I have reallyovertaken more than one hare; when I have been seated on the engine infront of a railway train。 I often do so。 One can then so easilyjudge of one's own swiftness。 Not long ago; I crushed the hind legs ofa young hare。 He had been running a long time before the engine; hehad no idea that I was travelling there。 At last he had to stop in hiscareer; and the engine ran over his hind legs; and crushed them; for Iset upon it。 I left him lying there; and rode on farther。 I callthat conquering him; but I do not want the prize。〃
〃It really seems to me;〃 thought the wild rose; though she did notexpress her opinion aloud… it is not in her nature to do so;… thoughit would have been quite as well if she had; 〃it certainly seems to methat the sunbeam ought to have had the honor of receiving the firstprize。 The sunbeam flies in a few minutes along the immeasurablepath from the sun to us。 It arrives in such strength; that allnature awakes to loveliness and beauty; we roses blush and exhalefragrance in its presence。 Our worshipful judges don't appear tohave noticed this at all。 Were I the sunbeam; I would give each one ofthem a sun stroke; but that would only make them mad; and they are madenough already。 I only hope;〃 continued the rose; 〃that peace mayreign in the wood。 It is glorious to bloom; to be fragrant; and tolive; to live in story and in song。 The sunbeam will outlive us all。〃
〃What is the first prize?〃 asked the earthworm; who hadoverslept the time; and only now came up。
〃It contains a free admission to a cabbage…garden;〃 replied themule。 〃I proposed that as one of the prizes。 The hare most decidedlymust have it; and I; as an active and thoughtful member of themittee; took especial care that the prize should be one ofadvantage to him; so now he is provided for。 The snail can now siton the fence; and lick up moss and sunshine。 He has also beenappointed one of the first judges of swiftness in racing。 It isworth much to know that one of the numbers is a man of talent in thething men call a 'mittee。' I must say I expect much in thefuture; we have already made such a good beginning。〃
by Hans Christian Andersen
ONCE upon a time there was little girl; pretty and dainty。 Butin summer time she was obliged to go barefooted because she waspoor; and in winter she had to wear large wooden shoes; so that herlittle instep grew quite red。
In the middle of the village lived an old shoemaker's wife; shesat down and made; as well as she could; a pair of little shoes out ofsome old pieces of red cloth。 They were clumsy; but she meant well;for they were intended for the little girl; whose name was Karen。
Karen received the shoes and wore them for the first time on theday of her mother's funeral。 They were certainly not suitable formourning; but she had no others; and so she put her bare feet intothem and walked behind the humble coffin。
Just then a large old carriage came by; and in it sat an old lady;she looked at the little girl; and taking pity on her; said to theclergyman; 〃Look here; if you will give me the little girl; I willtake care of her。〃
Karen believed that this was all on account of the red shoes;but the old lady thought them hideous; and so they were burnt。 Karenherself was dressed very neatly and cleanly; she was taught to readand to sew; and people said that she was pretty。 But the mirror toldher; 〃You are more than pretty… you are beautiful。〃
One day the Queen was travelling through that part of the country;and had her little daughter; who was a princess; with her。 All thepeople; amongst them Karen too; streamed towards the castle; where thelittle princess; in fine white clothes; stood before the window andallowed herself to be stared at。 She wore neither a train nor a goldencrown; but beautiful red morocco shoes; they were indeed much finerthan those which the shoemaker's wife had sewn for little Karen。 Thereis really nothing in the world that can be pared to red shoes!
Karen was now old enough to be confirmed; she received some newclothes; and she was also to have some new shoes。 The rich shoemakerin the town took the measure of her little foot in his own room; inwhich there stood great glass cases full of pretty shoes and whiteslippers。 It all looked very lovely; but the old lady could not seevery well; and therefore did not get much pleasure out of it。Amongst the shoes stood a pair of red ones; like those which theprincess had worn。 How beautiful they were! and the shoemaker saidthat they had been made for a count's daughter; but that they hadnot fitted her。
〃I suppose they are of shiny leather?〃 asked the old lady。 〃Theyshine so。〃
〃Yes; they do shine;〃 said Karen。 They fitted her; and werebought。 But the old lady knew nothing of their being red; for shewould never have allowed Karen to be confirmed in red shoes; as shewas now to be。
Everybody looked at her feet; and the whole of the way from thechurch door to the choir it seemed to her as if even the ancientfigures on the monuments; in their stiff collars and long black robes;had their eyes fixed on her red shoes。 It was only of these that shethought when the clergyman laid his hand upon her head and spoke ofthe holy baptism; of the covenant with God; and told her that shewas now to be a grown…up Christian。 The organ pealed forth solemnly;and the sweet children's voices mingled with that of their old leader;but Karen thought only of her red shoes。 In the afternoon the old ladyheard from everybody that Karen had worn red shoes。 She said that itwas a shocking thing to do; that it was very improper; and thatKaren was always to go to church in future in black shoes; even ifthey were old。
On the following Sunday there was munion。 Karen looked first atthe black shoes; then at the red ones… looked at the red ones again;and put them on。
The sun was shining gloriously; so Karen and the old lady wentalong the footpath through the corn; where it was rather dusty。
At the church door stood an old crippled soldier leaning on acrutch; he had a wonderfully long beard; more red than white; and hebowed down to the ground and asked the old lady whether he mightwipe her shoes。 Then Karen put out her little foot too。 〃Dear me; whatpretty dancing…shoes!〃 said the soldier。 〃Sit fast; when you dance;〃said he; addressing the shoes; and slapping the soles with his hand。
The old lady gave the soldier some money and then went withKaren into the church。
And all the people inside looked at Karen's red shoes; and all thefigures gazed at them; when Karen knelt before the altar and put thegolden goblet to her mouth; she thought only of the red shoes。 Itseemed to her as though they were swimming about in the goblet; andshe forgot to sing the psalm; forgot to say the 〃Lord's Prayer。〃
Now every one came out of church; and the old lady stepped intoher carriage。 But just as Karen was lifting up her foot to get in too;the old soldier said: 〃Dear me; what pretty dancing shoes!〃 andKaren could not help it; she was obliged to dance a few steps; andwhen she had once begun; her legs continued to dance。 It seemed asif the shoes had got power over them。 She danced round the