。 It seemed as if I saw myself again in the days of mychildhood; and so I voted for the hare。〃
〃Buz;〃 said the fly; 〃there; I'm not going to make a longspeech; but I wish to say something about hares。 I have reallyovertaken more than one hare; when I have been seated on the engine infront of a railw