〃Thank you;〃 said little Gerda; and then she went to the otherflowers; and looked into their little cups; and asked; 〃Do you knowwhere little Kay is?〃 But each flower; as it stood in the sunshine;dreamed only of its own little fairy tale of history。 Not one knewanything of Kay。 Gerda heard many stories from the flowers; as sheasked them one after another about him。
And what; said the tiger…lily? 〃Hark; do you hear the drum? …'turn; turn;'… there are only two notes; always; 'turn; turn。'Listen to the women's song of mourning! Hear the cry of the priest! Inher long red robe stands the Hindoo widow by the funeral pile。 Theflames rise around her as she places herself on the dead body of herhusband; but the Hindoo woman is thinking of the living one in thatcircle; of him; her son; who lighted those flames。 Those shiningeyes trouble her heart more painfully than the flames which willsoon consume her body to ashes。 Can the fire of the heart beextinguished in the flames of the funeral pile?〃
〃I don't understand that at all;〃 said little Gerda。
〃That is my story;〃 said the tiger…lily。
What; says the convolvulus? 〃Near yonder narrow road stands an oldknight's castle; thick ivy creeps over the old ruined walls; leaf overleaf; even to the balcony; in which stands a beautiful maiden。 Shebends over the balustrades; and looks up the road。 No rose on its stemis fresher than she; no apple…blossom; wafted by the wind; floats morelightly than she moves。 Her rich silk rustles as she bends over andexclaims; 'Will he not e?'
〃Is it Kay you mean?〃 asked Gerda。
〃I am only speaking of a story of my dream;〃 replied the flower。
What; said the little snow…drop? 〃Between two trees a rope ishanging; there is a piece of board upon it; it is a swing。 Twopretty little girls; in dresses white as snow; and with long greenribbons fluttering from their hats; are sitting upon it swinging。Their brother who is taller than they are; stands in the swing; he hasone arm round the rope; to steady himself; in one hand he holds alittle bowl; and in the other a clay pipe; he is blowing bubbles。 Asthe swing goes on; the bubbles fly upward; reflecting the mostbeautiful varying colors。 The last still hangs from the bowl of thepipe; and sways in the wind。 On goes the swing; and then a littleblack dog es running up。 He is almost as light as the bubble; andhe raises himself on his hind legs; and wants to be taken into theswing; but it does not stop; and the dog falls; then he barks and getsangry。 The children stoop towards him; and the bubble bursts。 Aswinging plank; a light sparkling foam picture;… that is my story。〃
〃It may be all very pretty what you are telling me;〃 said littleGerda; 〃but you speak so mournfully; and you do not mention little Kayat all。〃
What do the hyacinths say? 〃There were three beautiful sisters;fair and delicate。 The dress of one was red; of the second blue; andof the third pure white。 Hand in hand they danced in the brightmoonlight; by the calm lake; but they were human beings; not fairyelves。 The sweet fragrance attracted them; and they disappeared in thewood; here the fragrance became stronger。 Three coffins; in whichlay the three beautiful maidens; glided from the thickest part ofthe forest across the lake。 The fire…flies flew lightly over them;like little floating torches。 Do the dancing maidens sleep; or arethey dead? The scent of the flower says that they are corpses。 Theevening bell tolls their knell。〃
〃You make me quite sorrowful;〃 said little Gerda; 〃your perfume isso strong; you make me think of the dead maidens。 Ah! is little Kayreally dead then? The roses have been in the earth; and they say no。〃
〃Cling; clang;〃 tolled the hyacinth bells。 〃We are not tolling forlittle Kay; we do not know him。 We sing our song; the only one weknow。〃
Then Gerda went to the buttercups that were glittering amongst thebright green leaves。
〃You are little bright suns;〃 said Gerda; 〃tell me if you knowwhere I can find my play…fellow。〃
And the buttercups sparkled gayly; and looked again at Gerda。 Whatsong could the buttercups sing? It was not about Kay。
〃The bright warm sun shone on a little court; on the first warmday of spring。 His bright beams rested on the white walls of theneighboring house; and close by bloomed the first yellow flower of theseason; glittering like gold in the sun's warm ray。 An old woman satin her arm chair at the house door; and her granddaughter; a poorand pretty servant…maid came to see her for a short visit。 When shekissed her grandmother there was gold everywhere: the gold of theheart in that holy kiss; it was a golden morning; there was gold inthe beaming sunlight; gold in the leaves of the lowly flower; and onthe lips of the maiden。 There; that is my story;〃 said the buttercup。
〃My poor old grandmother!〃 sighed Gerda; 〃she is longing to seeme; and grieving for me as she did for little Kay; but I shall soon gohome now; and take little Kay with me。 It is no use asking theflowers; they know only their own songs; and can give me noinformation。〃
And then she tucked up her little dress; that she might runfaster; but the narcissus caught her by the leg as she was jumpingover it; so she stopped and looked at the tall yellow flower; andsaid; 〃Perhaps you may know something。〃
Then she stooped down quite close to the flower; and listened; andwhat did he say?
〃I can see myself; I can see myself;〃 said the narcissus。 〃Oh; howsweet is my perfume! Up in a little room with a bow window; stands alittle dancing girl; half undressed; she stands sometimes on oneleg; and sometimes on both; and looks as if she would tread thewhole world under her feet。 She is nothing but a delusion。 She ispouring water out of a tea…pot on a piece of stuff which she holdsin her hand; it is her bodice。 'Cleanliness is a good thing;' shesays。 Her white dress hangs on a peg; it has also been washed in thetea…pot; and dried on the roof。 She puts it on; and ties asaffron…colored handkerchief round her neck; which makes the dresslook whiter。 See how she stretches out her legs; as if she wereshowing off on a stem。 I can see myself; I can see myself。〃
〃What do I care for all that;〃 said Gerda; 〃you need not tell mesuch stuff。〃 And then she ran to the other end of the garden。 The doorwas fastened; but she pressed against the rusty latch; and it gaveway。 The door sprang open; and little Gerda ran out with bare feetinto the wide world。 She looked back three times; but no one seemed tobe following her。 At last she could run no longer; so she sat downto rest on a great stone; and when she looked round she saw that thesummer was over; and autumn very far advanced。 She had known nothingof this in the beautiful garden; where the sun shone and the flowersgrew all the year round。
〃Oh; how I have wasted my time?〃 said little Gerda; 〃it is autumn。I must not rest any longer;〃 and she rose up to go on。 But herlittle feet were wounded and sore; and everything around her looked socold and bleak。 The long willow…leaves were quite yellow。 Thedew…drops fell like water; leaf after leaf dropped from the trees; thesloe…thorn alone still bore fruit; but the sloes were sour; and setthe teeth on edge。 Oh; how dark and weary the whole world appeared
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