them extended for several miles; they wereall lighted up by the vivid light of the aurora; and they were solarge and empty; so icy cold and glittering! There were noamusements here; not even a little bear's ball; when the storm mighthave been the music; and the bears could have danced on their hindlegs; and shown their good manners。 There were no pleasant games ofsnap…dragon; or touch; or even a gossip over the tea…table; for theyoung…lady foxes。 Empty; vast; and cold were the halls of the SnowQueen。 The flickering flame of the northern lights could be plainlyseen; whether they rose high or low in the heavens; from every part ofthe castle。 In the midst of its empty; endless hall of snow was afrozen lake; broken on its surface into a thousand forms; each pieceresembled another; from being in itself perfect as a work of art;and in the centre of this lake sat the Snow Queen; when she was athome。 She called the lake 〃The Mirror of Reason;〃 and said that it wasthe best; and indeed the only one in the world。
Little Kay was quite blue with cold; indeed almost black; but hedid not feel it; for the Snow Queen had kissed away the icyshiverings; and his heart was already a lump of ice。 He dragged somesharp; flat pieces of ice to and fro; and placed them together inall kinds of positions; as if he wished to make something out of them;just as we try to form various figures with little tablets of woodwhich we call 〃a Chinese puzzle。〃 Kay's fingers were very artistic; itwas the icy game of reason at which he played; and in his eyes thefigures were very remarkable; and of the highest importance; thisopinion was owing to the piece of glass still sticking in his eye。He posed many plete figures; forming different words; butthere was one word he never could manage to form; although he wishedit very much。 It was the word 〃Eternity。〃 The Snow Queen had said tohim; 〃When you can find out this; you shall be your own master; andI will give you the whole world and a new pair of skates。〃 But hecould not acplish it。
〃Now I must hasten away to warmer countries;〃 said the Snow Queen。〃I will go and look into the black craters of the tops of theburning mountains; Etna and Vesuvius; as they are called;… I shallmake them look white; which will be good for them; and for thelemons and the grapes。〃 And away flew the Snow Queen; leaving littleKay quite alone in the great hall which was so many miles in length;so he sat and looked at his pieces of ice; and was thinking so deeply;and sat so still; that any one might have supposed he was frozen。
Just at this moment it happened that little Gerda came through thegreat door of the castle。 Cutting winds were raging around her; butshe offered up a prayer and the winds sank down as if they weregoing to sleep; and she went on till she came to the large empty hall;and caught sight of Kay; she knew him directly; she flew to him andthrew her arms round his neck; and held him fast; while she exclaimed;〃Kay; dear little Kay; I have found you at last。〃
But he sat quite still; stiff and cold。
Then little Gerda wept hot tears; which fell on his breast; andperated into his heart; and thawed the lump of ice; and washed awaythe little piece of glass which had stuck there。 Then he looked ather; and she sang…
〃Roses bloom and cease to be;
But we shall the Christ…child see。〃
Then Kay burst into tears; and he wept so that the splinter ofglass swam out of his eye。 Then he recognized Gerda; and said;joyfully; 〃Gerda; dear little Gerda; where have you been all thistime; and where have I been?〃 And he looked all around him; andsaid; 〃How cold it is; and how large and empty it all looks;〃 and heclung to Gerda; and she laughed and wept for joy。 It was so pleasingto see them that the pieces of ice even danced about; and when theywere tired and went to lie down; they formed themselves into theletters of the word which the Snow Queen had said he must find outbefore he could be his own master; and have the whole world and a pairof new skates。 Then Gerda kissed his cheeks; and they became blooming;and she kissed his eyes; and they shone like her own; she kissed hishands and his feet; and then he became quite healthy and cheerful。 TheSnow Queen might e home now when she pleased; for there stood hiscertainty of freedom; in the word she wanted; written in shiningletters of ice。
Then they took each other by the hand; and went forth from thegreat palace of ice。 They spoke of the grandmother; and of the roseson the roof; and as they went on the winds were at rest; and the sunburst forth。 When they arrived at the bush with red berries; therestood the reindeer waiting for them; and he had brought anotheryoung reindeer with him; whose udders were full; and the childrendrank her warm milk and kissed her on the mouth。 Then they carried Kayand Gerda first to the Finland woman; where they warmed themselvesthoroughly in the hot room; and she gave them directions about theirjourney home。 Next they went to the Lapland woman; who had made somenew clothes for them; and put their sleighs in order。 Both thereindeer ran by their side; and followed them as far as the boundariesof the country; where the first green leaves were budding。 And herethey took leave of the two reindeer and the Lapland woman; and allsaid… Farewell。 Then the birds began to twitter; and the forest toowas full of green young leaves; and out of it came a beautifulhorse; which Gerda remembered; for it was one which had drawn thegolden coach。 A young girl was riding upon it; with a shining redcap on her head; and pistols in her belt。 It was the littlerobber…maiden; who had got tired of staying at home; she was goingfirst to the north; and if that did not suit her; she meant to trysome other part of the world。 She knew Gerda directly; and Gerdaremembered her: it was a joyful meeting。
〃You are a fine fellow to go gadding about in this way;〃 saidshe to little Kay; 〃I should like to know whether you deserve that anyone should go to the end of the world to find you。〃
But Gerda patted her cheeks; and asked after the prince andprincess。
〃They are gone to foreign countries;〃 said the robber…girl。
〃And the crow?〃 asked Gerda。
〃Oh; the crow is dead;〃 she replied; 〃his tame sweetheart is now awidow; and wears a bit of black worsted round her leg。 She mourns verypitifully; but it is all stuff。 But now tell me how you managed to gethim back。〃
Then Gerda and Kay told her all about it。
〃Snip; snap; snare! it's all right at last;〃 said the robber…girl。
Then she took both their hands; and promised that if ever sheshould pass through the town; she would call and pay them a visit。 Andthen she rode away into the wide world。 But Gerda and Kay wenthand…in…hand towards home; and as they advanced; spring appearedmore lovely with its green verdure and its beautiful flowers。 Verysoon they recognized the large town where they lived; and the tallsteeples of the churches; in which the sweet bells were ringing amerry peal as they entered it; and found their way to theirgrandmother's door。 They went upstairs into the little room; where alllooked just as it used to do。 The old clock was going 〃tick; tick;〃and the hands pointed to the time of day; but as they passed throughthe door int