〃Oh yes; certainly; for I fear he will never recover。〃
〃Poor shadow!〃 said the princess; 〃it is very unfortunate for him;it would really be a good deed to free him from his frail existence;and; indeed; when I think how often people take the part of thelower class against the higher; in these days; it would be policy toput him out of the way quietly。〃
〃It is certainly rather hard upon him; for he was a faithfulservant;〃 said the shadow; and he pretended to sigh。
〃Yours is a noble character;〃 said the princess; and bowed herselfbefore him。
In the evening the whole town was illuminated; and cannons fired〃boom;〃 and the soldiers presented arms。 It was indeed a grandwedding。 The princess and the shadow stepped out on the balcony toshow themselves; and to receive one cheer more。 But the learned manheard nothing of all these festivities; for he had already beenexecuted。
by Hans Christian Andersen
HAVE you ever seen an old wooden cupboard quite black with age;and ornamented with carved foliage and curious figures? Well; justsuch a cupboard stood in a parlor; and had been left to the familyas a legacy by the great…grandmother。 It was covered from top tobottom with carved roses and tulips; the most curious scrolls weredrawn upon it; and out of them peeped little stags' heads; withantlers。 In the middle of the cupboard door was the carved figure of aman most ridiculous to look at。 He grinned at you; for no one couldcall it laughing。 He had goat's legs; little horns on his head; anda long beard; the children in the room always called him; 〃Majorgeneral…field…sergeant…mander Billy…goat's…legs。〃 It wascertainly a very difficult name to pronounce; and there are very fewwho ever receive such a title; but then it seemed wonderful how hecame to be carved at all; yet there he was; always looking at thetable under the looking…glass; where stood a very pretty littleshepherdess made of china。 Her shoes were gilt; and her dress had ared rose or an ornament。 She wore a hat; and carried a crook; thatwere both gilded; and looked very bright and pretty。 Close by her sidestood a little chimney…sweep; as black as coal; and also made ofchina。 He was; however; quite as clean and neat as any other chinafigure; he only represented a black chimney…sweep; and the chinaworkers might just as well have made him a prince; had they feltinclined to do so。 He stood holding his ladder quite handily; andhis face was as fair and rosy as a girl's; indeed; that was rather amistake; it should have had some black marks on it。 He and theshepherdess had been placed close together; side by side; and; beingso placed; they became engaged to each other; for they were verywell suited; being both made of the same sort of china; and beingequally fragile。 Close to them stood another figure; three times aslarge as they were; and also made of china。 He was an old Chinaman;who could nod his head; and used to pretend that he was thegrandfather of the shepherdess; although he could not prove it。 Hehowever assumed authority over her; and therefore when〃Major…general…field…sergeant…mander Billy…goat's…legs〃 asked forthe little shepherdess to be his wife; he nodded his head to show thathe consented。 〃You will have a husband;〃 said the old Chinaman to her;〃who I really believe is made of mahogany。 He will make you a ladyof Major…general…field…sergeant…mander Billy…goat's…legs。 He hasthe whole cupboard full of silver plate; which he keeps locked up insecret drawers。〃
〃I won't go into the dark cupboard;〃 said the littleshepherdess。 〃I have heard that he has eleven china wives therealready。〃
〃Then you shall be the twelfth;〃 said the old Chinaman。〃To…night as soon as you hear a rattling in the old cupboard; youshall be married; as true as I am a Chinaman;〃 and then he noddedhis head and fell asleep。
Then the little shepherdess cried; and looked at her sweetheart;the china chimney…sweep。 〃I must entreat you;〃 said she; 〃to go outwith me into the wide world; for we cannot stay here。〃
〃I will do whatever you wish;〃 said the little chimney…sweep; 〃letus go immediately: I think I shall be able to maintain you with myprofession。〃
〃If we were but safely down from the table!〃 said she; 〃I shallnot be happy till we are really out in the world。〃
Then he forted her; and showed her how to place her little footon the carved edge and gilt…leaf ornaments of the table。 He broughthis little ladder to help her; and so they contrived to reach thefloor。 But when they looked at the old cupboard; they saw it was allin an uproar。 The carved stags pushed out their heads; raised theirantlers; and twisted their necks。 The major…general sprung up in theair; and cried out to the old Chinaman; 〃They are running away! theyare running away!〃 The two were rather frightened at this; so theyjumped into the drawer of the window…seat。 Here were three or fourpacks of cards not quite plete; and a doll's theatre; which hadbeen built up very neatly。 A edy was being performed in it; and allthe queens of diamonds; clubs; and hearts;; and spades; sat in thefirst row fanning themselves with tulips; and behind them stood allthe knaves; showing that they had heads above and below as playingcards generally have。 The play was about two lovers; who were notallowed to marry; and the shepherdess wept because it was so likeher own story。 〃I cannot bear it;〃 said she; 〃I must get out of thedrawer;〃 but when they reached the floor; and cast their eyes on thetable; there was the old Chinaman awake and shaking his whole body;till all at once down he came on the floor; 〃plump。〃 〃The old Chinamanis ing;〃 cried the little shepherdess in a fright; and down shefell on one knee。
〃I have thought of something;〃 said the chimney…sweep; 〃let us getinto the great pot…pourri jar which stands in the corner; there we canlie on rose…leaves and lavender; and throw salt in his eyes if hees near us。〃
〃No; that will never do;〃 said she; 〃because I know that theChinaman and the pot…pourri jar were lovers once; and there alwaysremains behind a feeling of good…will between those who have been sointimate as that。 No; there is nothing left for us but to go outinto the wide world。〃
〃Have you really courage enough to go out into the wide world withme?〃 said the chimney…sweep; 〃have you thought how large it is; andthat we can never e back here again?〃
〃Yes; I have;〃 she replied。
When the chimney…sweep saw that she was quite firm; he said; 〃Myway is through the stove and up the chimney。 Have you courage to creepwith me through the fire…box; and the iron pipe? When we get to thechimney I shall know how to manage very well。 We shall soon climbtoo high for any one to reach us; and we shall e through a holein the top out into the wide world。〃 So he led her to the door ofthe stove。
〃It looks very dark;〃 said she; still she went in with him throughthe stove and through the pipe; where it was as dark as pitch。
〃Now we are in the chimney;〃 said he; 〃and look; there is abeautiful star shining above it。〃 It was a real star shining down uponthem as if it would show them the way。 So they clambered; and crepton; and a frightful steep plac
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